
Antimonium Crudum-a homoeopathic medicine

by John Henry Clarke

Native Sulphide of Antimony. Sb2 S3.
Clinical.-Anus, irritation of. Callosities. Catarrh. Chorea. Constipation. Corns. Diarrhoea. Dyspepsia. Eczema. Feet, sore and horny. Fever. Gum-rash. Nails, degeneration of. Nettle-rash. Piles. Prolapsus recti. Red gum. Remittent fever. Stomach, disordered. Sunstroke. Tendons inflamed. Tongue coated. Voice, low. Warts. Whooping-cough.
Characteristics.-Antim. crud. corresponds in a sense to the race of swine, as Arsenic does to horses and Pulsatilla to sheep. It is preeminently a scrofulous medicine, corresponding to gross constitutions with tendency to rough scaling skin with horny patches. With these horny patches is great tenderness, the patient can hardly bear to walk on them. Analagous to these horny excrescences are warts, and Ant c. has cured many cases of these. A student, 17, had twenty-three on right hand and thirty four on left, mainly on backs and fingers, but a few on interior surface of fingers. In addition redness and inflammation of eyelids. Cured in seven weeks with Ant. c. 200x. In the same category may be mentioned the tendency of the nails to grow in splits. Ant. crud. is specially suited to infants and children (with coated moist white tongues) and also to elderly persons. Tendency to grow fat. When symptoms recur they change their locality or go from one side of the body to the other. Left side predominates, especially lower left and upper right. Among special symptoms are: Itching of scalp and falling out of hair. Tendency to take cold about head. Scrofulous ophthalmia, canthi especially affected (Graph. the whole margin). Otorrhoea. Moist eruption behind ears (Graph.). Slight noises startle. Nose-bleed with vertigo; after headache; after rush of blood to head. Children are peevish, won't bear to be touched or looked at. Adults are sulky or sad. Weeping and impressionable. Sentimental mood by moonlight. Amativeness. Suicidal. Gastric and remittent fevers, and fevers of children, with great thirst and the characteristic white tongue. The fever runs higher at night. The child is cross, but unlike the Cham. patient, who wants to be carried, this will scream and show temper at every little attention. There is a form of diarrhoea which alternates with constipation, often found in old people, to which Ant. crud. corresponds. "Stomach weak, digestion easily disturbed, in old people." It cures many cases of mucous piles: continuous oozing, staining linen. In connection with the intolerance of wine of the remedy, it may be mentioned that in one case it produced a feeling of intoxication like that of alcohol, so that the patient refused to take any more of it. A number of nervous symptoms appear in the provings-restlessness, jerking of muscles, &c. Dr. M. Jousset has recorded a severe case of chorea which resisted all the usual remedies and was cured with Ant. crud. prescribed on the digestive symptoms, particularly the characteristic white tongue. A notable characteristic of Ant. crud. is the thickly coated tongue. Generally it is thick and white; milky-white; or like whitewash evenly laid. The edges may be red and sore. Sore, cracked and crusty nostrils and corners of mouth. Abnormal hunger; not relieved by eating; emptiness at epigastrium and want of animal heat. Disgust for all foods. Nursing children throw up a little sour milk as soon as they take the breast or bottle (Æthus c., after vomiting the child sleeps and wakes hungry; Ant. c. the child refuses to nurse again). The sulphur element in Ant. crud. is strongly pronounced in the provings as in the constipation and other intestinal disorders of the drug. < By heat is a marked characteristic (Apis, Puls., Cham., Secale, Camph.); also < from cold washing (less severe after warm washing), from cold water and cold food. In spite of the < from heat there is great sensitiveness to cold, hence it is suitable to the hydrogenoid constitutions. Moonlight < mental symptoms. Many symptoms are < at night. < By touch. < From wine, especially sour wine; from vinegar and acids (though tamarind water does not disagree); from fruits. < From pork, bread, and pastry. > By rest, by lying down; < rising up; < ascending stairs.

