
Argentum Nitricum-Homoeopathic remedy

-by John Henry Clarke

Nitrate of Silver. Lunar Caustic. Ag NO3. Trituration and solution.
Clinical.-Acidity. Addison's disease. Anaemia. Chancre. Dyspepsia. Epilepsy. Eructations. Erysipelas. Eyes, affections of. Flatulence. Gastric ulcer. Gonorrhoea. Hands, swelling of. Headache. Heartburn. Impetigo. Locomotor ataxy. Neuralgia. Ophthalmia neonatorum. Paralysis. Prostate, enlargement of. Scarlatina. Small-pox. Spinal irritation. Syphilis. Taste, altered. Throat, affections of. Tongue ulcerated. Warts. Zona.
Characteristics.-It was the use of Argentum nit. in olden times in the treatment of epilepsy which led to the production of the lamentable cases of lead-coloured pigmentation of the skin called Argyria. Homoeopathic experience has proved the applicability of the drug to many cases of epilepsy and the needlessness of employing a dosage that entails any risk whatever. The cases of epilepsy calling for this drug are those caused by fright, or occurring at the menstrual period. For days or hours before the attack the pupils are dilated, and after the attack the patient is very restless and has trembling of the hands.
Among the leading symptoms of Arg. n. are: Great tremor. Nervous feeling; sensation as if being squeezed in a vice. Feeling of constriction in various parts as of a band of iron round chest or waist. A feeling as if the body or some part of the body were expanding. Migraine, with feeling as if head were enormously enlarged; > tightly bound. Defective co-ordination. Paralyses of motion and sensation; a peculiar numbness accompanied with hyperaesthesia. Sensation of a splinter sticking in various parts. Burning sensations. Gowers has recorded a case in which the use of Arg. n. for stomach trouble caused (like lead), drop-wrist, gout, and albuminuria. In allopathic practice the dyspepsia for which it is given is < before food, when the stomach is empty. The opposite condition is the leading indication in homoeopathic practice. E. P. Brewer (Hahn. Monthly, July, 1883) has recorded a proving, (the prover, a young man, taking on three consecutive days one grain a day of Arg. n. triturated with sugar of milk), in which a number of motor and sensory symptoms were elicited, reminding Dr. Brewer of locomotor ataxy, in which it has been used with success by old-school practitioners. This use also has led to many cases of argyria. Among the symptoms of this proving were. "Mental operations sluggish; continued thought required special effort, but exertion of mind did not aggravate the heaviness and fulness of head. Lower extremities (loins, sacrum, and particularly gastrocnemii) fatigued; as if they would suddenly fail him. Loss of ambition. Building air castles by day: monstrous dreams by night." Another peculiar symptom was: chilly down the back beginning close to occiput extending to extreme tip of coccyx at noon every day; > by warmth; at 5 p.m. chills subsided, no sweat, but profound sleepiness, without sleep but enchanted with vivid imagination: burning heat followed. There was burning in one spot in front of rectum, probably in prostate gland. Micturition more frequent, burning in urethra. The headache was > by Act. r. In a proving by myself one of the most marked symptoms was a kind of numb sensitiveness of the skin of the arms-a hyperaesthetic-anaesthetic state, increased sensitiveness to contact, but diminished power of distinguishing sensations. Other symptoms were sore throat with white patches, rheumatic pains in (left) wrist (which I have since confirmed), and finger joints, with external tenderness of bony prominences, pain on rising in right sacro-iliac notch. Soreness of muscles of neck and back. Urticarious spots in various parts. In poisoning cases complete loss of consciousness, insensibility, and convulsions have occurred. Some of the notable digestive symptoms are: "Irresistible desire for sugar." "Fluids go right through him." Belching accompanies most gastric affections. Green stools are remarkable. "Green mucus like chopped spinach in flakes." "Stool turning green after remaining on diaper." "Stool expelled with much spluttering." "Stool shreddy, red, green muco-lymph or epithelial substance." There is a pain in the small of the back, > on standing or walking, but severe when rising from a seat. (Sul., Caust.) Arg. n. has irresistible desire for sugar, which at the same time < Kent relates a case illustrating this. A nursing infant had a grass-green diarrhoea which failed to yield to Merc., Ars., and Cham. At last Kent discovered that the mother ate a pound of candy a day. Arg. n. was given and the candy stopped and the child soon got well. Intestinal catarrh with shreddy membranous discharges is often cured by Arg. n.
