Showing posts with label Health benefits of fennel seeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health benefits of fennel seeds. Show all posts


Health benefits of fennel seeds

The health benefits of fennel include relief from anemia, indigestion, flatulence, constipation, colic,diarrhea, respiratory disorders, menstrual disorders, and its benefits regarding eye care. Fennel, which has the scientific name Foeniculum Vulgare Miller, or its essence, is widely used around the world in mouth fresheners, toothpastes, desserts, antacids and in various culinary applications.
India is the largest exporter of fennel seeds, widely known as saunf. A common practice in most Indian households is to have few fennel seeds or saunf at the end of every meal. This practice you might think is to freshen the mouth, but think again. A concentrated source of minerals like Copper, Potassium, Calcium, Zinc, Manganese , Vitamin C, Iron, Selenium and Magnesium, the age old practice does much more than simply beat bad breath. Here are some 9 great fennel seed benefits:
Fennel is used for various digestive problems including heartburn, intestinal gas,bloating, loss of appetite, and colic in infants. It is also used for upper respiratory tract infections, coughs, bronchitis, cholera, backache, bedwetting, and visual problems.
*In herbal medicine fennel seeds are recognized as a powerful carminative – a herb that assists in expelling gas from your intestinal tract.Fennel is highly prized for its licorice-like flavor and the myriad of health benefits it provides, and has been used in natural remedies since ancient times. Originally cultivated in the Mediterranean, fennel remains especially prevalent in Greek and Italian cuisine - though its influence has spread globally over the years.
*Fennel has been used as a flavoring agent, a scent, and an insect repellent, as well as an herbal remedy for poisoning and stomach conditions. It has also been used as a stimulant to promote milk flow in breast-feeding and to induce menstruation. However, clinical evidence to support the use of fennel for any indication is lacking.
*Some women use fennel for increasing the flow of breast milk, promoting menstruation, easing the birthing process, and increasing sex drive.
*In India, dried fennel seeds are incredibly popular as an aid to digestion and have been used for this purpose for thousands of years. A small amount of the seeds are routinely chewed after a meal, both to freshen the breath and to stimulate digestion.
*Modern scientific studies on the properties of fennel seeds are showing that their rich volatile oil content is primarily responsible for these digestive benefits and ability to clear intestinal gas so effectively. Compounds like anethole, fenchone and estragole appear to have anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties that relax contracted intestinal muscles and allow trapped gas to dissipate.
Fennel symbolizes longevity, courage, and strength. In addition to its use as medicinal values, fennel has many health benefiting nutrients, essential compounds, anti-oxidants, dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

. Strength

Fennel is a symbol of strength and longevity. It was also believed by ancient Greeks to increase one’s courage.

Helps Regulate Blood Pressure - A study published in the Journal of Food Science, found that chewing on fennel seeds helped increased the nitrite content in saliva, making it a great natural way to keep a check on blood pressure levels. Apart from this, fennel seeds are also a very rich source of potassium and since potassium is an essential component of cells and body fluids, it helps control your heart rate and blood pressure

Beats Bad Breath

Munching on a few fennel seeds will sweeten and refresh your breath after a meal and especially get rid of bad breath after an odorous meal.

Its antimicrobial properties fight the germs that cause bad breath. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties also soothe sore gums. In addition to chewing on a fennel seeds, you can swish lukewarm fennel tea in your mouth and gargle with it to reduce bad breath.

Reduce Water Retention - 

Drinking fennel tea, regularly helps flush out excess fluids as it works as a diuretic. In addition, fennel seed helps remove toxins and reduces the risk of urinary tract problems. It also has diaphoretic properties that stimulate perspiratio
Fennel powder is used as a poultice for snakebites.
Anemia: Iron and histidine, an amino acid found in fennel, are both helpful in treatment of anemia. Whereas iron is the chief constituent of hemoglobin, histidine stimulates production of hemoglobin and also helps in the formation of various other components of the blood.

Dietary Fiber

Fennel seeds contain a good amount of dietary fiber that is essential for the body. The fiber content helps improve digestion in the body, by facilitating timely breaking down of food molecules that make energy reactions possible.

Bone health

The iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc and vitamin K content present in fennel all contribute to building and maintaining bone structure and strength. Though phosphate and calcium are both important in bone structure, the careful balance of the two minerals is necessary for proper bone mineralization - consumption of too much phosphorus with too little calcium intake can result in bone loss.