Relations.-Compare: Æthiops ant., Ant. tar., Am. mur., Apis, Bry., Graph., Puls., Ran. b., Rhus t., Sul., Variol.; Cham., Chi, and Stram. (averse to be looked at); Hep., Rhus, Sep., Spi. and Sul. (averse to be washed). Complementary: Scilla. Follows well: Puls., Ipec. Followed by: Puls., Merc., Sul. Antidote to: Stings of insects. Antidoted by: Calc., Hep., Merc. Bry. compares very closely in digestive condition, loaded tongue and < from warmth; in summer complaint.
Causation.-Gluttony. Hot weather. Heat of sun. Getting over-heated. Disappointed love. Suppressed eruptions.
1. Mind.-Ecstasy and exalted love, with great anxiety about his fate and inclination to shoot himself; worse when walking in the moonlight, and then his conduct is like than of an insane person.-Desponding reflections upon one's condition.-Disgust of life, with an inclination to blow one's brains out, or to drown oneself.-Tendency to be frightened.-Peevish humour, ill-humour.-To be looked at and to be touched are unbearable (in the case of a child).-Dull intellect, imbecility.-Madness.
2. Head.-Confusion of head, as after long labour in the cold.-A feeling of intoxication.-Dizziness with nausea, or bleeding of the nose.-Attack of apoplexy, with frothy salivation.-Cephalalgia, after bathing in running water.-Cephalalgia with dizziness from the smoke of tobacco; better in the open air.-Sensation, as if the forehead were going to burst.-Dull pain in the sinciput and vertex, increased by going upstairs.-Cramp-like pain in the head, ameliorated by walking in the open air.-Piercing pain in the forehead and in the temples.-Sharp pains as from knives in head and under l. breast.-Congestion in the head, painful and followed by epistaxis.-Pain in the bones at the vertex, as if from a swelling in the periosteum.-Teasing itching in the head, with failing off of the hair.
3. Eyes.-Shooting in the eyes.-Red, inflamed eyelids.-Inflammation of the eyes, with itching and nocturnal agglutination of the eyelids.-Slight oozing of the skin near the external angle of the eye.-Humour in the corners of the eyes.-Enlargement of the eyes.-Sensibility of the eyes to the light of day.-Blindness.-Chronic sore eyes of children.
4. Ears.-Shooting in the ears.-Redness, swelling, and heat in the ear.-Otorrhoea.-Digging and murmuring in the ears.-Deafness, as if one had a bandage over the ears; as if a leaf were lying before the ears.-Buzzing in the ears.-Continual roaring in the ears.
5. Nose.-Eruption in the nose.-Excoriation of the nostrils, and of the corners of the nose.-Nostrils chapped and scurfy.-Stoppage of the nose.-Bleeding at the nose, esp. in the evening.-Sensation of coldness in the nose, when inspiring air.-Dryness of the nose, chiefly on walking in the open air.-Accumulation of thick yellowish mucus in the nostrils.
6. Face.-Sad countenance.-Heat in face, and chiefly in the cheeks, with itching.-Red, burning, suppurating eruptions on the face, with yellowish scurf.-Lumps and blisters on the face, as if from the stings of insects.-Granular eruptions, yellow as honey, on the skin of the face.-Eruption, like conoid chicken-pox, on the face and on the nose.-Sensation of excoriation of the chin.-Painful fissures at the commissures of the lips.-Pimples on the upper lip.-Dryness of the lips.
7. Teeth.-Pains in carious teeth, with dull pricking, successive pullings and gnawing, even in the head, renewed after every meal, increased by cold water, and mitigated in the open air.-Jerking toothache in the evening, in bed, and after a meal.-Grinding of the teeth while sleeping in a sitting posture.-Stitches in and about the teeth when inspiring cold air.-Bleeding of the teeth and of the gums, which become detached.
8. Mouth.-Bitter taste in the mouth.-Ptyalism (tasting salty).-Dryness of the mouth.-Accumulation of water on the tongue and in the mouth.-Salivation.-Tongue loaded; with a white coating.-Pain, as of excoriation at the edges of the tongue.-Blisters on the tongue.
9. Throat.-Soreness of the throat, as if there were a plug in it.-Inability to swallow.-Dryness and scraping, or an accumulation of viscid mucus in the throat.
10. Appetite.-Aversion to all food.-Longing for acids.-Thirst chiefly in the night.-Loss of appetite.-Sensation of hunger and of emptiness in the epigastrium, in the morning especially, and which is unappeased by eating.-After a meal, dejection, lassitude, fulness and tension in the abdomen.-Great desire to take food, which is not appropriated to strength.
11. Stomach.-Eructations with taste of food, or very acid.-Regurgitation of a watery fluid.-Hiccough on smoking tobacco.-Loathing of food, nausea, and inclination to vomit, as if caused by indigestion.-Heartburn with good appetite.-Nausea after taking wine.-Nausea and vomiturition, from overloading the stomach, or after drinking (sour) wine.-Vomiting of mucus and of bile, sometimes accompanied by diarrhoea, great anxiety, and convulsions.-Pain, burning, and cramp-like in the pit of the stomach, sometimes with despair and inclination to drown oneself.-Tension and pressure in the pit of the stomach.-Painful sensation, as if the stomach were overloaded with food.-Pain in the region of the stomach on being touched.-Gastric catarrh with characteristic white tongue; even if caused by metastasis of rheumatism or gout.
12. Abdomen.-Inflation of the abdomen, with a sensation of fulness, chiefly after a meal.-Violent cutting pains, sometimes with want of appetite; urine red and stools hard.-Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen, as after violent diarrhoea.-Sensation of swelling and of hardness in the inguinal region, on its being pressed.-Accumulation of flatus in the abdomen, with rumbling and borborygmi.
13. Stool and Anus.-Difficult evacuation of hard stools.-Difficult evacuations; the faeces are too large in size.-Urgent inclination to go to stool.-Stool of the consistence of pap.-Diarrhoea, generally watery, with cutting pains.-After vinegar or acid wine, loose stool.-Alternate diarrhoea and constipation, esp. in aged persons.-Constant secretion of yellowish-white mucus by the anus.-Flow of black blood from the anus.-Haemorrhoidal excrescences, blind and running, with burning and tingling.-Burning itching and fissures in the anus.-Expansive pressure in the rectum (during stool as if an ulcer had been torn open) and the anus.-Burning furunculus in the perineum.
14. Urinary Organs.-Frequent inclination to make water, with scanty emission.-Frequent and abundant emission of urine, with abundant flow of mucus, and burning in the urethra, accompanied by pains in the loins.-On coughing, involuntary emission of urine.-Urine aqueous, or of a gold colour, or reddish brown, and sometimes mixed with small red corpuscles.-Incisive pain in the urethra, on making water.
15. Male Sexual Organs.-Excitement of sexual desire, and great lasciviousness.-Pollutions.
16. Female Sexual Organs.-Metrorrhagia.-Sharp and corrosive discharge from the vagina.-Nymphomania from checked catamenia.-Tenderness over ovaries after menses checked by a bath.-Gastro-intestinal disorders of pregnancy.-Pressure in the uterus as if something would come out of it, esp. during uterine haemorrhage.-Toothache before the menses, with boring in the temples.-Quite solid lumps in a watery leucorrhoea, which sometimes causes a smarting down the thighs.-Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea during pregnancy.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Great heat in the throat while moving in the open air.-Great weakness, or entire loss of voice, chiefly on becoming warm.-Looking into the fire increases cough.-Sensation of a foreign substance in the larynx, with inability to expectorate.-Violent spasm in the larynx, with sensation of excoriation.-Cough, with burning in the chest.-Morning cough, dry and shaking.-Whooping-cough.-Cough as if arising from abdomen.
18. Chest.-Stifling oppression and paralytic orthopnoea.-Respiration deep, with sighing.-Shootings in the chest, when drawing breath and at other times.-Pain, as of contusion, in the pectoralis major, on raising the arm, and on pressure.-Sharp pain under l. breast.
20. Neck and Back.-Cramp-like drawing in the muscles of the neck and of the nape of the neck.-Rheumatic pains in the nape of the neck.-Miliary eruption on the nape of the neck, in the shoulder-blades, and behind the ears.
22. Upper Limbs.-Rheumatic pains in the arms.-Red vesicles on the arms, with itching.-Painful inflammation of the tendons of the elbow, with great redness and curvature of the arm.-Hot and red swelling of the forearm, with shooting tension.-Sensation of drawing in the forearm, the fingers, and the joints of the fingers.-Arthritic pains in the joints of the fingers.-Painful sensibility of the skin under the nails, and slow growth of the nails themselves.-A horny growth under the nail.-Crushed finger-nails grow in splits, with horny spots.

23. Lower Limbs.-Sensation of drawing in the lower limbs, esp. in the coxo-femoral joint.-Lumps, with red rings, on the buttocks and legs.-Violent pain in the lower extremities.-Numbness of the legs after sitting for some time.-Shooting pain in the knee and in the tibia.-Drawing pain in knees, lower part l. tibia, in l. heel, and tearing through the r. great toe.-Tumour or white swelling of the knee.-Painful stiffness in the knee, preventing the extension of the leg.-Vesicles on the knee after scratching it.-Sensibility of the soles of the feet, when walking on the pavement.-Red swelling of the heel, with burning shootings, which are aggravated by walking.-Corns on the soles of the feet, and callous excrescence at the tips of the toes.-Pressive pain in the corns.-Burning in the fleshy part of the great toe.-Callous excrescence under the nail of the great toe.
24. Generalities.-Rheumatic pains and inflammation of the tendons, with redness and contraction of the part affected.-Inflammation of the muscles.-Drawings or shootings and tension, principally in the limbs.-Restlessness, uneasiness.-Disposition to start even at slight noises.-Twitching of muscles of many parts of the body.-Convulsions with vomiting.-The symptoms are aggravated in the heat of the sun, after having drunk wine, after a meal, night and morning; amelioration during repose and in the fresh air.-Great sensibility to cold.-Heaviness of all the limbs.-General weakness, esp. at night, on waking.-Emaciation, or great obesity.-Dropsical swelling of the whole body.-Mucous membranes generally affected.-Anasarca.-Marasmus.-Children cannot bear to be touched or looked at.-Chronic affections traceable to suppressed eruptions or ulcers.
25. Skin.-Itching, esp. in the neck, chest, back and limbs.-Eruptions which appear chiefly in the evening, or which itch in the heat of the bed, and prevent sleep.-Miliary eruptions and nettle-rash.-Tumours and blisters, as if from the stings of insects.-Measles-like eruption.-Eruptions, similar to chicken-pox, with shooting pain on pressure.-Thick, hard scabs, often honey-yellow, here and there a crack oozing a green sanious fluid, burning as if immersed in hot embers.-Urticaria white, with red areolae, which itch fearfully.-Pustules with yellowish or brown scurf.-Freckles.-Hepatic spots.-Deep spongy ulcers with gastric ulcers.-Fistulous ulcers.-Horn-like excrescences and disposition to abnormal organisations of the skin.-Corns and callous excrescences on the feet.-Nails discoloured and deformed.-Red and hot swellings.-Degeneration of the skin.-Fungus of the joints.
26. Sleep.-Strong inclination to sleep during the day, and somnolency, chiefly in the evening or morning.-Coma with delirium.-Waking with fright during the night.-Dreams, anxious, horrible, voluptuous, or painful, and full of quarrelling.
27. Fever.-Chilliness predominating even in the warm room.-Sensation of coldness in the nose when inhaling air.-Heat, esp. during the night, before midnight, with cold feet.-Great heat from little exercise, esp. in the sun.-Intermittent fever, with gastric or bilious affections, principally with disgust, nausea, vomiting, eructations, loaded tongue, bitterness of the mouth, with moderate thirst, diarrhoea, tension and pressure at the pit of the stomach, with cutting pains.-Tertian fever.-Hot sweat, early in the morning every second
day.-Pulse irregular, sometimes quick, sometimes slow.


