
Ear ringing buzzing tinnitus natural and homeopathic remedies

Tinnitus is the condition where a person hears noises in the ear without the presence of any external sound. This condition can affect either one ear or both the ears. Affected people also mention symptoms like the ‘change of side (or ear)’ from where the sounds are coming, as well as the intensity, pitch, volume, and type of sound. In a few cases, symptoms like vertigo, difficulty in hearing, discharge from ear and fullness/heaviness in the ears are also present. Homeopathic medicines for tinnitus can help decrease the severity of the symptoms and also treat the condition on a long-term basis.
People dealing with tinnitus often develop other conditions like depression, anxiety, insomnia, stress and difficulty in concentrating as a result of hearing constant sounds. According to a report published in the journal Frontiers in Neurology (2014), ‘many patients have suggested that their distress is an inevitable consequence of the psychophysical characteristics of tinnitus.’
Different people hear different sounds when afflicted with tinnitus. Some common sounds associated with the condition are ringing, buzzing, hissing, roaring, and whistling.
Is There a Homeopathic cure for Tinnitus?
There are no conventional drugs available to cure tinnitus completely. In most cases, tinnitus may develop as a result of some other underlying issue. Certain drugs are used to reduce the complications or severity of tinnitus. Other methods involve suppressing the symptoms with the help of noise-masking contraptions. While they do provide a certain degree of relief from the symptoms of tinnitus, they rarely treat the problem. Often, discontinuation of these treatment options leads to worsening of the condition. Side-effects of drugs used in these cases can also be severe, and more often than not, a person has to try out different medicines to find the ones that suit them and cause less-severe side effects. Fixing the problem from the root cause is the surest way to manage and treat tinnitus.

A Natural Remedy For Tinnitus

Being an ancient, 200-year-old medical art, and science that was founded by German physician Samuel Hahnemann way back in the 1700s, the cures used in homeopathy are derived from nature and thus devoid of toxins. Naturally occurring substances are used to make the remedies, which work in harmony with the system. These also help restore the natural healing processes of the body.
It has No Side-Effects
 Homeopathy for tinnitus does not cause any side effects because of their extremely diluted nature, and the fact that they are made of natural substances. Conventional drugs that contain tricyclic antidepressants are used only to manage severe tinnitus since the side-effects of these can be debilitating. Some side effects include blurred vision, heart problems, constipation, and dry mouth. Another commonly used drug called alprazolam helps reduce the symptoms of tinnitus, but it too comes with side effects like nausea and drowsiness. This drug also causes dependency and can be habit-forming.

Holistic Approach

Another advantage is that homeopathy aims to cure the problem from the root. Instead of suppressing the symptoms of a disorder, homeopathy takes into account all the associated symptoms and offers a comprehensive treatment approach. Noise-masking contraptions like noise-cancellation machines or solutions like hearing aids only suppress the symptoms and provide temporary relief. These are more like supplementary solutions and do not treat the main problem.

Individualized Cure

Individualisation is the key to homeopathy treatment. Every person is treated as a unique individual with their own set of symptoms rather than being classified into a category. This aspect of focussing on the individual symptoms is an important criterion in the case of tinnitus since tinnitus is a condition that develops due to a variety of reasons. To find the correct solution, it is necessary to know the exact cause of the problem. In some cases, tinnitus occurs due to a blockage or obstruction within the inner ear, while in others, it may be a side-effect of a drug. These two cases cannot be treated with one medicine. Individual treatment for every case is therefore necessary, and this is the very basis of homeopathy.
 Similarly, different people hear different types of sounds as a result of tinnitus and require different medicines. For example, for drumming sounds inside the ears, Lachesis Muta is indicated, while for humming sounds, China Officinalis is used.

Simple and Effective

The fact that a homeopath individually selects every medicine prescribed to a patient makes homeopathy a simple yet effective course of treatment. A blanket approach of prescribing the same medicine for every patient clubbed under tinnitus is not followed. A single dose of the correct medicine can have a lasting effect for months or even years.
 The first course of treatment for tinnitus involves identifying underlying causes and screening the treatable conditions. This includes measures like cleaning excessive earwax, changing medications or surgical intervention. With homeopathy, invasive treatments like surgery can be held off since there are different treatment options available to fix internal problems naturally.

A Safe Option

Natural remedies for tinnitus have given proven results in treating cases where the symptoms are mild to moderate. In case of a severe tinnitus problem, homeopathy can help reduce the severity and recurrence of the symptoms. Conventional treatments for tinnitus that involve the use of drugs or masking techniques may not be suitable across all ages. Children and adults alike are susceptible to side-effects from drugs, and this treatment option is rarely recommended for children. Homeopathy works in harmony with the body by restoring the natural healing processes. It can be used safely to treat tinnitus in people of all age groups.
 Further, these remedies also help treat accompanying symptoms like vertigo, ear discharges, fullness/heaviness in the ears and conditions linked to Meniere’s disease. The duration of homeopathy treatments for tinnitus varies from person to person, although in most cases, gradual improvement over a given period has been noted. The chances of a relapse of the condition, once the treatment has been successfully administered, are next to none.

