In India, oral cancer accounts for one-third of all cancers. Early detection and immediate intervention can lead to marked reduction in the morbidity and mortality. In India, Ayurveda and homeopathy practitioners are distributed widely in rural and urban areas and are easily accessible. Until date, no assessment on their oral cancer knowledge and practice has been done.
Tongue cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the cells of the tongue, and can cause lesions or tumors on your tongue.
Tongue cancer can occur on the front of the tongue, which is called “oral tongue cancer.” Or it may occur at the base of the tongue, near where it attaches to the bottom of your mouth. This is called “oropharyngeal cancer.”
Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type of tongue cancer. This type of cancer occurs:
· on the surface of the skin
· in the lining of the mouth, nose, larynx, thyroid, and throat
· in the lining of the respiratory and digestive tracts
All of these parts of the body are covered in squamous cells.
Tongue cancer is also more common in older men than in women or younger people. Oral cancers are most common in people over 55 years old.
Tongue cancer can occur on the front of the tongue, which is called “oral tongue cancer.” Or it may occur at the base of the tongue, near where it attaches to the bottom of your mouth. This is called “oropharyngeal cancer.”
Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type of tongue cancer. This type of cancer occurs:
· on the surface of the skin
· in the lining of the mouth, nose, larynx, thyroid, and throat
· in the lining of the respiratory and digestive tracts
All of these parts of the body are covered in squamous cells.
Tongue cancer is also more common in older men than in women or younger people. Oral cancers are most common in people over 55 years old.
Stages and grades
Tongue cancer is classified using stages and grades. The stage indicates how far the cancer has spread. Each stage has three potential classifications:
· T refers to the size of the tumor. A small tumor is T1 and a large tumor is T4.
· N refers to whether or not the cancer has spread to neck lymph nodes. N0 means the cancer has not spread, while N3 means that it has spread to many lymph nodes.
· M refers to whether or not there are metastases (additional growths) in other body parts.
The grade of the cancer refers to how aggressive it is and how likely it is to spread. Tongue cancer can be:
· low (slow-growing and unlikely to spread)
· moderate
· high (very aggressive and likely to spread)
The cause of tongue cancer is unknown. However, certain behaviors and conditions can increase your risk, including:
· smoking or chewing tobacco
· heavy drinking
· being infected with human papillomavirus , a sexually transmitted disease
· chewing betel , which is particularly common in south and southeast Asia
· a family history of tongue or other mouth cancers
· a personal history of certain cancers, such as other squamous cell cancers
· a poor diet (there is some evidence that a diet low in fruits and vegetables increases the risk of all oral cancers)
· poor oral hygiene (constant irritation from jagged teeth or ill-fitting dentures can increase your risk of tongue cancer)
In the early stages of tongue cancer, especially with cancer at the base of the tongue, you might not notice any symptoms. The most common early symptom of tongue cancer is a sore on your tongue that doesn’t heal and that bleeds easily. You might also notice mouth or tongue pain.
Other symptoms of tongue cancer include:
· a red or white patch on your tongue that persists
· a tongue ulcer that persists
· pain when swallowing
· mouth numbness
· a sore throat that persists
· bleeding from tongue with no apparent cause
· a lump on tongue that persists
Calcarea carb
Indicated in swellings of glands, scrofulous and rachitic conditions
For a jaded state, mental or physical due to overwork.
Abscesses in deep musceles, polypi and exostosis.
Swellings of upper lip.
Pale with deep seated eyes surrounded by dark rings.
Itching, burning after washing,
Submaxillary glands swollen.
Pain from the right mental foramen along the lower jaw to the ear.
Affected area sensitive to slightest pressure.
Persistent sour taste in mouth
Arsenic album is indicated for cancer tongue with much burning and dryness.
Tongue dry, clean and red, stitching and burning pain in tongue, ulcerated and bluish white. Edges of tongue red, takes imprint of teeth. Along with this the peculiar mental symptom of Arsenic is seen. Great restlessness, anguish and fear of death and disease.
Shooting pain in cheek bone, teeth and jaw.
Ulceration, gangrene, decomposition with offensive discharge are marked features.
Suited to old persons especially when there is venous plethora and scrofulous affections.
It acts favourable favourably and modifies all cases in which either a history of carcinoma or symptoms of disease itself.
Euphorbinum officinarum
For pains of cancer.
Terrible burning pain especially in bones.
Burning in cheeks worse left.
Red swelling of cheeks.
Great hunger with sialorrhoea(profuse salty saliva)
Erysipelatous inflammation especially of cheeks.
Old torpid ulcers, pustules and gangrene.
Ulcerating carcinoma and epithelioma of skin.
Hydrastis canadensis
Acts especially on the mucus membrane producing a thick yellowish ropy secretion.
Cancer and cancerous state before ulceration, when pain is the principal symptom.
Peppery taste in mouth with large flabby white coated tongue with imprint of teeth.