Antipyrinum-Homoeopathic Remedy


* by John Henry Clarke

Phenazon (Phenyl-dimethyl-pyrazolon). C11 H12 N2O. A product of coal tar through toluin. Solution and trituration.
Clinical.-Dysmenia. Enuresis. Epilepsy. Epistaxis. Erythema. German measles. Headache. Heart, paralysis of. Mind, deranged. Respiration, Cheyne-Stokes. Scarlatina. Throat, sore. Toothache. Urticaria.
Characteristics.-Antipyrine is known from the poisonous effects it has produced in old-school practice. Many fatal cases have been recorded, and there can be little doubt that its injudicious use has determined a fatal issue in many cases that have remained unrecorded. Its action is very like that of Antifebrin in producing collapse, but it has more effect on the skin, causing scarlet rash and oedema. A young lady patient of mine who took Antipyrin on her own account, whenever she thought she might be going to have a headache, developed intense dysmenorrhoea (to which she was not subject), with depression. This was only removed after she had discontinued the drug. Later on she took Phenacetin, with the result that an eruption of erythema appeared on both cheeks, which peeled after a few days, and recurred persistently. It would seem from the above that the drug is homoeopathic to some forms, at least, of neuralgia. One patient had Cheyne-Stokes respiration. Erythema appears first on face and arms, last on legs. Hansen mentions its use in enuresis and epistaxis. > Hot drinks.
Relations.-Compare: Anilinum (skin). Antefeb.; Ars.; Chloral; Acon. (numbness; rapidity of attack). Antidoted by: Bell. The symptoms are much intensified in persons addicted to coffee in excess.
1. Mind.-Loss of consciousness.-Fear of impending insanity (mental balance did not return for some months).-Excitement.-Continual crying.-Nervous anxiety.
2. Head.-Headache, with toothache; pain behind both ears of tearing character.-Snapping sensation in head.
3. Eyes.-Complete loss of vision.-Eyelids swollen so that eyes were almost closed.-Coryza.
4. Ears.-Buzzing in ears.
5. Nose.-Tingling burning in nose, with sneezing and running from eyes and nose; nose and face swollen.-Coppery smell which comes and goes.
6. Face.-Å’dema; dusky red face.
7. Teeth.-General toothache, together with headache; pain behind both ears of a tearing character.
8. Mouth.-Tingling burning in gums, mouth, and throat.-Lump in mouth about an inch thick just below level of upper teeth (passed away in half-hour).
9. Throat.-Dryness, burning, swelling, l. side of throat with aphonia; l. tonsil white and swollen.-Tight, constricted feeling.
11. Stomach.-Attacks of excitement accompanied by vomiting (in a child).-Epigastric pain, causing to bend double and cry out.-Expanding sensation rising from stomach.
14. Urinary Organs.-Incontinence of urine.-Amount diminished.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Cheyne-Stokes breathing.-Hoarseness following aphonia.
18. Chest.-Sensation as though contents of thorax and abdomen were being forcibly drawn up towards throat, and r. testicle to abdomen.-Dyspnoea; tightness of chest.-Sensation of tumour over notch of sternum.-Inability to lie down.
19. Heart.-Pulse feeble and rapid.-Fainting spells.
20. Neck and Back.-Feeling of numberless pins pricking him down each side of neck.

21. Limbs.-Pains in limbs.-Limbs swollen.
22. Upper Limbs.-Cramp in r. arm.-Fingers of r. hand clenched in the form of a claw.

शीघ्र पतन के घरेलू आयुर्वेदिक नुस्खे 

24. Generalities.-Feeling of numberless pins pricking him down each side of the neck, extending down r. chest and abdomen, particularly severe r. side of scrotum and r. testicle, also in legs and feet, severely r., slightly l.-Sensation as if contents of chest and abdomen drawn upwards, felt he was "drawn in a ruck," and, being unable to stand, fell on the floor.-Trembled violently all over, had cramp in r. arm.-Epileptic attacks, with partial unilateral twitching; contraction of muscles; chattering of teeth; jactitation.-Cyanosis.-Collapse.-Throbbing all over body.-Sensation as if inside of body were filled with ice.
25. Skin.-Rash, erythema or urticaria, with troublesome itching; chiefly between fingers.-Irregular rounded pimples lying close together, in some places confluent, forming patches, between which skin was normal, giving a marbled appearance, lasted five days, turned brownish and desquamated slightly.-Eruption thickest on body and extremities, extensor more covered than flexor surfaces.-Eruption begins on face and arms, last on legs.-Scarlet macular eruption.
27. Fever.-Excessive perspiration.-Throbbing all over body, coldness of hands and feet,
nervous shuddering without chill.-Pulse goes up and down with the temperature.*