Homeopathic Remedies for Tinnitus

Remedies that are effective in treating tinnitus are Kali Mur, Natrum Salicylicum, Chenopodium Anthelmenticum and Chininum Sulph. Chosen carefully on the merits of the indications they can be the perfect homeopathic relief for tinnitus

1. Kali Mur- Top Grade Natural Medicine for Tinnitus

Kali Mur is used to treat tinnitus where there is an excessive buildup or discharge of mucus in the nose or throat area. A history of long-standing ear discharges (otorrhea) is also indicative of this medicine. Popping and crackling noises in the ear are typical, and the latter sounds get worse upon swallowing. Deafness from ear catarrh is also possible.

2. Natrum Salicylicum- For Vertigo and Tinnitus

Natrum Salicylicum is used to treat tinnitus that develops as a result of Meniere’s disease, where a triad of symptoms including noises in the ear, hearing loss, and vertigo appears. The sounds are low in tone and almost constant. Vertigo gets worse on sitting up or rising from bed and lying down provides relief. This is an excellent medicine for vertigo and tinnitus

3. Chenopodium Anthelminticum – For Tinnitus with Sudden spells of Vertigo

is used to treat tinnitus where there are sudden spells of vertigo. The person may be able to hear high pitched sounds but be deaf to human sounds. The noises in the ear in these cases are mainly buzzing, ringing or roaring in nature. Tinnitus synchronous with heartbeats is another feature indicating the need for this medicine.

4. Graphites Naturalis- For Ear Tinnitus when Hissing and Buzzing sounds are present

is used to treat cases of somatic tinnitus, where the symptoms of tinnitus worsen when there is a movement of the head and jaw. The noises in the ear are mainly hissing, buzzing, whistling or roaring in nature. In some cases, cracking sounds in the ears are present. A feeling of ‘stuffed ear’ and dryness in the ears also indicates the need for this medicine.

5. Chininum Sulph- For Ringing In Ear

is used in cases of tinnitus where intense sounds of varies kinds of ringing, roaring, and buzzing are present. Vertigo and a decline in the hearing ability also indicate the need for this medicine. In some cases, a severe headache may be present. Chininum Sulph is also used as an effective homeopathic remedy for Meniere’s disease.

Remedies For Specific Noises

Tinnitus can cause a person to hear different sounds within the ear, and these sounds vary from case to case. Among the many sounds that a person hears inside the ear as a result of tinnitus, the most common ones include buzzing, roaring, whistling, hissing, humming, chirping, drumming, flapping, fluttering, machine-like, waterfall-like, ringing sounds and sounds of the wind. There are specific remedies that are used to treat these sounds.
  Petroleum Oleum is used to treat tinnitus where there are ringing noises in ears. There is clear bell-like sound in the ear. Other symptoms include dryness, intense itching deep in the ear. People who cannot tolerate the sound of several people talking together, and elderly persons dealing with deafness are often treated with this medicine.
 Formica Rufa is used to treat tinnitus where buzzing noises in the ear are present. Pain in the ear and hardness of hearing are also common. The pain may radiate to the temporal region of the head. In most cases, earache gets worse in the morning, and the ears may feel hot and be sensitive to touch.
  Salicylicum Acidum is used to treat tinnitus where there are roaring sounds in the ear. The hearing may be diminished, and the person may experience episodes of vertigo. Nausea and a sensation of blood rushing to the brain may also be present.
This medicine is also used to treat Meniere’s disease, tinnitus due to influenza and cases where tinnitus occurs as a result of consuming the drug ‘aspirin.’
 Manganum Aceticum is used to treat tinnitus where whistling noises are heard within the ear. Other symptoms include hardness of hearing that gets worse in damp weather, an obstructed sensation in the ears and shooting pain that gets worse upon speaking or laughing.
Silicea is used to treat tinnitus where there are hissing sounds inside the ear. Other symptoms include a blocked sensation in the ear, shooting pain, hardness of hearing, sensitivity to cold air and presence of discharges. These discharges can be purulent (pus-like), blood-stained and may have a fetid odor. A history of a perforated ear-drum is also present in some cases.
 China Officinalis is used to treat tinnitus where there are humming noises in the ear. These are accompanied by a stitching/tearing pain in the ears that worsens with touch. There may be overall weakness, debility, and headache. This medicine is also used in cases where a ticking noise is heard inside the ears.
Bryonia Alba is used to treat tinnitus with chirping noises inside the ear. The ear may feel blocked, intolerance towards noises in the environment may be present along with spells of vertigo.
A deep, stitching or shooting pain that gets worse in the open air may be present. The ear is usually sensitive to touch. This medicine works well to treat cases of tinnitus where a person hears a particular sound, like the pouring of water over a dam.
 Lachesis Muta is used to treat where there are drumming sounds in the ear. A decrease in hearing along with excessive dryness and hardness of the ear wax is present. The ear is sensitive towards the wind. The ear may feel stiff, and pain may develop towards the evening or night time.
 Antimonium Tart is used to treat tinnitus where there are fluttering or flapping noises in the ear. A prominent warm sensation inside the ear, twitching and tearing pain in the ear during the evening is also present.
 Hydrastis Canadensis is used to treat tinnitus where there is a machinery-like sound inside the ear. There may be a thick mucus discharge from the ear, and a sensation of fullness in the in the forehead may also be present.
 Causticum is used to treat tinnitus where a re-echo of words is heard in the ear. Other symptoms include a pulsating, burning sensation in the ear, pressure in the head and ears, and a purulent, gluey/sticky ear discharge along with an excessive accumulation of the ear wax is also present in some cases.
 Theridion Curassavicum is used to treat tinnitus where there are noises of a waterfall present in the ear. The person also experiences sensitivity along with pressure and fullness in the ears.
 Pulsatilla Nigricans is used to treat tinnitus where there are sounds of the wind inside the ear. Difficulty in hearing in cold and damp weather, earache, and chronic ear infection with a thick yellowish-greenish colored discharge indicate the need for this medicine.

