The pressure exerted by blood upon the blood vessel wall while it flows through it (especially the arteries) is known as blood pressure. A blood pressure reading less than or equal to 120/80 mm Hg is considered as the normal blood pressure range.
Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure can be divided into three grades. A blood pressure reading varying between systolic (120-139 mmHg) or diastolic (80-89 mmHg) points towards the prehypertensive stage. A reading of systolic (140-159 mmHg) or diastolic (90-99 mmHg) is Grade 1 hypertension. Grade 2 hypertension refers to a reading of systolic (160-179 mmHg) or diastolic (100-109 mmHg). Grade 3 hypertension is equal to or more than 180/110 mmHg. Homeopathic remedies for high blood pressure works to naturally moderate the body’s functioning.
Homeopathic Remedies for High Blood Pressure The homeopathic system carries a good scope in managing high blood pressure. Homeopathic medicines work particularly well for those who have recently been diagnosed with hypertension and have not yet become dependent on any other medication for it. People with chronic high blood pressure and those who are using allopathic medicines for a long time can also use homeopathic medicines. Initially, it is advisable to continue allopathic medication along with homeopathic medicines, and slowly transition into homeopathy for holistic treatment. Homeopathic medicines to treat high blood pressure are made of natural substances and can be used by people of all age groups without any side effects. For best results, proper lifestyle measures should be adopted along with homeopathic treatment for high blood pressure.
Aconitum Napellus – For High Blood Pressure with Anxiety Aconitum Napellus is a medicine for high blood pressure along with anxiety and restlessness. The affected person often experiences a sudden fear of death. Other accompanying symptoms include palpitations, a pressure in the left side of the chest, sensation of weight under the breastbone and oppression of the chest. Pain in the heart extending to the left shoulder is also present.
Allium Sativum – For High Blood Pressure with High Cholesterol Allium Sativum is a medicine for high blood pressure with high cholesterol levels. This medicine helps in reducing cholesterol levels as well as lowering the blood pressure. Other symptoms include a pain in the chest that prevents sleep and leads to palpitations.
Crataegus Oxyacantha – To Dissolve Calcareous Deposits Crataegus Oxyacantha is a medicine used to help lower the blood pressure by dissolving the calcareous deposits in the arteries. Symptoms indicative of this medicine include pain in the region of the heart, oppression of chest, accelerated pulse and irregular pulse. Other symptoms include anxiety and cardiac dyspnea.
Amylenum Nitrosum – For High Blood Pressure with Constricted Sensation Amylenum Nitrosum is a medicine for high blood pressure when constricted sensation around the heart is the main symptom. Along with constriction, aching in the heart is also present. A sensation of swelling in the chest, fluttering in the heart and intensified beating of the heart are the other symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.
Lachesis – For High Blood Pressure During Menopause Lachesis is perhaps one of the most leading homeopathic remedies in controlling high levels of blood pressure. Lachesis may be given when there is marked restlessness physically as well as mentally. Another striking feature for prescribing Lachesis is that, anything tight around the neck like closed collars, neck ties or tight necklaces are unbearable. Even tight clothes are unbearable. Feel better by loosening the belts or by wearing loose clothes. Lachesis may be given in high blood pressure in women who are in their menopausal age or post menopause.
Kali Phos – HFor High Blood Pressure with Stress Kali Phos for high blood pressure is used when stress and worry are the main cause of high blood pressure. The symptoms include palpitations from slight motion, shortness of breath, and irregular pulse, along with both mental and physical fatigue.
Baryta Mur – For High Systolic/Low Diastolic Baryta Mur is a medicine for high blood pressure with high systolic reading and a low diastolic reading. The arteriosclerotic (abnormal thickening and hardening of artery walls) changes in the arteries are the main symptom, along with vertigo, irregular heartbeats and a heated sensation in the upper part of the chest.
Natrum Mur – For Those with Salty Tooth Natrum Mur is one of the most indicated remedies in cases of high blood pressure which occur due to a prolonged intake of high levels of salty things. Due to this, there may be swelling of the feet in the mornings. Natrum Mur may be given in cases where there is an unusual fatigue specially in the mornings. Though there is a restriction for excess salt intake, it is seen that there is an unusual craving for salty things like pickles, papads etc. There may be a sense of tightness around the chest region and palpitations on slightest exertion. Natrum Mur may be given inn high blood pressure associated with hyperthyroidism and goiter. There is extreme sensitiveness to any external stimuli like sounds, smells or lights. Natrum Mur may also relieve the headaches due to high blood pressure.
Glonoinum – For High Blood Pressure with Headaches Glonoinum is a medicine for high blood pressure accompanied by headaches. The headache feels intense, congestive, throbbing, and bursting in nature. Other symptoms include strong palpitations, dyspnoea, heat in the face and cardiac pains radiating to other parts. Exertion leading to rush of blood to the heart and fainting spells is another feature that indicates the need for this remedy. Glonoinum is also indicated for nephritis (kidney inflammation) with high blood pressure.
Nux Vomica – For High Blood Pressure in Young People Nux Vomica for high blood pressure is useful medicine for young people who adopt sedentary modern lifestyle habits. These lifestyle habits include smoking, alcohol consumption, sedentary routine, a lack of exercise, etc. These factors predispose a person towards blood pressure.
Tabacum Nicotiana – For High Blood Pressure in Tobacco Users Tabacum Nicotiana is a medicine for high blood pressure used in cases where the person has a habit of taking tobacco. Symptoms include palpitations (especially while lying on the left side), oppression in the chest and a rapid pulse. Other symptoms include pain between shoulders, inability to take a deep breath and twisting sensation around the heart.
Strophanthus Hispidus –High Blood Pressure due to Arteriosclerosis Strophanthus Hispidus is a medicine for high blood pressure in elderly due to arteriosclerosis (hardening, thickening, and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls). Strong palpitations that get worse upon emotional release and exercise are noted. The symptoms include constriction behind breastbone, difficult breathing, alternating rapid and slow pulse.
How Homeopathy helps to cure Hypotension?
Homeopathy cannot just give symptomatic relief in cases of hypotension but can also address many root causes of low blood pressure like Bradychardia, Tachycardia, Pericarditis, Shock, Septicemia, Vasovagal attack, inflammation etc. Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc.
Commonly indicated Homeopathic remedies:
Ars.alb: Great exhaustion after slightest exertion. Irritable weakness. Sleep disturbed. Anxious restless. Gradual loss of weight from impaired nutrition. Anaemia and chlorosis.Great prostration with rapid sinking of vitalforces.Rapid emaciation with cold sweat and great debility.
China officinalis: Debility from exhausting, discharges, from loss of vital fluids.Irregular with weak rapid heartbeats. Great debility, trembling with numb sensation in lowelimbs.Aversion to exercise, worse from slightest touch, relieved by hard pressure. Entire nervous system extremely sensitive. Face pale, sallow, sunken eyes with dark rings around the eyes. Suffocative attacks, anaemia with dropsy.
Veratrum album: Cold sweat on forehead, sensation of lump of ice on vertex, icy coldness of tip of nose, extreme coldness and weakness. Pale face, rapid and feeble pulse. Vomiting, purging and cramps in extremities. Rapid sinking of vital forces, complete prostration and collapse. Attacks of fainting from from least exertion.
Other indicated remedies: Ferrum.met, Pulsatilla, Baryta.carb, Gelsemium, Sepia, Phosphorus etc.
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