Aloe socotrina-a homoeopathic remedy

by John Henry Clarke

Aloe socotrina. Common Aloes. N. O. Liliaceae. Trituration or solution in spirit of the gum.
Clinical.-Abdomen, plethora of. Anus, affections of. Bronchitis. Colic. Constipation. Cough. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Gleet. Gonorrhoea. Haemorrhoids. Hysteria. Lumbago. Onanism, effects of. Phthisis. Proctitis. Prolapsus uteri. Prostate, affections of. Sacrum, pain in. Tenesmus.
Characteristics.-Aloe is one of the oldest and most famous drugs. It is in worldwide use as a purgative at the present day, and forms a leading ingredient in a large number of patent medicines for regulating the bowels and menstrual functions. The habitual use of these medicines leads to all kinds of pelvic ailments, and the fact that Sulphur antidotes Aloe accounts for the success of Sul. as a medicine to commence with in many chronic cases where purgatives have been used. Aloe resembles All. s. somewhat closely. It causes congestion of various parts, especially abdomen, pelvic organs, and head. A periodicity enters into many of its complaints. There is a periodic headache which alternates with lumbago. As winter approaches each year itch manifests itself. Aloe has the antipsoric property of throwing out internal complaints to the skin. Among the leading mental symptoms are: Bad humour, especially in cloudy weather. Dissatisfied and angry with himself < when constipated. Aversion to labour. Lassitude alternating with great mental activity. Among the other head symptoms are: Darting pains in left temple < every step. Carroll Dunham cured a heavy frontal incapacitating headache in an old man occurring in winter and alternating with a diarrhoea which occurred in summer when he was free from headache. A peculiar dull, heavy, pressing pain in forehead, but which indisposes to, or incapacitates for, all exertion, especially intellectual. Heaviness in the eyes as with All. s. Pressure in vertex and forehead as from a weight. Compelled to make the eyes small during pain in forehead. There are yellow rings moving before eyes. As there are illusions of sight, so there are cracklings in the ears. One symptom is very peculiar: just after getting into bed, sudden explosion and clashing in left ear, as from breaking of glass; the clink of the glass was heard at the bottom of the head and extended thence toward the right ear. Aloe exerts its most marked influence on the abdominal and pelvic organs. It causes uneasiness and pains in liver region. Fulness, heaviness, heat and inflammation. The whole abdomen is painfully sensitive to touch. Rumbling. Feeling as of a plug wedged in between pelvis and coccyx. Sudden and continued desire to go to stool. Desire for stool after each meal (Ars., Chin., Lyc., Pod., Trombid.; while eating, Fer.). Rumbling and cramp in abdomen before and during stool. The hard stool falls out without being noticed, urging to stool whilst passing water; every time on passing water feeling as if stool would pass. A hard stool may be passed involuntarily. A child, constipated from birth, screams all the time he is being held to stool, cannot pass it, even after enema; yet when not trying passes solid pieces in bed without knowing. Cured with Alo. 200 (Nash). Involuntary soft stool while passing wind. With the diarrhoea, flatulency, pinching in abdomen, pain in back and rectum and chilliness. Flatus offensive, burning, copious; much flatus with small stool. Burning in anus with passing of flatus. Stools like mush, bright yellow, grey, hot, undigested. Mucus and blood in faeces. Profuse with jelly-like lumps. Watery stools < standing or walking. Watery stool containing lumps "like frog-spawn." Bilious yellow faecal, bright yellow diarrhoea, great rumbling in bowels and escape of much wind, < morning; evening; in damp weather; from overheating; after cold taken in damp room; after chagrin. Diarrhoea driving one out of bed very early in morning (Sul). Diarrhoea with sense of insecurity (Phos.) Faintness after stool; with cold sweat. Griping may (Nux v.) or may not (Merc.) cease after stool. Heaviness, heat, pressing, burning in rectum. Itching, burning in rectum. Itching, burning, pulsating as from fissures at anus. After stool: cutting feeling as if more would come protruding piles. Haemorrhoids: protrude like a bunch of grapes constant bearing-down in rectum bleeding; sore; tender, hot; > by cold water. Carroll Dunham has cured incontinence of urine in an old man with enlarged prostate with the Aloe diarrhoea. Increased sexual desire in males, with erections. Penis shrunk and testicles cold. In females pain in hypogastrium as if menses coming on. Labour-like pains drawing into legs. Menses too early and too profuse. During menstruation: headache > by application of cold water; earache; pain in small of back; pressing down in rectum. Fulness in pelvis. Leucorrhoea of bloody mucus preceded by colic. Pain in small of back, < sitting or awaking at night, > moving about. Lumbago alternating with headache. There is < in afternoon, especially of symptoms of mucous membranes. Many symptoms, again, appear in the evening < yawning, or masticating. There is a diarrhoea < in the early morning (like Sulph). Diarrhoea < immediately after eating; < walking (Æsc., Thuj.), or standing (Sul.). Like Phos., it has feeling of insecurity on passing wind or before stool. Symptoms are < from heat; in hot, damp weather; > from cold applications; in cold weather. > From passing flatus. It is suited to: old people; to women of relaxed phlegmatic habit; to persons of lymphatic or hypochondriac temperament.
Relations.-Aloe is related to: All. cep., All. s., Agave, Scilla, Colch. It is antidoted by: Sul., Mustard, Camph. relieves for a while, Lyc., and Nux v. relieve the earache. It resembles: Sul. in many symptoms, and is of equal importance with Sul. in chronic diseases with abdominal plethora; Ailanth. (dull, frontal headache); Gambog. (diarrhoea); Ammon. mur. (abdominal and diarrhoeic symptoms); Nux v. (gastric, abdominal and uterine troubles: bad effects of sedentary habits); Æsc. (haemorrhoids); Merc. (dysentery); Pod. (alternations between head symptoms and abdominal symptoms).
Causation.-Sedentary habits.
1. Mind.-Anxiety and ebullition of the blood.-Restlessness, fear, fear of man.-Bad humour, esp. in cloudy weather.-He is dissatisfied and angry about himself; more so when he is constipated or when he suffers from pain; better in the open air.-Suffering makes her frantic, often loses consciousness.-Seems to have a presentiment of approaching death.-Angry, revengeful, wishes to destroy the object of her wrath.-Aversion to labour.-Great disinclination to mental labour; it fatigues him.-Disinclined to move.-Exhaustion, alternating with activity.-Children much enlivened, chat and laugh.-Annoying amorous thoughts present themselves.
2. Head.-Giddiness and starting.-Giddiness, with anxiety when moving; he feels as if he were sitting too high (after dinner).-Dulness in the forehead with chilliness.-Dull headache across the forehead, with heaviness in the eyes, and nausea.-Pressure in the forehead and vertex, as from a weight (and in occiput).-Pressing pain above the eyes.-Congestions to the head, compelling one to sit up.-Headaches are worse from heat and better from cold applications.-Stitches above the eyebrows.-Pressing out of the temples, with flickering before the eyes and heat in the face.-Stitches in the temples at every step.-Headache after pain in the abdomen; after (an insufficient) stool; worse from heat, better from cold.-Sensitiveness of the scalp (in small spots).-With the pain in the forehead the eyes become small; patient compelled to close them.
3. Eyes.-Congestion to the eyes; pressure in the orbits.-Lachrymation.-Pain deep in the orbits, as if in the muscles; worse r. side.-Occasional attacks of twitching of l. eyelids during the day, spasmodic jerk of whole body on failing asleep at night.-Flickering before eyes, with heat of the face.-Yellow rings moving before the eyes.-Compelled to make the eyes small, with pain in forehead; heaviness of eyes, and nausea.
4. Ears.-Hates musical sounds and noises, they set her all in a tremor.-Earache.-Stitches in the ears; first in the l. ear, afterwards in the r.-Internal and external heat of the ears.-Cracking in the ears when reading aloud or moving jaws.-Just after getting into bed, sudden explosion and clashing in l. ear, as from breaking of glass; the clink of the glass was heard at the bottom of the head and extended thence towards r. ear.

शीघ्र पतन के घरेलू आयुर्वेदिक नुस्खे 

5. Nose.-Redness of the nose in the open, cold air.-Coldness of the point of the nose.-Bleeding of the nose in bed after awaking.-Dryness of the nose in the morning in bed.
6. Face.-Heat of the face when excited, or during headache.-Face pale during cloudy weather.-Lips dry; cracked; swollen; pustular; sore at corners.
7. Teeth.-Great sensitiveness of a decayed molar tooth (lower) r. side.-Teeth yellow.
8. Mouth.-Concave edges of teeth seem sharp, and hurt the tongue.-Metallic taste, with dry, irritative hacking.-Lips dry, peeling off, cracked, bleeding.-Yellow spots in mouth; yellow ulcers on the tongue.-Tongue painful.-When moving the tongue, stitches from below to the tip.-Dry tongue and mouth; with increased thirst and greater redness of the lips.-Tongue red and dry.-Accumulation of saliva in mouth.
9. Throat.-Throat rough, scraped, hot, as if burnt.-Pain, when yawning, masticating solid food; worse in the evening and in the morning, when awaking.-Thick lumps of tough jelly-like mucus in the throat and posterior nares.
10. Appetite and Taste.-Taste bitter, sour, like ink.-Aversion to meat; desire for juicy things (fruits); for salt food.-Hunger unusually keen in the evening.-Thirst while eating, after eating, and during the night.-After eating, flatulency, pulsations in the rectum, and sexual irritation.-As soon as he eats anything, must hurry to stool.-Sweats after drinking.
11. Stomach.-Pain in the stomach after drinking water.-Sour things disagree with him.-Vomiting of blood.-Eructations; tasteless, bitter, sour.-Pain in the pit of the stomach from a mis-step.-Painful pressure under the sternum.
12. Abdomen.-Tension in the region of the liver.-Uneasiness, heat, pressure, and tension in the region of the liver.-Pain in the liver, < on standing, so that he bends forward.-Stitches in the liver, when drawing a long breath.-Congestion to the abdomen.-Sensation of fulness, heaviness, heat and inflammation.-The whole abdomen is painfully sensitive to the touch.-Abdominal muscles pain when touched, when pressing at stool, or on rising from a recumbent position.-Bloated abdomen, more on the left side, or along the colon, worse after eating.-Distension of the abdomen, esp. the epigastrium; with flatus moving about.-Pulsation in the region of the navel.-Pain around the navel, worse from pressure.-Rumbling in the abdomen.-Discharge of much flatulency, burning, smelling offensive, relieving the pain in the abdomen; after each meal, in the evening and morning, before stools.-Much soreness in the whole abdominal cavity, so that a false step hurts clear to the pit of the stomach.-Cutting in the abdomen with disinclination to go into the open air, which relieves the pain.-Heaviness, fulness, and pressing down in the pelvis.-Sensation of a plug wedged in between symphysis pubis and coccyx; with urging.
13. Stool and Anus.-Sudden or continued urging to stool; < immediately after eating; feeling of fulness and weight in pelvis; only flatus passes.-Desire for a stool after each meal.-Rumbling and cramp in the abdomen, before and during stool.-The hard stool falls without being noticed.-Involuntary soft stool, while passing wind.-With the diarrhoea, flatulency, pinching in the abdomen, pain in the back and rectum, and chilliness.-Diarrhoea very early in morning, driving him out of bed.-Stools like mush; thin, bright, yellow, grey, hot, undigested.-Frequent stools of bloody water: violent tenesmus; fainting; passing of mucus in jelly-like lumps, much flatus.-During the stool, congestion to the head and red face, or hunger.-Heaviness, heat, pressing, burning in the rectum.-Want of confidence in sphincter ani; rectum seems full of fluid which feels heavy, as if it would fall out.-When passing wind, feeling as if stool would escape with it.-Itching, burning, pulsations, pain as from fissures, at the anus; preventing sleep.-Haemorrhoidal tumours, protrude like bunches of grapes, very painful, sore, tender, hot, relieved by cold water.-Fulness and pressing out in anus.
14. Urinary Organs.-Increased secretion of urine, esp. at night.-Frequent urging; burning when urinating.-Every time on passing urine feeling as if some thin stool would escape with it.
15. Male Sexual Organs.-Sexual desire increased; < after awaking; after eating; in the evening.-Erections in the morning, and after passing water.-Involuntary emissions during the siesta; towards morning; followed by sexual excitement, micturition, and stool, and restless sleep.-Penis shrunk, and testicles cold.
16. Female Sexual Organs.-Pain in the hypogastrium, as if menses were coming on.-Fulness and heaviness in the uterine region, with labour-like pains in the loins and groins; worse standing.-Labour-like pains drawing into the legs.-Catamenia too early, and too profuse.-During menstruation, headache, which is relieved by the application of cold water; earache; pain in the small of the back; dragging down in the rectum; fulness in the pelvis.-Fluor albus.-Leucorrhoea of bloody mucus, preceded by colic.-Prolapsus uteri with the above symptoms.-Uterine haemorrhage about the change of life.
18. Chest.-Congestion to the chest.-Breathing impeded by stitches in the 1. side of the chest.-Expectoration of blood.
20. Neck and Back.-Lumbago, alternating with headache.-Pain in the small of the back, < sitting, or when awaking at night; > moving about.
21. Limbs.-Cold hands with warm feet.-Lameness in all the limbs.-Pricking, dull twitching, drawing pain in the joints (fingers, knees, elbows).-Sensation of weakness in the joints of the hands and feet.-Pains of short duration, as if bruised or dislocated (l. forearm, r. shoulder-blade, l. ribs).
24. Generalities.-Great weakness, and weak pulse after vomiting.-Bad effects from sedentary habits.-Esp. suitable for persons of a lymphatic or hypochondriac temperament.
25. Skin.-Itching, esp. of legs.-Spots which, when scratched, pain and become sensitive.
26. Sleep.-Cannot get to sleep for a long time, thoughts crowd upon him and keep him awake.
27. Fever.-Chills, with coryza, in the cold open air; at stool, shivering. Heat in spots, on
scalp or face. Sweat: smells strong; offensive on genitals; at night, after drinking.