Managing Tinnitus

Prevention is the cure here – protecting the ear, staying away from loud sounds or using earplugs or noise cancellation earphones in noisy areas, assessing other risk factors that may contribute to the condition are some ways to prevent the symptoms of tinnitus from getting worse.

Causes and Risk Factors

Many conditions can give rise to tinnitus. Although prolonged exposure to loud sounds is the most common cause, other reasons for tinnitus include age-related hearing loss, Meniere’s disease, high blood pressure, head or neck injuries, build-up of excessive ear wax, ear infections, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems, emotional or chronic stress and excessive intake of alcohol. Tinnitus is also more common in males as compared to females.

Specific Conditions that lead to Tinnitus

There are certain conditions that are directly related to tinnitus. In some cases, tinnitus may be a direct result of an infection or injury within the inner ear. These conditions include:
Obstruction in the ear canal, chronic infections within the ear and ear-related disorders like otosclerosis.
Damage in the inner ear that changes the way in which the tiny hairs inside the ear respond to pressure from sound waves.
Chronic sinus infections.
Damage to the cranial nerve or the growth of a tumor.
Degenerative disorders like cervical spondylosis that lead to compression of the arteries joined to the neck and ears.
Conditions like Bell’s Palsy (a condition that causes weakening of facial muscles).
Risk Factors for Developing Tinnitus
 Use of certain medications can also lead to tinnitus, like aspirin, quinine, certain antidepressants, anti-inflammatory medicines and some antibiotics. These drugs may be ‘ototoxic’ and cause damage to the inner ear.

Age may also be a leading cause of tinnitus – 

people aged 60 years or above are at high risk to develop this problem due to age-related degenerative changes in the cochlea.
Certain medical conditions that predispose a person towards tinnitus, like high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, anemia, nerve disorders, inflammation, cardiovascular disease, allergies, and circulatory issues. A history of ear-related disorders and chronic ear infections can also lead to tinnitus.

Lifestyle-Related Factors

Regarding lifestyle, it has been noted that people who smoke excessively are more likely to develop this problem since smoking affects the sensitive nerve cells inside the ear and also acts as a stimulant, which may worsen the noises inside the ear.
People with a history of excessive alcohol or drug abuse also tend to develop tinnitus as a result of neurological damage.
Malnutrition as a result of rapid weight-loss or improper diets can also give rise to this problem.
Exposure to noise pollution by continually being in an environment of loud noises, like a job or using earphones with a loud volume are some other risk factors.

1. Lifestyle and Tinnitus

Specific lifestyle-based changes can help manage tinnitus and prevent it from getting worse. Avoiding environments with loud noises, adopting measures to manage stress (as it can worsen the tinnitus), avoiding the intake of alcohol, caffeine, and smoking are some preventative steps.

2. Stress

Stress and inflammation are two lifestyle-related issues that tend to increase the risks of ear problems like hearing loss, ear infections, lowered immunity and vertigo. These are therefore linked to tinnitus and can act as contributing factors.
A sedentary lifestyle with little or no physical activity, poor diet, and lack of sufficient sleep can lower the immunity and increase susceptibility towards ear infections and nerve damage. Dealing with chronic stress and inflammation issues with the help of natural stress busters like exercise, consuming a clean, anti-inflammatory diet and meditation are some options.