*Iron and zinc play crucial roles in the production and maturation of collagen.
Bone matrix formation requires the mineral manganese, and iron and zinc play important roles in the production and maturation of collagen.
Low intakes of vitamin K have been associated with a higher risk for bone fracture. Adequate vitamin K consumption is important for good health as it acts as a modifier of bone matrix proteins, improves calcium absorption and may reduce urinary excretion of calcium
Aids Digestion
Fennel is highly beneficial in relieving digestive problems such as indigestion, bloating, flatulence, constipation, colic, intestinal gas, heartburn, and even irritable bowel.
This herb stimulates digestion and has carminative effects that soothe the digestive tract and prevent the formation of gas. Moreover, it can help rebuild the digestive system after radiation or 
chemotherapy treatments.
*Simply chewing a teaspoon of fennel seeds after meals aids digestion and relieves stomach pains and bloating. When suffering from indigestion, you can drink fennel tea or take one-half teaspoon of
fennel seed powder along with water two times a day.

Heart health

Fennel's fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin B-6 and phytonutrient content, coupled with its lack of cholesterol, all support heart health.
Fennel contains significant amounts of fiber, which helps lower the total amount of cholesterol in the blood, thereby decreasing the risk of heart disease.In one study, those who consumed 4,069 mg of potassium per day had a 49% lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease compared to those who consumed less potassium (about 1,000 mg per day).4
Vitamin B-6 and folate prevent the buildup of a compound known as homocysteine. When excessive amounts of homocysteine accumulate in the body, it can damage blood vessels and lead to heart problems.
What is the recommended dosage?
Fennel seed and fennel seed oil have been used as stimulant and carminative agents in doses of 5 to 7 g and 0.1 to 0.6 mL, respectively.
    Fennel Tea for Constipation, Indigestion, IBS & Bloating - 

    The tea is considered very useful to help indigestion, bloating and constipation because of the oils found in these seeds. Fennel seeds contain estragole, fenchone and anethole, which contribute to the plant's antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. For those with IBS, the volatile oils found in fennel seeds can help kick start digestion by promoting the production of gastric enzymes. For its multitude of gastrointestinal benefits, fennel tea is sure to help the digestive tract be healthy and happy.


    The raw vegetable itself hasn’t been extensively studied in regards to cancer protection, but the fennel seed extract has, and the findings regarding cancer protection are quite impressive. It shows that the extract can not only inhibit the growth of tumors, thanks to its concentrations of flavonoids, alkaloids, and phenols, but that it can even be somewhat chemo-protective against the harmful effects of radiation during cancer treatment. Fennel seed extract has been found to be preventative of various breast cancer and liver cancer strains.The carcinogenic diseases should be treated at the right stage so that their effect can be curbed or eliminated in the future. This is made possible by the anti-oxidant capabilities of the fennel seeds

    Neurological Diseases

    Another effect of prevention of free radical reactions by fennel seeds – Neurological diseases are helpfully kept at bay.

    Red Blood Cells

    Production of Red Blood Cells is enhanced by the consumption of Fennel Seeds. Copper, which is required by the body for the production of red blood cells, is present in these seeds.

    Reduces Obesity

    Fennel is excellent for combating obesity as it suppresses the appetite and creates a feeling of fullness. Fresh fennel works as a natural fat buster by boosting the metabolism and breaking down fats. Plus, being a diuretic, fennel helps reduce water retention, which is a common cause of temporary weight gain.
    One simple way to facilitate weight loss with this herb is to dry roast, grind and sieve fennel seeds and consume one-half teaspoon of the powder with warm water twice daily.

    Relieves Menstrual Problems
      Many factors, including stress and poor diet, can interrupt a woman’s regular menstrual cycle. Fennel seeds have emmenagogue properties that promote and regulate menstrual flow. The herb also has phytoestrogens that help with issues like premenstrual syndrome, menopausal disorders, and breast enlargement.
      A 2012 study conducted by researchers from Babol University of Medical Sciences and Health Services in Iran also indicates that fennel can help reduce symptoms of dysmenorrheal or painful menstruation.
      *Apart from menstrual benefits, fennel is traditionally used as a galactagogue to promote lactation in nursing mothers. It also works as an aphrodisiac to increase libido in both men and women.
      Brain Function: Potassium, found in high levels in fennel bulbs and seeds, is an electrolyte, which means that it facilitates increased electrical conduction throughout the body. This includes connections within the brain, which is a veritable switchboard of electric currents. Potassium can help increase brain function and cognitive abilities through this quality. Also, fennel is a vasodilator, which means more oxygen reaches the brain and neural activity can work at optimal functionality.
      Growth And Development
      The growth and development of the body are geared up. Zinc, found in the fennel seeds, promo

      Eye Health

      tes regular growth and development.
      Fennel contains several essential nutrients, which helps to improve vision. The antioxidants and amino acids in fennel juice rejuvenate the eyes, preventing macular degeneration. Fennel juice, when applied to the eye, can reduce eye irritations and fatigue. The flavonoids present in fennel juice are very useful in preventing oxidative stress, which helps to prevent macular degeneration.