Allium Sativum-a homoeopathic medicine

by John Henry Clarke

Garlic. N. O. Liliaceae. Tincture of fresh bulb.
Clinical.-Alopecia. Asthma, periodical. Bronchitis. Catarrhs. Colic. Constipation. Cough. Coxalgia. Dandriff. Diabetes. Diarrhoea. Dypepsia. Fevers. Headache. Hip, rheumatism of. Hoarseness. Menorrhagia. Menses, disorders of. Ophthalmia. Rheumatism. Salivation. Scurvy. Skin, affections of. Sprains. Whitlow. Worms.
Characteristics.-Teste places All. sat. in the Bryonia group along with Lyc., Digit., Nux v., Coloc., Ign., all of which act with much power on carnivorous animals and hardly at all on herbivora. All are suited to persons who are disposed to excesses at table, have strong constitutions, dark complexions, firm flesh, though occasionally disposed to obesity. The All. sat. patient is rather a gourmand than a glutton. It suits persons who eat a great deal more than they drink. In the mental sphere there is anxiety and impatience. Fears he won't recover; that he won't be able to bear any medicine; fear of being poisoned. Teste has cured with it, chronic dyspepsia in old, fleshy persons, whose bowels were deranged by the least irregularity of diet; chronic bronchial catarrh with profuse mucous expectoration; periodical asthma; a case of permanent dyspnoea; rheumatism of hip; swelling of breasts after weaning. He also greatly relieved with it cases of diabetes mellitus. The pains of All. s. are mostly pressive from within outward (i.e., distensive, like those of Bry.); stinging, or stinging and burning; or stinging with paralytic weakness; or tearing and crampy. Sometimes they increase gradually to a high point and then decrease gradually (like Sul. and Stan.). Garlic has been used as a condiment from ancient times, and also as a remedy against worms and fevers. Though closely related to All. cep. it is incompatible with it, and not very like it in action. It produces headache in connection with digestive troubles and also with menstruation. Heavy headache, can hardly open eyes, > onset of menses, < after. Catarrhal ophthalmia returning every night on trying to read. Coryza, moist, dry, thin, fluent, with pressive pains above root of nose. Scurvy gums; sore mouth. All. sat. is one of the remedies for "hair" sensation: Sensation of hair on tongue < reading. (Many of the pains of Cepa are thread-like.) Copious sweetish saliva. The digestion is disordered by slightest irregularities in diet. Pressure in epigastrium and transverse colon > by pressure and sitting bent. The menses are profuse. During menses there is soreness of vulva and thighs, mammae swollen and painful to touch. There are some characteristic respiratory symptoms. Bronchial catarrh with gelatinous, difficult expectoration. Cough, giving rise to most fetid breath like Capsicum. Cough when smoking. The hip is the seat of many rheumatic pains. Tearing in hip. Pain in psoas and iliac muscles < least movement, though he can lift the limb with the hands. The skin is sensitive, dry, shrivelled. Herpetic itching, burning, red or whitish spots on swollen surface. Baldness; scurf, skin peels off hand. The skin over joints is tight.
It is suited to fleshy people and those used to high living. Change of temperature ; pressure < pains in abdomen. Every step = excruciating pain in intestines. Walking < pains in limbs.
Relations.-Compare: All. cep. (which see). Ornithogalum umbellatum (stomach affections); Bry., Caps. (fetid breath with cough), Coloc. (colic; hip-pain); Ign.; Kali bi. (ropy expectoration; hair on tongue); Rhus and Hyo. (fear of being poisoned); Lyc., Nux v., Seneg. Antidoted by: Lyc. Complementary: Ars. Incompatible: Alo., All. cep., Scilla.
Causation.-Drinking bad water. Gluttony.
1. Mind.-Sadness.-Weeping during sleep.-Fears he will never get well; fears he cannot bear any medicine; fear of being poisoned.-Sensitive.-Impatient.-Impulse to run away.
2. Head.-Vertigo on looking steadily at anything for a long time.-Short-lasting vertigo, and only on rising from a chair.-Heaviness in forehead, almost preventing him from opening his eyes.-Dull pain in occiput in morning, while lying on the back.-Headache: with mucus in the throat; before menses, ceasing when they occur and returning after; in dyspeptic subjects.
3. Eyes.-Catarrhal ophthalmia at night; smarting, burning lachrymation; agglutination; returns every night when he tries to read.-Tarsi sore with irritation.
4. Ears.-Catarrhal deafness.-Hardened ear-wax and crusts.
5. Nose.-Coryza rather dry than fluent, with pressive pain from above the root of the nose.-Smarting at junction of alae nasi and face.-Blowing blood from the nose in the night.
6. Face.-Lancinations on one side of the face.-Dry lips.
8. Mouth.-Tickling sensation in the lower teeth.-Swelling of lower gums.-During night, and in the morning, troublesome feeling as of a hair on her tongue; renewed on waking.-Tongue pale-red with effaced papillae.-Dryness of palate.-Very copious flow of sweetish saliva into the mouth in the forenoon, after meals; more esp. after supper and during the night.-Hot taste in mouth, proceeding from throat, strongly reminding him of garlic, immediately after taking the medicine, and returning after breakfast to such a degree as to cause a flow of saliva.-The symptoms of the mouth are < by reading.
9. Throat.-Sensation as of something cold rising in throat.-Sensation as of a hot and smarting vapour rising in the throat.-Mucous accumulations in the throat, in the morning, with heavy head.-Sticky feeling in throat with dryness, tickling, heat, and raw feeling in larynx.
10, 11. Appetite and Stomach.-Voracious appetite.-Great hunger from weakness of stomach without appetite.-Desire for butter.-Thirst; preventing sleep.-Burning eructations, after a meal.-Eructations exciting copious salivation.-The slightest deviation in diet disturbs the bowels and digestion.-Complaints from bad water; from gluttony.-Chest complaints < after eating.-Burning in stomach, which is not painful when not touched, but is very sensitive to the least pressure.-Lancinations.-Weight in stomach which prevents sleep.-Pressure inward as from a stone in epigastrium.-Pressure in upper abdomen; > by sitting bent and pressing with both hands; pain became unendurable on walking out.