3. Using Q-Tips

Aggressive use of Q-tips to clean the ears is another widespread cause of tinnitus. Earwax helps protect the ear by trapping dust and bacteria, so ideally it should not be cleaned up too frequently. In cases where tinnitus is already present, it is best to speak to a doctor about keeping the ears clean, and Q-tips should not be used at all.

4. Drugs and Medication

In some cases, conventional drugs like certain anti-depressants, antibiotics, recreational drugs and anti-inflammatory medications may contribute to the condition.
In such cases, switching to alternative treatment options often helps resolve the problem. A doctor can find out alternative treatment options or lower the dosage of these drugs to help manage tinnitus.
A holistic health practitioner can help a person transition into alternative medicine. Working with the body’s natural restorative processes to treat issues like tinnitus shows good long-term results.

5. Diet and Tinnitus

When it comes to diet, certain foods can directly affect the working of the inner ear and contribute to the symptoms of tinnitus. Factors that lead to high blood pressure can increase the severity of tinnitus; therefore an elimination diet is recommended to help narrow down the list of what foods are safe and which ones are not. Foods or preservatives that tend to increase blood pressure and thereby aggravate the symptoms of tinnitus include excessive salt, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, stimulants like coffee, tea, sodas and monosodium glutamate (MSG).

Foods that Help

Certain foods and supplements help increase blood circulation in the body, while others help reduce inflammation. Together, these foods can help manage the symptoms of tinnitus. A deficiency of essential minerals like zinc can also aggravate tinnitus.


Fruits like pineapples increase blood circulation in the body and help lower blood pressure due to the high levels of potassium. Other fruits that are rich in potassium include pears, bananas, and papayas.


Garlic helps increase the blood circulation and reduce inflammation and is known to reduce the reduce the build-up of plaque in arteries connected to the inner ear, which may lead to inhibited blood flow to the cochlea and aggravate tinnitus.
Research also shows that garlic helps reduce hearing loss caused by ototoxic medications. (Garlic-Supplemented Diet Attenuates Gentamicin-Induced Ototoxicity: An Experimental Study)


Zinc deficiency affects the overall health of a person, but its effects are far worse on people with hearing issues, particularly tinnitus. Consuming appropriate amounts of zinc through diet can help relieve the symptoms of tinnitus. Foods that contain high levels of zinc include seafood and spinach.Primary Remedies

Kali carbonicum

Tinnitus with ringing or roaring, accompanied by cracking noises and itching in the ears, may be relieved with this remedy. Vertigo experienced on turning is another indication. People who need this remedy are often quite conservative, with a rigid code of ethics. They tend to feel anxiety in the region of the stomach.

Natrum salicylicum

This remedy may be beneficial if ringing in the ears is like a low, dull hum. Loss of hearing related to bone conduction, as well as nerve interference and vertigo, may be involved. Natrum salicylicum is a useful remedy when tinnitus and tiredness occur after influenza or along with Meniere's disease.

Calcarea carbonica

When this remedy is indicated, tinnitus may be experienced alone or with vertigo. The person may have hearing problems, or cracking and pulsing sensations in the ears. People who need this remedy are usually chilly, easily fatigued, crave sweets, and feel overwhelmed and anxious when unwell.

Chininum sulphuricum

Buzzing, ringing, and roaring sounds that are loud enough to impair the person's hearing suggest a need for this remedy. The person may also have a tendency toward chills and vertigo, during which the tinnitus is often worse.


This remedy may be beneficial to a person who has tinnitus with associated deafness. Hissing and clicking sounds are often heard in the ears (or even louder sounds like gunshots). People who need this remedy may also have a tendency toward constipation, poor concentration, and cracking skin eruptions.


A humming and roaring in the ears, along with impairment of hearing, suggest the use of this remedy. Sounds may also seem to echo in the ears. People needing Lycopodium often have a tendency toward ear infections with discharge, as well as chronic digestive problems or urinary tract complaints.
Other Remedies

Carbo vegetabilis

This remedy may be useful if ringing in the ears occurs during flu or other conditions involving vertigo and nausea. The symptoms may be worst in the evening and at night. The person may feel cold and faint, but usually has a craving for fresh and moving air. Carbo vegetabilis is also helpful when an illness has been prolonged or recovery is slow.

China (also called Cinchona officinalis)

This remedy is often helpful to people who feel touchy, weak, and nervous with sensitivity to noise and tinnitus. It is often indicated after fluids have been lost through vomiting, diarrhea, heavy sweating, and surgery or other conditions involving blood loss.

Salicylicum acidum

This remedy is indicated for tinnitus with very loud roaring or ringing sounds, which may be accompanied by deafness or vertigo. The problem may have begun with flu, or occur in a person with Meniere's disease. Salicylicum acidum may also be helpful if tinnitus has been caused by too much aspirin.


