Showing posts with label Acute Homeopathic Remedies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acute Homeopathic Remedies. Show all posts


Acute Homeopathic Remedies

What exactly is Homeopathy? Homeopathy is a scientific system of medicine based on the discovery that a highly diluted medicinal substance can cure the same problem it can cause by varying the dosage of that substance. Each remedy undergoes a proving process that demonstrates that a herb, mineral or animal product given to a healthy person in a suitable dose will eventually cause that person to experience symptoms of a particular problem. There are two Levels of Care in Homeopathy. Acute Disease refers to trauma, poisonings, or infections. All other disease is considered chronic disease. Acute disease is considered more superficial, so you can change remedies and dosages as rapidly as needed. Chronic Disease has long-standing symptoms which may have been suppressed with conventional medications. In these cases a qualified experienced homeopath is needed to identify a constitutional remedy. Providing Acute Care: Where do you start? Acute Problems can include: Trauma, Infections, Poisons, Emergencies and Surgery. Everything else is considered chronic. Principles for
Emergency/Acute Prescribing
• Use common/routine remedies for acute problems unless symptoms indicate otherwise.
• Repeat remedies as frequently as needed based on response.
• Change or increase the potency of remedies freely as indicated, 10 to 15 minutes if there is no response.
• Remedies can be used in conjunction with conventional medications if necessary.
• Usually start with lower potencies but can use any available potency. Situations of greater acuity often respond best to higher potencies.
Acute Dosing • 30c most common potency, start with it unless it is a serious emergency (Rationale: If start with a high potency, cannot increase if needed) • Redose in 10 to 15 minutes if no response • If still no response in 10 to 15 minutes, redose with 200c • If an acute emergency, can use 1M especially with arnica.
• May place several pellets under the tongue to dissolve (dry dosing) or dissolve pellets in half a glass of water and stir vigorously before every teaspoon dose. Give as needed depending on symptoms and decrease dosing as improvement begins. Common Remedies for a First Aid Kit
• Aconite (Monkshood) psychic shock, unfounded fears, symptoms may occur after great fears, stress, chills, accidents or sudden & dramatic changes in weather.
• Allium cepa (Onion) common cold, hay fever, watery discharge from eyes and nose. • Apis mellifica (Bee venom) tissues are edematous, red, hot and painful from insect bites, allergies.
• Arnica (Mountain Daisy) any trauma bruises, strains, sprains, fractures, lacerations, eye and head injuries, surgeries (Caveat: Directions state not to use arnica gel or cream on any broken skin)
• Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade) sudden high fever, redness pain, thirstlessness, dilated pupils and panting, heatstroke, bright red, painful ears in children who wake up in pain, migraine headaches with extreme sensitivity to light & noise, red eruptions on the skin with high fevers.
• Calendula (Marigold Flower) wounds and cuts, infections-tinctures, washes, ointments and creams to prevent and treat infections.
• Cantharis (Blister beetle) primarily for first and second degree blistered burns but also indicated in cystitis with burning and urging to urinate.
• Carbo vegetabilis (Vegetable carbon) bloating & conditions of trapped gas in the intestinal tract, colic, volvulus, gastric torsions and distensions; collapse near death with pale and/or blue mucous membranes. (Corpse Revival Remedy)
• Hypericum (St. John’s Wort) trauma to highly enervated tissues crushed fingers & toes, spinal injuries, nerve injuries of any kind, dental work, orthodontic adjustments; deep puncture wounds such as nail punctures or injection site reactions.
• Ledum (Marsh Tea) puncture wounds including bite wounds, cactus spines, injections, insect stings especially when affected part is cold & made better by cold applications.
• Millefolium (Yarrow) indicated in cases of profuse hemorrhage of bright red blood • Rhus Tox (Poison Ivy or Poison Oak) skin symptoms, osteoarthritis, strains and sprains in the joints, better with movement and worse for rest, flu symptoms
• Ruta Grav (Rue)-strains, sprains and bruising of the ligaments and tendons which is worse with movement
• Silicea (Silica) for resolving abscesses. The abscesses of Silicea are slow to suppurate. Silicea will either force the abscess to drain or be absorbed. Will eventually force the expulsion of foreign bodies, splinters, etc.
• Symphytum (Comfrey Root) Broken bones both acutely and in fractured delayed union fractures to speed healing, also indicated for bone pain post healing and blunt trauma to the eye during healing.(Do not use with broken bones until in alignment and stabilized)
FLU REMEDIES • Oscillococcinum (Duck Liver) Often first choice for flu and respiratory symptoms; available at drugstores, grocery stores, health food stores; Do not need to take entire vial as stated on the box, 7-8 pellets under the tongue will do; take at very first symptoms and continue every 4 to 6 hours.

• Arsenicum Alba (Arsenic) Covers more phases of flu than any other remedy and will decrease symptoms especially with copious nasal flow and prostration. Suited for the early symptoms when the affection is in the upper portion of the respiratory tract. Burning dryness & copious watery excoriating secretion & involvement of the conjunctiva are also indications.
• Bryonia (White Bryony) Consider when symptoms are worse from motion of any kind; Tends toward dryness of the mucous membranes with great thirst for large quantities of cold fluids. Tends to be irritable and prefers to be left alone.
• Eupatorium Perfoliatum (Boneset) Deep aching, often felt in the bones. May feel as if their bones are broken. Eyes can also be quite sore. Frequently have a chill between 7:00 AM & 9:00 AM
• Gelsemium (Yellow Jessamine) Indicated at the beginning of symptoms, weak, tired & aches throughout the body, headache back of head, stiffness in neck, symptoms worse with movement, constant chilliness, heat & cold may alternate. One of the most commonly used flu remedies.
• Rhus toxicodendron (Poison ivy or poison oak) muscle aches and stiffness with great restlessness - always moving in an attempt to get comfortable. May improve with movement for a short time-then become achy and restless again. Often feel worse in cold and damp air and relieved by heat.