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12. Abdomen.-Wind colic; twistings and pinchings round navel.-Incomplete (as if interrupted) emission of fetid flatus.-Every step on the pavement caused excruciating pain as if the intestines would be torn apart, > by lying down.-Everything seemed to drag downward.-Weight in hypogastrium, immediately after a meal, without urging to stool or urinate.
13. Stool and Anus.-Expels flatus.-Stool first fecal, then watery and hot.-Involuntary stools.-Diarrhoeic stool, 3 a.m., preceded, accompanied, and followed by cuttings in abdomen and loins.-Normal stool immediately after a meal.-Stool delayed from morning until after dinner, great urging; with stool heat in rectum.-Constipation with almost constant dull pain in bowels.-Haemorrhoids.-Prolapsus ani.-Worms.
14. Urinary Organs.-Urine increased.-Whitish very abundant urine, becoming cloudy from nitric acid.-A kind of diabetes.-Dark brown with copious sediment.-Lessened urine.
16. Female Sexual Organs.-Menses too early; headache and dizziness lessen as the flow becomes established.-Suppurating pimples on vulva.-Suppurating pimples on vulva during menses.-During menses extensive excoriations of skin of internal portions of thighs.-Bright red spots, with itching and smarting on the inside of the labia majora and at entrance of vagina.-(Said to be injurious during pregnancy and nursing.).-Retained placenta.-Dull stitches in r. mamma.-Breasts swell after weaning.-Swelling of breasts, sensitive to touch.-Eruption of red blotches between the breasts and around the nipples.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Difficult respiration as if sternum compressed.-Periodic asthma.-Painful irritation of windpipe when coughing.-Scraping in larynx exciting dry cough.-Almost continuous mucous râles in bronchi.-Cough seeming to come from stomach.-Cough giving rise to perceptible fetid smell.-Dry cough after eating.-Morning cough, after leaving his bedroom, with extremely copious mucous expectoration.-Sudden paroxysms of hard, dry cough while smoking, compelling him to desist.-Great difficulty in expectorating a glutinous mucus.-Expectoration of thin, yellowish, purulent-looking blood-streaked mucus of putrid odour.-Cough < bending head; after eating; by open air.
18. Chest.-Pain in l. chest with dark urine.-Darting pain in the chest which prevents sleep.
19. Heart.-Leaping beats of the heart.

20. Back.-Red spots like ringworm on the back.-Itching between shoulders.-Tearing pain in sacrum.-Cutting pain in sacrum in morning.-Simple pain in coccyx.
22. Upper Limbs.-Painful feeling of contraction in arm.-Pain in forearm; seems as if paralysed.-Burning, then moisture in palms.-Some red spots appear on hands.-Skin peels off the hands.-Tearing pains in fingers extending below the nails.
23. Lower Limbs.-Rheumatism of hip.-Tearing pain in hip.-Intolerable pain in common tendon of psoas and iliacus muscles; < from least movement; trying to cross legs causes him to cry out; but this causes no pain if he lifts the limb gently with his hand; < 8 p.m. in bed, cannot then change his position or sleep.-Weakness in lower limbs; painful weariness in the thighs.-Legs do not grow as rapidly as the rest of the body.-Pain as from a sprain in ankle-joint; in toe-joints.-Tingling in feet; burning in soles; stiffness in feet.-Pains < by changes of temperature.
25. Skin.-Skin sensitive.-Loose; dry; wilted skin.-Swelling with itching and burning.-Red spots; on hands, on chest, on back.-Herpetic itching burning, red or whitish spots on a swollen surface.
26. Sleep.-Drowsiness after a meal.-Muscles twitch on falling asleep.-Sleep prevented by: stitches on chest; weight on stomach; thirst.-Coldness felt in sleep and awakening him frequently.-Dreams: of water and storms; of rapid transit from place to place; anxious; continuing after waking.
27. Fever.-Chilliness on one side only.-Shivering before midday and in evening.-During coldness, redness of face.-Vomiting during the fever.-Sweat in afternoon.-Sweat: acrid;
causing itching; fetid.*


Allium Cepa-a homoeopathic medicine

-by John Henry ClarkeCepa. Common Red Onion. N. O. Liliaceae. Tincture of the onion; or of whole fresh plant gathered from July to August.
Clinical.-Anus, fissure of. Ascites. Catarrh. Cold. Coryza. Cough. Diarrhoea. Facial paralysis. Feet, easily galled. Hay-fever. Hernia. Influenza. Laryngitis. Panaritium. Pneumonia. Trauma. Whitlow. Whooping-cough. Yellow fever.
Characteristics.-Allium cepa covers more symptoms of common cold than any other remedy, as the well-known effect of onions in producing tears would suggest. It will cure a large proportion of cases of cold in the head, but the conditions which most particularly indicate it are: Cough, or cold, or headache < in warm room, > in open air, < again on returning to warm room. It causes burning of eyelids, nose, mouth, throat, bladder, skin. Inflammation and increased secretion of mucous membranes: neuralgic pains like a long thread; in face, head, neck, and elsewhere; < evening; towards ear from deep within head. The toothache of Cepa is > by cold air or cold washing. It is suited to traumatic neuritis. Hurts do not heal. The feet are easily galled by walking. It was recommended by Dioscorides as a remedy for this condition, and homoeopathy has confirmed his observation. Desire for raw onions is an indication for it. Thread-like pains are common in various parts and are characteristic of Cepa. Thread-like pains in face. Left-side facial paralysis has been cured by Cepa. The cough of Cepa is caused by tickling in larynx; constant inclination to hack in order to relieve it. It has cured violent catarrhal laryngitis; hoarse cough with feeling as if it would split and tear the larynx, causing watering of eyes. Cough from inhaling cold air. Cepa has yawning and drowsiness. A raw onion eaten just before going to bed is a popular remedy for sleeplessness. Cepa is a left-side medicine primarily. Symptoms go from left to right. Left eye; left facial paralysis; left inguinal ring. Rest . < Afternoon and evening; when lying down. Damp cold wind and weather = colds and toothache. But cold water and open air >; warm room < Picking or sucking teeth > toothache. Eyes sensitive to touch.
Relations.-Compare: Al. sat., Alo., Conval., Lil. tig, Scilla (botan.); Antidoted by: Arn. (toothache); Cham. (abdominal pains); Nux v. (coryza recurring in August); Verat. (colic, with despondency); Thuja (offensive breath and diarrhoea after eating onions). Roasted coffee will remove onion breath. Followed by Calc. c. and Silic. in polypus. Incompatible: All. sat., Alo., Scilla. Complementary: Phos., Puls., Sars., Thuj. Compare also: Aco., Chlorum, Ipec.; Lach. (left to right).
Causation.-Effects of exposure to damp cold winds and weather. Colds of spring; hay-fever of August; epidemics of spasmodic cough in autumn. Wet feet. Eating spoiled fish. Injuries. Surgical operations (fine shooting pains after).
1. Mind.-Very melancholy.-Fears pains will become unbearable.-Often very anxious, with catarrh, dulness of intellect.
2. Head.-Dulness.-Dull headache, with coryza, < in the evening; > in the open air; but < when returning to a warm room.-Pains in temples, most in right; aggravated by winking; extending over forehead, worse on l. side.-Pain in occiput and down the neck.
3. Eyes.-Flow of (mild) tears.-Excessive non-excoriating lachrymation; l. eye worse, with redness of the eyeball; sensitive to light; worse evenings.-Sensation as if eye were hanging by a string or torn.-Itching, biting, burning in the eyes.-Dulness of the eyes, with aversion to light, and coryza.-Letters appear smaller.-Near objects seem distant with yawning.-Swelling around the eyes.
4. Ears.-Earache.-Discharge of pus from the ear.-Hardness of hearing.
5. Nose.-Profuse watery discharge from the nose, with sneezing, acrid burning, excoriating the nose and upper lip.-Fluent coryza, with running of water from the eyes, headache, heat, thirst, cough, trembling of the hands; < in evening and in a room; > in the open air.-Ichor oozing out of nose; second stage of scarlatina.-Bleeding of the nose.-A sort of hay-fever every August, morning coryza, violent sneezing, sensitive to the odour of flowers and skin of peaches.-Nasal polypi.