People likely to respond to this remedy are very sensitive to noise, along with tinnitus, and often have pain and muscle tension in the neck and back. They are usually energetic, nervous, and talkative, but become depressed or fearful when not feeling well. Headaches and problems during menstrual periods are often seen in people who need this remedy.

Coffea cruda

This remedy may be helpful to an excitable, nervous person with tinnitus accompanied by extremely sensitive hearing and a buzzing feeling in the back of the head. People who need this remedy often have insomnia from mental overstimulation.



Benefits of water therapy

What Is Water Therapy?

  Essentially, it’s drinking large amounts of water immediately after waking up on an empty stomach. This consists of up to 1.5 liters or so of water upon waking.
You should never break a fast with starch or heavy carbohydrates. Liquids are the best way to break a fast, and water in the morning is your best bet to get some great health benefits!
While sleeping, think of your body as being in a state of fasting where it is repairing itself.
An empty stomach allows for more energy to be allocated to the healing and reparation process your body is going through while sleeping. You don’t ever want to compromise these effects by eating heavy meals before bed nor by eating heavy meals upon waking up.

Water Therapy Health Benefits

If you can handle drinking 1.5 liters of water, following water therapy in the morning is good for your body in many ways.
The benefits of drinking water in the morning include:

1 . Better Nutrient Absorption and Purifies the Colon

Drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning purifies the colon and allows for better absorption of nutrients in your system.
To fully make use of the nutrients entering the body, you need a fully functioning colon. Drinking water first thing in the morning helps you clean out your colon to help you absorb as many nutrients as you can from the food you eat for the rest of the day.
Add more minerals to your water with Sunwarrior Liquid Light. It contains antioxidants and electrolytes to replenish those you lost overnight.

2. Boosts Metabolism to Help Lose Weight

To help with weight loss, drinking at least 16 oz. of water in the morning can boost your metabolism by up to 24%.
People on a strict diet benefit from drinking at least two full glasses of water before consuming any type of solid food after waking up. That’s because water transports the carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and minerals you need to the rest of the body daily.
Water helps flush out toxins from your digestive system, helping you absorb more nutrients and in turn, makes you feel fuller faster and longer. This helps minimize hunger pangs and cravings.

3. Hydrates You at a Cellular Level

Water in the morning hydrates your cells at a superior rate after hours of fasting (sleeping). The rush of hydration to the cells helps in the production of blood and muscle cells.
Sleeping is a form of fasting since you don’t consume food or water for six to eight hours. This means your body needs hydration when you wake up.
Since water composes 70% of the entire body, replenishing fluids in your body should be of utmost importance in the morning.

4. Improves Skin Complexion

The high dosages of water helps to purge the system of toxins through the bowels and leaves you with glowing skin.
When you drink water and unsweetened fluids, you keep blood flowing to your skin and helps release toxins through sweating.
Hydration also keeps the skin’s elasticity, avoiding wrinkles, uneven patches, and deep pores.
Buying expensive skin care products? Just drink water first thing in the morning and get glowing, radiant skin throughout the day.

5. Improves Immunity

It helps to flush and balance your lymphatic system, which leads to increased immunity, helping you fight a variety of illnesses.
Since water therapy helps flush out toxins, you also prevent bacteria and fungi from overproduction. You reduce the chances for these substances from developing into more severe diseases.

6. Helps Prevent Kidney Stone Formation

If you’ve ever been diagnosed with kidney stones, you have probably been advised to drink a lot of water by your doctor. That’s because it helps flush out stones from your kidneys and prevents bladder infections.
Drinking at least two full glasses of water as soon as you wake up helps dilute acids, preventing the development of urinary tract infection (UTI) and other problems with your bladder and the rest of the urinary tract.
What is urinary tract infection? This is any disease developed in the urinary system, including the bladder, kidneys, urethra, or ureters.
Water therapy helps you avoid chronic pain and internal inflammation.

What is the best time for water therapy?

Upon waking from early morning prior to brushing your teeth, drinking 1.50 liters of water is referred to as water therapy. You are able to continue your morning routine after this process. It is crucial to note that nothing else should be taken within 1 hour before and after drinking the 1.5 liters of water.



Spagyric Vegetable Essence Electropathy medicines to treat diseases

    kidney stone and gallbladder stone 

An ideal Electropathy formula for Renal & gall bladder stone  Indications :- Renal Calculi, Renal Pain, Nephritis, Sand in Urine Bladder Calculi etc.

Composition :- Si + S2 + S6 + C6 + C17 + A2 + WE +  Hydrangea 
 Dosage :- Unless otherwise prescribed by Electropathic Physician, 10 - 15 drops in half cup water 3 - 4 times daily.
An ideal Electropathy formula
Powerful medicine for gall bladder stone.
A complete Electropathy medicine have no side effect

Hypertension/High Blood Pressure.

Spagyric Vegetable Essence


Avena Sativa Spg.


Hydrastis Ca. Spg.


