
How to strenghthen nervous system

One of the most complex systems responsible for governing the human body is the Nervous System. The Nervous system is a network of cells called neurons that transmit signals to all parts of the body. It regulates the interaction between the external world and the internal system, as well as coordinates between the trillions of cells within our body. As per Ayurveda, the main dosha that controls the nervous system is the vatha dosha. Saying this does not undermine the importance of the other doshas, as they interact with each other and are interdependent. For example, when we eat, the vatha dosha is responsible for the movement of the food to the digestive tract, the kapha dosha lubricates it and the pitha dosha aids digestion.

However, vatha is considered to be of prime importance with regard to the nervous system. The vatha dosha represents movement, and is identified with the prana vayu (one of the five types of vatha that resides in the head and governs reasoning, learning, creativity, reception of information, interpretation of and reaction to signals, consciousness). One of the prime indications of vatha imbalance for sensitive people is anxiety. Anxiety can arrest our creativity and attention significantly. Unresolved anxiety can convert into chronic debilitating stress. Vatha needs a balance between stability and movement to be effective. All Ayurvedic treatments mainly aim at restoring and stabilizing the balance of the vatha dosha (unless the condition is governed by a different dosha). This enables an individual let go of anxiety, opening the door to more creativity and calmness.
Regular practice of dantha dhavana, mukha prakashalana, gandoosha, abhyanga, vyayam, pratimarsha nasyam, dhoomapanam, nidra etc are treatments that are very effective in treating nervous system disorders. Panchakarma also plays an important role in restoring health and vitality. Shirotharpana, nasyam, shirodhara, shiropichu, etc. are highly useful in treating depression, hair loss, headache, migraine and other ENT diseases.
According to Ayurveda -‘Dosha Dhathu mala moolam hi sareerem’ - i.e. the essentials that make up the human body are the doshas (body humors), dhatus (tissues) and malas (waste). Our improper choices made regarding lifestyle and food habits, cause imbalance in the dosha, dhatu and mala, thus causing all problems. To maintain the dosha in their proper manner, one should follow regulated lifestyle and food habits. Also, undertaking cleansing therapies often helps the body get rid of the toxins that tend to accumulate in the body owing to various internal and external factors. This, combined with yoga and meditation, help restore peace and calm to the mind and body. A complex network of sensory nerves, the nervous system is one of the crucial parts of the human body. It is responsible for reacting to both, internal and external stimuli through a number of physical actions and for carrying out many vital bodily functions as well. These typically include, taking care of digestion, beating of the heart, responding to pain, regulating breathing, emotions, body temperature, maintaining body’s posture and even strengthening the body to survive the day-to-day pressure and enjoy a better quality of life.
Typically quoting, the central nervous system is able to perform such essential functions with the help of nerves and cells that carry messages from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body and vice versa. When the activities of these nerves and cells are disrupted, the central nervous system fails to perform its basic functions. To avoid suffering from any CNS diseases and conditions, it is essential that you adopt smart ways to keep it healthy and in shape.
Steps to keep your central nervous system healthy
These are the Following Symptoms of Nerve Weakness:
Sensory Symptoms:
Tingling sensation
Prickling, and numbness
diminished eyesight
Temporary loss of smell
loss of hearing
loss of taste and touch
Motor Symptoms:
poor coordination
muscle wasting
muscle weakness
What to do to strenthen nervous system 
Step 1: Exercise on a daily basis
Exercising doesn’t really mean that you need to get out and start running. It simply means to pick up a crossword puzzle and put your brain to work for the next 10 minutes. This smartly activates your nervous system and makes it perform essential functions. Neurologists suggest that taking up such activities actuates the nerve receptors to respond to even the slightest of actions and aids in fighting conditions like paralysis, stroke, memory loess, etc. It further helps in adding flexibility, resilience and sharpens ones memory.
Step 2: Get plenty of sleep
Sleep plays a vital role in enhancing your mental health, physical health, and safety. If you do not take a proper sleep, i.e. a minimum of eight hours of sleep, you might develop some chronic conditions which may affect the way you think, react, learn, and converse with others. Sleep helps the central nervous system work properly. Moreover, a regular sleep schedule aids in learning and remembering information much more easy and convenient. Sleep disorders can put you at a risk of developing diabetes, heart failure, high blood pressure, cholesterol trouble, etc.
Step 3: Expose your body to sunlight
Studies have shown us that sun reduces the risk of suffering a broad range of health conditions. It is one of the best ways of fortifying the health of the central nervous system. Exposing yourself to the sunlight every morning for about 10 minutes is enough to boost your body’s nervous system, and at the same time, obtain enough vitamin D.
Step 4: Add meditation in your daily routine
Meditating is a smart way of calming and soothing your nerves. Nerves are responsible for the functioning of voluntary conscious responses and involuntary responses. Meditation help regulate your heart rate, blood pressure levels, breathing rate and calming all other sympathetic nerves.
Step 5: Walk barefoot
In modern day living, we have forgotten the most beneficial thing that can help the body connect with the earth. Strolling barefoot is the most significant instinct for mankind. This can aid nervous system and improve your health as well as physiology. Walking barefoot can further help in improving your sleep and strengthening your immune system. Some of the other benefits are:
Reduce pain and inflammation
Reduce the risk of heart disease
Normalize biological rhythms
Increase your senses
Improves overall posture
Influence the brain
Lessen the severity of menstrual cramps
Step 6: Drink green tea
Having a cup of Green Tea at least once a day, is a great way of maintaining the heart of your nervous system. Rich in amino acid, Green Tea helps with serotonin levels. Besides, caffeine in green tea aids in increasing concentration, thinking ability and focusing. It is also a great way of treating insomnia, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.
Step 7: Food you eat matters
Eating a healthy diet not only aids in maintaining a proper weight and steering away a plethora of lifestyle diseases in check, but also in keeping the central nervous system in check. Foods like chia seeds, salmon, cauliflower, sardines, sprouts and canola oil are known to improve nerve transmissions. Adding them in your diet is an ideal option. Chocolates, almonds and brown rice are also highly recommended. Some other food that play a key role in strengthening your nervous system are beans, potatoes, banana, eggs and beef liver.
Additional tips:
Drink plenty of water as dehydration is not good for the nervous system
Put your body to exercise in order to maintain good nerve activities and function
Excess consumption of alcohol and smoking are harmful for the nervous system
Get your blood pressure checked regularly
Learn new ways to increase your attention
Make certain you intake adequate amount of healthy fats
Keep your weight in check and reduce in case you’re obese
Use prescribed medicines
Taking up some healthy breathing exercise is also beneficial in maintaining the health of the nervous system.
Protect yourself from traumatic situations
Get plenty of sleep every day
Eat small meals at regular intervals
Consume adaptogenic herbs
Decrease the intake of caffeine rich drinks
Your nervous system demands and deserves as much attention as other parts of the human body. By adhering to these above mentioned step, you can easily maintain a healthy nervous system and even steer away from a plethora of lifestyle as well as chronic diseases


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