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6. Face.-Paralysis of l. half of face, also in limbs of same side.
9. Throat.-Sensation as of a lump in the throat.-Expectoration of a lumpy mucus through the posterior nares.-Pain in throat extending to the ear.-Bad odour from the mouth and throat.
11. Stomach.-Canine hunger.-Appetite, increased or diminished.-Strong craving for raw onions; cannot take any other nourishment.-Pressure in stomach.-Pain in region of pylorus.-Thirst, with heat and coryza.-Nausea, coming from stomach up the throat into the fauces.-Weak, empty feeling in stomach.-Sour eructations.
12. Abdomen.-Rumbling in bowels.-Very offensive flatus.-Belching, with rumbling in and puffing up of the abdomen.-Violent cutting pain in the left lower abdomen, with frequent desire to micturate, and burning micturition.-Pains in hepatic region, spreading into the abdomen.-Violent pains in l. hypogastrium, with urging to urinate, urine scalding.-(Strangulated hernia has been known to follow the eating abundantly of cooked onions.).-Abdomen distended, rumbling, urging, and finally diarrhoea.
13. Stool and Anus.-Diarrhoea after midnight and in the morning.-Flatus very, offensive.-Haemorrhoids, tearing, jerking pains in anus.-Stitches in the rectum.-Rhagades at the anus.-Itching at the anus (worms).
14. Urinary Organs.-Strangury after wet feet.-Dribbling or spouting of urine in old people.-Frequent and copious urination.-Urine red, with much urging and burning in urethra.-Pressure and other pains in the region of the bladder.-Sensation of weakness in the bladder and urethra.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Oppressed breathing, from pressure in the middle of the chest; worse in the evening.-Cough when inhaling cold air.-Catarrhal hoarseness.-Acute bronchitis going from l. to r.-Tickling in throat, with aching in larynx.-Constant inclination to hack.-Hacking cough from inhaling cold air.-Violent catarrhal laryngitis; the hoarse cough seemed to split and tear the larynx.-Much sneezing; he inflates the lungs, raises himself on his toes, then gives a hearty sneeze.
20. Neck and Back.-Intense pain in nape of neck.-Chilly crawls run down the back, most at night, with frequent urination, followed by heat and thirst.
22. Upper Limbs.-Much pain under r. shoulder-blade.-Sore, tired feeling of the limbs, esp. arms.-Trembling of the r. hand.-Panaritium.-Painful affections of the fingers about the nails, red streaks running up the arm.
23. Lower Limbs.-Soreness; the skin is rubbed off by the shoes, esp. on the heel.-Pain on most external soft part of r. big toe and l. middle finger.
24. Generalities.-Stitches and burnings; aching.-Stitches (head, eyes, ears, rectum, skin).-Burning (eyelids, throat, nose, mouth, bladder, skin).-Bad effects from wet feet.-Phlegmasia alba dolens.-Traumatic neuritis, pains violent and continuous, wearing out patient.-Inflammation and increased secretions of the mucous membranes.-Senile gangrene.-Trismus after injuries.-Weak and tired; has to lie down.-Aching throughout the body.-Neuralgia from old injuries.-Neuralgic pains, like a long thread, in face, head, neck, and elsewhere; < evenings.
25. Skin.-Pricking as from pins.-Redness; nettle-rash, measles, scarlatina, when the complaints are characterised by the characteristic catarrhal symptoms.-Panaritia of lying-in females, red streaks running up arm, very painful.
26. Sleep.-Yawning; with headache and cramp in stomach; with sleepiness near objects seem distant.-Gaping in deep sleep.-Wakes 2 a.m.-Dreams of being near water; of battles, precipices, deep wells; of storms, high waves; annoying in convalescents.
27. Fever.-Pulse full and accelerated.-Heat, with rumbling in the abdomen, coryza, and thirst.-Flitting heat over whole body, and thirst.-Coldness alternates with heat during 

catarrh.-Sweats easily and copiously.


Aletris Farinosa-A homoeopathic medicine

-by John Henry Clarke
Star Grass Blazing Grass. Colic Root. Unicorn Root. (United States.) N. O. Haemodoraceae. Tincture of root.
Clinical.-Abortion. Anaemia. Colic. Constipation. Convulsions. Debility. Dysmenorrhoea. Dysuria. Endometritis. Fever. Haemorrhoids. Hysteric colic. Indigestion. Leucorrhoea. Menorrhagia. Myalgia. Pregnancy, vomiting of. Sterility. Uterus, pain in; prolapse of.
Characteristics.-Alet. far. is said to be the most bitter of all plants. It is characterised by weariness of body and mind. Want of appetite, especially in connection with Uterine disorders. The least food distends the stomach. There are fainting attacks with vertigo. Emaciation is marked in some cases. Disgust for food, nausea; constipation. Obstinate vomiting of pregnancy. Many symptoms appear in the uterine sphere: uterine atony, menses profuse and premature with labour-like pains or amenorrhoea, debility, from loss of fluids, protracted illness. Menorrhagia, black clots, fulness and weight. Leucorrhoea, with debility. Sterility. Habitual tendency to abortion. Sensation of weight in uterine region and tendency to prolapse. Sensation of weight in occiput as if it would draw the head back. It is most suited for chlorotic girls and pregnant women. Weak, emaciated people.
Relations.-Compare: Helonias dioica ("False" Unicorn, not to be confounded with Alet. f.), Chin., Hydrast., Sabin., Senec., Puls., Caulo.; Dioscor. (colic < bending forward); Caust., Puls., Fer., (discharge of urine during cough); Alumina (constipation; grasps the seat tightly, despairs of having a stool. During stool terrible pains as if a passage were being forced, Al. f.).
1. Mind.-Weariness of body and mind.
2. Head.-Vertigo, with sleepiness, vomiting, purging; even stupefaction.-As if head in a vice.-Weight in occiput; as if it would draw the head backward.
3. Eyes.-Eyes feel sore and look dim.
4. Ears.-Ears feel as if open through from one to the other.-Deaf in l. ear with stuffed feeling.
10. Appetite.-Appetite lost; with weakness.
11. Stomach.-Least food distresses the stomach; fainting attacks with vertigo; sleepy, emaciated; disgust for food, nausea; obstinate indigestion.-Vomiting during pregnancy.-Eructations of food in evening with burning in throat.-All-gone feeling in morning on rising, > by eating.-Nausea is > by coffee; is > by dinner, but returns with gagging at sight or thought of grease.-Nausea, with pressure in forehead.