Solidago Vi. Spg.


Sambuccus. Ni. Spg.


Indications: Hypertension/High Blood Pressure.

Asthma Medicine

  Spagyric Vegetable Essence


Erythraea C. Spg.


Hydrastis C. Spg.


Ipecacuanha Spg.


Aconitum N. Spg.


Syzigium A. Spg.


Indications : For Asthmatic conditions, Dysponea & Allergic asthma.

 piles medicine 

Spagyric Vegetable Essence


Lycopodium C.Spg.


Echinacea A.Spg.


Hammamalis Spg.


Conium M.Spg.


Thuja O.Spg.


Viscum Alb. Spg.


IndicationBlind Piles and Haemmerroids, Fissures and pain in Rectum

inflamed joints & pain in the joints.

Spagyric Vegetable Essence


Taxacus B.Spg.


Arnica M. Spg.


Rhus T. Spg.


Pulmonaria O. Spg.


Aqua Based Spagyric Extract

IndicationsUseful in inflamed joints & pain in the joints.

 Gallstones medicine

 Spagyric Vegetable Essence


Avena Sativa Spg.


Thuja Occ. Spg.


Lycopodium Cla. Spg.


Echinacea Ang. Spg.


Conium Mac.


Sambuccus nig. Spg.


Ear ringing buzzing tinnitus natural and homeopathic remedies


Homeopathic Remedies for Depression

A good homeopathic treatment can completely heal various symptoms of depression. Today, we're discussing about some of the best homeopathy medicine for depression that have shown very encouraging outcomes. Depression is a state of low mood and dislikes to actions that can affect a person's ideas, habits, emotional responses and sense of well-being.

The real difficulty in the path of treating the disease is to find the appropriate medicine that best fits the temperament and symptoms experienced by the person. In the journey of treatment you will find this situation challenging; Homeopathy medicine for depression has found a place in treating the condition. Here are some details about the best homeopathy medicines for depression without any side effects.

1. Calcarea carbonica -

 When people become confused with work, take tension from their job profile this medicine affects a lot. At the time a person may develop tiredness, worry, self-pity, sadness and confusion. It is helpful for individuals who suffer from insomnia and periods of laziness.

2. Causticum - 

When a person mourns for the loss he comes across forgetfulness, constant crying for hours, and mental boredom. These people at particular time feel sympathetic toward others, or they can have an annoyed and pessimistic outlook towards everything around.

3. Ignatia amara -

 Ignatia is good for sensitive people that tend to overwhelm frustration or painful thoughts. These people do not want to appear as helpless, irritable and moody individuals in the eyes of others. At times they may laugh out loudly or cry without any reason.

4. Sepia - 

Sepia is the best medicine if a person wants to be alone and may become angry when other people show their concern for their sadness. They may feel better after crying, and they prefer not to sympathize.

5.Natrum muraticum -

 If a person requires Natrum muraticum it means he often cover his inner feelings such as anger, fear of misfortune, grief or romantic attachment for something. These people are reserved, and they look for solitude around them and has proved to be one of the best homeopathic medicine for depression.

6. Natrum carbonicum -

 The people who are sensitive and patient by nature but at times try to avoid conflict and usually becomes depressed after some incidence of failure. They also feel lonely, become isolated, withdraw themselves from the outside world and listen to sad music.

7. Pulsatilla nigricans - 

It is one of the best homeopathy medicines for depression,. when the people weep and feel blue. At this time they need lots of encouragement and recognition. In short, they are moody, jealous, and whiny. Other than Pulstallia their mood improves with a walk in the fresh air, or cry.

8. Arsenicum album -

 It is a natural medicine to cure the extreme problem of distress, in particular for those that obsess about health and look for perfection in everything. They are often depressed when they fail to reach lofty personal standards.

9. Aurum metallicum - 

It is best for the workaholic people with a tendency of worthlessness, distress, and aroused feelings of self-destruction after a defeat in a job or their personal life.

10. Kali phosphoricum - 

When a person is undergoing a regular treatment with Kali phos it means he has feelings of depression. These feelings of tension or emotional incidence are occurring continuously with agitation, fatigue, lack of attention, headaches, insomnia and anemia.


Homeopathic remedies to dissolve kidney stones.