Ulceration of tongue.
Kali arsenicum
Tendency towards malignancy.
Gums are swollen and tender.
Tongue is clear, red like raw beef.
Tongue coated only on edges with mucus strips.
In the middle towards tip of tongue a smooth red spot with troublesome burning and numbness.
Tearing pain in left jaw bone with burning and rawness.
Gums are swollen spongy and bleeding easily.
Pain < after sleep or sleeps into aggravation, warmth > cold.
Left side of face and lower jaw are swollen and sensitive to touch.
Lapis albus
Affection of glands.
Pre ulcerative stage of carcinoma.
Scrofulous abscess and sores.
Enlargement and induration of glands especially cervical glands.
Swelling and necrosis of lower jaw.
Tearing pain in facial bones.
Gums swollen easily bleeding and ulcerated.
Tongue dry, smooth red or white not thickly ulcerated.
Chilly patient with thirst for very cold water.
Indicated in the beginning of treatment of chronic cases and when carefully selected remedy fail to act especially in a/c diseases.
Complaints that relapse.
Offensive character of discharges and exhalations.
Exteremely red lips and face, Flushing easily.
Bitter taste in morning.
Swelling of gums with throbbing pain.
Jerks through red tip and borders.
Thuja occidentalis
Hydrogenoid constitutions < damp humid atmosphere and rest > dry weather.
Left sided and chilly
Rapid exhaution and emaciation.
Indicated in all types of pathological vegetations, condylomata, warty excrescencs, spongy tumors.
CROTALUS HORRIDUS 30—Crotalus hor is prescribed for cancer tongue with fetid breath, peculiar moldy smell from mouth. Hemorrhage dark blood , which is not clotted. Mouth fills up with bloody, frothy saliva.
Kali cynatum is one of the most effective remedy for tongue cancer. It is usually indicated in the last stage of cancer with severe pain. Ulcer of tongue with indurated edges, especially right side of tongue. Speech difficult, the power of speech lost but intelligence intact. Tongue has a peculiar dark ground seen through heavy white coating. Lips and mucuous membrane of mouth becomes pale , and slight frothing is seen at the mouth.
Carbo animalis
Shooting pain in cheek bone, teeth and jaw.
Ulceration, gangrene, decomposition with offensive discharge are marked features.
Suited to old persons especially when there is venous plethora and scrofulous affections.
Chromic acid is indicated for cancer tongue with foul smelling breath. Inflammation and destruction of epithelium and mucous membrane.
Sempervivum tectorum is considered a specific remedy for tongue cancer.
Indurations and sores on the tongue with stabbing pain. Whole mouth is very tender and sensitive. Tongue is ulcerated and bleed easily, especially at night.
It acts favourable favourably and modifies all cases in which either a history of carcinoma or symptoms of disease itself.
Euphorbinum officinarum
For pains of cancer.
Terrible burning pain especially in bones.
Burning in cheeks worse left.
Red swelling of cheeks.
Great hunger with sialorrhoea(profuse salty saliva)
Erysipelatous inflammation especially of cheeks.
Old torpid ulcers, pustules and gangrene.
Ulcerating carcinoma and epithelioma of skin.
Hydrastis canadensis
Acts especially on the mucus membrane producing a thick yellowish ropy secretion.
Cancer and cancerous state before ulceration, when pain is the principal symptom.
Peppery taste in mouth with large flabby white coated tongue with imprint of teeth.
Ulceration of tongue.
Kali arsenicum
Tendency towards malignancy.
Gums are swollen and tender.
Tongue is clear, red like raw beef.
Tongue coated only on edges with mucus strips.
In the middle towards tip of tongue a smooth red spot with troublesome burning and numbness.
Tearing pain in left jaw bone with burning and rawness.
Gums are swollen spongy and bleeding easily.
Pain < after sleep or sleeps into aggravation, warmth > cold.
Left side of face and lower jaw are swollen and sensitive to touch.
Lapis albus
Affection of glands.
Pre ulcerative stage of carcinoma.
Scrofulous abscess and sores.
Enlargement and induration of glands especially cervical glands.
Swelling and necrosis of lower jaw.
Tearing pain in facial bones.
Gums swollen easily bleeding and ulcerated.
Tongue dry, smooth red or white not thickly ulcerated.
Chilly patient with thirst for very cold water.
Indicated in the beginning of treatment of chronic cases and when carefully selected remedy fail to act especially in a/c diseases.
Complaints that relapse.
Offensive character of discharges and exhalations.
Exteremely red lips and face, Flushing easily.
Bitter taste in morning.
Swelling of gums with throbbing pain.
Jerks through red tip and borders.
Thuja occidentalis
Hydrogenoid constitutions < damp humid atmosphere and rest > dry weather.
Left sided and chilly
Rapid exhaution and emaciation.
Indicated in all types of pathological vegetations, condylomata, warty excrescencs, spongy tumors.