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12. Abdomen.-Cramps.-Griping.-Pain all through abdomen, settling into lower part, > passing flatus and scanty diarrhoeic stool; pain < bending forward, > bending backward, then the pain increased and it seemed as if all the insides had settled into lower abdomen and were cut with knives; > scanty diarrhoeic stool.-Aching in hypogastrium and across back of hips.-Hysteric colic.
13. Stool and Anus.-Scanty diarrhoeic stool; tenesmus during and after stool, with feeling as if lower part of rectum closed.-Fearful pains in rectum and anus, during a movement terrible pain as if forcing a passage.-Inveturate constipation as from rectal atony.-Frequent ineffectual urgings.-Stool: loose, painful, offensive, frequent; thin with hard lumps in it; hard, delayed, small, scanty, difficult.-Haemorrhoids.
14. Urinary Organs.-Micturition rare.-Incontinence, < walking fast or sneezing.-Urine scanty, phosphatic.
16. Female Sexual Organs.-Premature profuse menses with labour-like pains.-Amenorrhoea or delayed menses from atony; weariness of mind and body; abdomen distended, bearing-down.-Menses too soon with colic, light-coloured.-Menorrhagia, profuse, black with coagula; fulness and weight.-Leucorrhoea, white stringy.-Prolapsus.-Sterility.-Habitual tendency to abort; sensation of weight in uterine region; tendency to prolapse.-Myalgic pains like "false pains.".-Before menses: cough.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Raises a good deal of froth, feels as if wanted to cough and couldn't.-Tickling, short, dry, hard cough on waking, becoming spasmodic, < by talking; = discharge of urine.-Later, cough incessant, like whooping-cough; loses breath; cyanotic; > suddenly on occurrence of menses eight days too soon.
18. Chest.-Pain in l. breast as if a knife ran into it.-Pain in l. breast, then extending through into back to l. of lower part of r. scapula.-Pulse irregular and intermittent.
20. Neck and Back.-Pain in centre of nape, running into l. shoulder; then pain in nape moved up to occiput, and remained there all evening.-Sharp pain from point of l. scapula through to l. breast.-Sensation as if back would break just above waist; afterwards same pain higher up.-Backache with dragging in sacral regions, and string, colourless leucorrhoea, beginning when walking.
21. Limbs.-Sharp pain in r. shoulder joint, streaked down arm, then into l. chest, settling above nipple.-Knees painful sitting.-R. leg feels paralysed below knee, numb, could not bear weight on it.
25. Skin.-Itching papillary eruption across chest and back, < by scratching, > by rubbing.
26. Sleep.-Restless fore part of night.

27. Fever.-Chilly, face flushed.-Limbs cold, head and face hot and flushed.

Agnus Castus-A Homoeopathic medicine

Verbena verticillata. Vitex agnus castus (Linn.). The Chaste Tree. (Shores of Mediterranean, Provence, and Greece.) N. O. Verbenaceae. Tincture of ripe berries.
Clinical.-Agalactia. Anus, excoriation and chaps of. Ascites. Dislocations, Gonorrhoea, secondary. Gouty joints. Gums, ulcerated. Impotence. Knees, coldness of. Leucorrhoea. Mouth, ulcers in. Rheumatic nodes. Spleen, swelling of; induration of. Sprains. Sterility. Testicles, swelling of; induration of. Toothache.
Characteristics.-As its name implies, Agnus Castus produces its chief effects in the sexual sphere, causing depression of function. General debility and depression of vital power are marked. There ire very characteristic symptoms in the mental sphere. Great sadness with a fixed idea of approaching death. This fear is not of immediate death as with Aconite, but the patient thinks it is sure to come after a while, and there is no use in doing anything. When this mental state is found after confinement and the milk fails to appear, Agn. c. is the remedy. Absent-mindedness. Drowsiness. It corresponds to lymphatic constitutions. Premature old age, with apathy and melancholy, self-contempt from sexual abuse. Nervous debility in unmarried persons. Impotence and gleet in old offenders. Among other peculiar symptoms are: Illusion of smell as of herrings; or musk; ulcers in mouth and on gums. Tearing pain in lower jaw. Toothache from hot food or drink. Swelling and induration of spleen. Rumbling of flatus during sleep. Discharge of prostatic fluid whilst straining at stool. Suppressed menses with abdominal pain. Leucorrhoea staining yellow. Sterility. Deficiency of milk, with despair of recovery. Pain as if dislocated in joints. Joints easily twisted. Rheumatic and gouty nodosities on joints.
Relations.-Agnus is the only proved member of the Verbena family, though the Labiatae or Mint family are closely allied. It is antidoted by: Camphor, Nat. mur. (headache); strong solutions of table-salt. It is followed well by: Ars., Bry., Ign., Lyc., Pul., Sul., Selen. Compare: (Leucorrhoea staining yellow), Nux, Chel., Carb. an., Kreas. Teste groups it with Mur. ac. and Hyo.
Causation.-Sexual excesses. Repeated attacks of gonorrhoea or gleet. Sprains or over-lifting.
1. Mind.-Extreme absence of mind; unable to recollect things; finds it difficult to read or keep up the train of thought.-Despairing sadness; low-spirited; fears of death; keeps repeating that she will soon die.
2. Head.-Tearing pain, with pressure in the temples and forehead (in the brain); < during motion.-Pain in the temple, as from a blow.-Heaviness in the head, and pressure, as if the head would fall forward.-Pain in the vertex, as from staying in a room filled with a thick and smoky atmosphere.-Tension and chilliness in the scalp, which is warm to the touch.
3. Eyes.-Corrosive itching or gnawing itching over and on the eyebrows, on the eyelids and under the eyes; > by scratching, but it soon returns.-Dilated pupils (and photophobia).
4. Ears.-Roaring in the ears.-Hardness of hearing.
5. Nose.-Odour before the nose, like herrings or musk.-Hard, aching pressure on the dorsum of the nose; > by pressure.
6. Face.-Corrosive itching of the cheeks, under the eyes, and on the chin.-Formication in the cheeks.-Rending, tearing pain under the alveoli of the r. lower jaw.
8. Mouth.-Ulcers in the mouth and on the gums.-The teeth are painful when touched by warm food or drink.

शीघ्र पतन के घरेलू आयुर्वेदिक नुस्खे 

10. Appetite and Taste.-Thirstlessness and aversion to drink.-Metallic, coppery taste.
11. Stomach.-Nausea in pit of stomach when standing; later in the abdomen, with a sensation as if the intestines were pressing downwards; constant inclination to support bowels with the hands.
12. Abdomen.-Abdomen sore to touch.-Swelling and induration of the spleen, esp. after intermittent fevers.-Ascites.-Rumbling of flatulence during sleep.-Fear as if entrails were sinking down; constantly wants to support bowels with hands.
13. Stool and Anus.-Difficulty of passing soft stools.-When pressing at stool, discharge of prostatic fluid.-Sensation as of subcutaneous ulceration near the anus, only when walking.-Corrosive itching of the perineum.-Rhagades at the anus.-Deep fissures of the anus, often giving pain when walking.
14. Urinary Organs.-Frequent micturition.
15. Male Sexual Organs.-Diminution of sexual power.-The penis is small and flaccid; so relaxed that voluptuous fancies excite no erection.-Feeble erections without sexual desire.-The testicles are cold, swollen, hard, and painful.-Impotence, with gleet (esp. with those who have frequently had gonorrhoea).-Gleet, without sexual desire or erections.-Emission of prostatic fluid when straining at stool; during micturition.-Drawing along the spermatic cords.-Pollutions from irritable weakness with prostatorrhoea.-Itching of the genital organs.-Yellow discharges from the urethra.-Gonorrhoea, with suppressed sexual desire.
16. Female Sexual Organs.-Transparent leucorrhoea; parts very relaxed.-Leucorrhoea spotting linen yellow.-Sterility, with suppressed menses, and want of sexual desire.-Milk scanty or entirely suppressed.-Deficient, secretion of milk in lying-in women.-Swelling and inflammation of the uterus.-Retained placenta.

18. Chest.-Hard pressure in the region of the sternum, esp. during a deep inspiration.-Cough in the evening in bed, before going to sleep.
22. Upper Limbs.-Hard pressure in right axilla and upper arm; worse from touch and motion.-Swelling of the finger joints, with arthritic, tearing pains.
23. Lower Limbs.-Lancinating pain in the right hip-joint.-Heaviness of right foot, as from a weight.-Stitches in the legs (left big toes).-Tearing pain in joints of toes; worse when walking.
24. Generalities.-Great debility.-Inflammatory, rheumatic swelling of the joints.-Gouty nodosities.-Sprains, bad results from lifting too much.-Feet turn under when walking.
25. Skin.-Corrosive itching on different parts of the body, > by scratching, but it soon returns.-Itching around the ulcers, in the evening.
27. Fever.-Pulse small, slow, imperceptible.-Chilliness, internal with trembling, the external skin is warm.-Much chilliness, with cold hands.-Flushes of burning heat, principally in the face, with cold knees in the evening in bed.-Perspiration almost only on the hands, when walking in the open air.

-by John Henry Clarke