 Kidney stones or renal calculi are solid concretions or crystal aggregations of the minerals dissolved in urine. These commonly form inside the kidneys or the gallbladder. A kidney stone is a very common disease associated with the urinary tract and occurs more in men than in women. Homeopathy is the most natural mode of treatment for kidney stones and it cures the underlying cause of the problem.
Homeopathic medicines for kidney stone are dual action remedies which are natural and safe. First, they help remove the stones present in the urinary tract either by crushing them into fine sand-like particles or in a few cases, in the intact state. Secondly, they hold the promise of completing removing the tendency towards stone formation in the future. While selecting the appropriate Homeopathic medicine for kidney stone, the side affected is considered along with the pain and associated symptoms. The colour of sand particles in urine helps to further refine the search. Although kidney stones can be safely handled with properly selected Homeopathic medicines, care should be taken when the size of the stone is very large and it gets impacted in the ureter leading to hydronephrosis that calls for surgical intervention to prevent kidney damage.
Here is a list of the most effective homeopathic medicines for treating kidney stones:
Argentum nit: This medicine is used when a patient experiences nephralgia due to kidney congestion or from the passage of calculi. Dull aching is experienced at the back of the bladder and the urine is dark, containing blood and deposits of renal epithelium and uric acid. Urine passes little at a time, usually in drops. The patient’s face becomes dark and dry. The urine burns during passage and the urethra feel like it is swollen.
Belladonna: It is used when the kidney stones are accompanied by sharp and shooting pains. Sudden cramps and strains along the ureter during the passing of urine are likely. The patient may feel feverish and excited. Irritation, clutching and cramps are likely to occur as well.
Benzoic acid: This homeopathic medicine is used in case of nephritic colic with offensive urine. The urine is deep red in color and has a strong odor. It may smell cadaverous and putrid. The urine is thick and water like clear in an alternative way. The patient usually feels better when the urine is thick and profuse.
Berberis: This is another effective homeopathic medicine for kidney stones. It is used when there is shooting pain radiating from a point. The patient may be unable to move or even sit on his painful side. The pain may run-up to the kidneys or down to the bladder as well. Little calculi with pin heads may develop in the pelvis. Berberis is efficient in giving relief to such pain. The patient may also experience burning and soreness in the kidney along with severe distress. The urine is dark and turbid in nature with copious sediment and urine flow becomes slow. There is an increased urge for urination.

As far as the problem of kidney stones is concerned, it is generally believed that stones larger than 10 mm are not destroyed by any medicine and the patient has to go through the tragedy of operation. But our "Damodar Pathri Vinashak" medicine destroys stones up to 30 mm. Moneyback guarantee slip is attached with the medicine.
With the first few doses of stone medicine, all the symptoms related to stone begin to calm down and by taking the medicine for the prescribed period, the stone is completely destroyed. This medicine is very effective in the symptoms of severe stone pain, burning sensation in urine, bleeding, kidney swelling, urinary obstruction etc.


How to deal with Clogged or blocked arteries

  By the time many people reach their 20s, blockages that disrupt the flow of blood already exist within their arteries. Responsible for carrying oxygen-rich blood and life-sustaining nutrients from the heart to the rest of the body, healthy arteries are essential for maintaining a healthy body.
  A person’s arteries can become clogged by a buildup of a substance called plaque. There are no quick fixes for melting away plaque, but people can make key lifestyle changes to stop more of it accumulating and to improve their heart health.
  In serious cases, medical procedures or surgery can help to remove blockages from within the arteries. A doctor may also prescribe medication, such as aspirin, or cholesterol-reducing drugs, such as statins.
What are clogged arteries?
Plaque is a mixture of fat, calcium, cholesterol, and waste from the cells in the body. This mix can stick to the walls of the arteries, making these blood vessels narrower. When this happens, it is called atherosclerosis.
  Clogged or blocked arteries can stop fresh blood from reaching parts of the body, which can put a person at risk of a heart attack, heart failure, or stroke.
  In many cases, people can prevent a plaque buildup and atherosclerosis. Some medical treatments are available to help clear the arteries, but they are invasive.
The best treatment is usually prevention, as removing plaque is much more difficult than preventing it from occurring
  Blocked arteries can cause serious problems if they prevent blood from reaching vital parts of the body such as the heart or brain. However, the symptoms of blocked arteries aren’t always obvious until they cause a life-threatening issue such as a heart attack or stroke. Sometimes the only way to know if your arteries are clogged is to undergo a screening test such as a carotid Doppler ultrasound, which can check for blockages that might put you at risk of a stroke.
Today, having a heart attack is a common occurrence. However, this does not make it any less serious. A heart attack is triggered when the heart muscles do not receive adequate blood supply. A shortage of blood causes the heart to be deprived of oxygen which can lead to the death of heart muscles and permanent damage in the form of a heart attack. The most common cause for a heart attack is arteriosclerosis. This can be described as a blockage in the coronary arteries that stops the flow of blood or the thickening of the walls of these arteries that reduces blood flow. Obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and a genetic predisposition to heart diseases can increase a person’s risk of suffering a heart attack.

Homoeopathic Remedies to Prevent & Treat Heart Attacks

Various homeopathic medicine are available for heart attack prevention, these remedies are used by professional homeopathic doctor to treat heart problems:
One of the first symptoms of a heart attack is radiating pain from the chest to the left arm. The moment a person experiences such a symptom, he or she should be given arnica. Arnica helps calm the mind and treats the physical and mental shock of this experience. Arnica can also stem the internal bleeding and reduce internal bruising.
Sudden chest pain and a high heart rate are other common symptoms of a heart attack. As soon as such symptoms are experienced, homeopathic medicine aconite should be given to the patient. This treats the anxiety and mental anguish being experienced and lowers the heart rate. Aconite should ideally be given along with arnica.
Nux Vomica: 
Nux vomica is often prescribed in cases where the patient complains of fatigue, chest pain and heaviness in the chest. This is often experienced after eating a heavy meal or triggered by exposure to stress. Stimulants such as coffee, alcohol and drugs can also stimulate such symptoms.
This homeopathy medicine for heart disease used to treat burning sensation, chest pain that worsens at night. The patient may also complain of suffocation that worsens when lying on his back and may feel excessively thirsty. However, because of the chest pain, he may not be able to drink enough water to satiate his thirst. Arsenicum also helps calm restlessness and anxiety issues.

Preventing clogged arteries

Eating a heart-healthful diet and regularly exercising can be powerful tools for preventing clogged arteries. These disciplines also make a person feel better as time goes on.
People can prevent clogged arteries with the following lifestyle changes:

Avoiding trans fats

The type of fat a person eats can affect plaque in the arteries. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommend that a person limits their intake of saturated fats and trans fats. This is because these kinds of fats contain high levels of LDL cholesterol, which is the main material of plaque in the arteries.

Foods that are high in trans fats include

fried foods
processed packaged foods
cakes, pies, and pastries
cookies and biscuits
margarine or butter substitutes
vegetable shortening
products with partially hydrogenated oils, otherwise known as trans fats
Along with trans fats, saturated fats may also affect heart health, though the evidence for this is mixed. Saturated fats are mostly found in animal products, such as beef, pork, and dairy, but also in coconut oil and palm oil.
One review of scientific studies found there was a small but possibly importantTrusted Source reduction in the risk of cardiovascular issues when people cut down on saturated fats and replaced them with unsaturated fats.
Another review study suggests that people should avoid saturated fatsTrusted Source because they increase LDL cholesterol in the body, which is a direct cause of heart issues.

Eating more unsaturated fats

Unsaturated fats are the good fats. They contain HDL cholesterol, which can help to take bad cholesterol from the arteries before it turns into plaque.
According to the AHA, unsaturated fats may help improve blood cholesterol when eaten instead of trans or saturated fats.
Unsaturated fats are mainly found in plants and fatty fish. Sources include:
some vegetable oils including sunflower and olive
fatty fish, including trout, herring, and salmon

Following other dietary tips

The AHA recommend that people aiming to lower their LDL cholesterol eat a diet rich in:
whole fruits and vegetables
whole grains
low-fat dairy
They also recommend limiting sugary foods, red meat, and sugar-sweetened beverages.
Drinking herbal teas
Drinking teas, such as green or black tea, rooibos tea, or ginger tea may be good heart-healthy substitutes for other beverages.
Green tea can also help. A 2011 review reported that green tea and its extracts could lower LDL cholesterolTrusted Source in the blood, though this did not affect HDL cholesterol.
Ginger supplementation may also improveTrusted Source
PubMed Central
Highly respected database from the National Institutes of Health
significant markers that can lead to cardiovascular events, according to a 2016 study. Ginger root can be found as a supplement, but people can also brew it in hot water, and drink it as a tea.
Exercising regularly
Obesity is a risk factor for plaque buildup and heart disease. In addition to eating a healthful diet, regularly exercising may help a person to lose weight and reduce their risk of heart problems.
Taking part in cardiovascular exercise, otherwise known as cardio, on a regular basis may also help strengthen the heart and reduce plaque.
Simple cardio activities that raise the heart rate include:
brisk walking
playing tennis
doing aerobics
A person should aim to do 30 to 60 minutes of exercise that raises the heart rate for a good workout. A doctor may recommend a specific exercise routine to fit an individual, based on various lifestyle factor.
Other ways to prevent clogged arteries
Stop smoking. According to the AHA, smoking is a major risk factor. It directly damages the arteries and can make fatty deposits grow faster and become larger.
Stress reduction. Psychological stress levels may also cause a reaction in the body. Stress-reduction techniques, including yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises may help some people relax during a hectic day.

Medical treatments

When prevention methods are not effective, a person may need medical intervention to try and alleviate the effects of clogged arteries.
A doctor may recommend medications to lower LDL cholesterol to use alongside dietary changes. These actions should be seen as an additional help rather than as solutions.
Similarly, a blocked artery may require surgical treatment. This could involve inserting a tube into the artery to remove the plaque while leaving behind a stent to support the artery walls and increase blood flow.
With severe blockages, doctors may perform surgery called a heart bypass to make sure the blood can get around the obstructed artery.