A mental peculiarity is one of apprehension and fear: when ready to go to church, &c., diarrhoea sets in. Fears projecting corners of buildings and high buildings. The sight of high buildings makes him giddy and causes him to stagger; it seems as if houses on both sides of street would approach and crush him. Imagines he cannot pass a certain point (Kali bro.). When crossing a bridge has an almost irresistible desire to jump over. Impulsion to walk very fast (Lil. t.). Mucous membranes affected, purulent and bloody discharges; membranous diarrhoea with agonising pains. Epithelium affected (cancers). Most symptoms are < night; very nervous at night. < At night or in morning on rising (epileptic attacks). Day half more cough, night half more diarrhoea. < On awaking. At 11 a.m. nervous attacks > by stimulants. Chill down back every day at noon. < In warm room; over a fire; in summer; warmth of bed; > by warm drinks. > In cool open air, > washing with cold water; < from cold food; < ice creams. Motion generally back pains, which are < sitting. Lying on right side = pains in abdomen; palpitation. Heat Bending double. < Thinking intently. < Riding. > Tight bandage (headache).-Suited to: Hysteric nervous persons; headaches from mental causes characterised by dulness of head. Women with menstrual disturbances. Cachetic state. Scrawny, feeble, dried-up-looking women. Guernsey puts it, "withered and dried up by disease. A child looks like a withered old man." It corresponds in lower potencies to Grauvogl's carbo-nitrogenoid constitution (Sul., Cupr.); in higher to the hydrogenoid or sycotic constitution. A large number of symptoms appear on the left side.
Relations.-Antidoted by: Nat. m. (chemical and dynamic), Arsen., Milk. Antidotes to Nit. ac. and Arg. nit.: Puls., Calc., Sep.; next in importance, Lyc., Sil., Rhus, Phos., Sul. It antidotes: Am. caust., effects of tobacco. Inimical: Coff. c. (it increases the nervous headache). Follows well: Bry., Spig. (dyspepsia); Caust. (urethral affections); Spongia (goître); Verat. (flatus). Is followed well by: Lyc. (flatus). Similar to: Arg. met. (A. met. acts on cartilages, Arg. nit. more on mucous membranes, skin, bone, and periosteum, and is suited to herpetic patients); to Aur., Cup., K. bich., Lach., Merc., Merc. cor., Merc. iod., Nat. m., Nit. ac., Thuj. In complaints from pressure of clothes, like Calc., Bry., Caust., Lyc., Sarsap., Stan. In congestive headaches, like Glon. and other Nit. ac. compounds. In fish-bone sensation in throat, Nit. ac., Hep. (Hep. < by cold; Arg. n. < in warm room). Puls. is its nearest analogue.
Causation.-Apprehension, fear or fright. Eating ices. Intemperate habits. Mental strain and worry. Onanism and venery. Sugar. Tobacco (boys).
1. Mind.-Mental anxiety.-Very impulsive; always in a hurry but accomplishes nothing; in continual motion; he walks fast.-Hurries restlessly to fulfil engagements, fears to be late when there is plenty of time.-Melancholic; does not undertake anything lest he should not succeed.-Impulse to throw herself from the window.-Frequent errors of perception; mistakes distances; fears house-corners.-Time seems to pass very slowly.-Apprehension when ready to go to church or opera, bringing on diarrhoea.-Easily angered or excited, anger brings on symptoms, cough, pain, &c.-Profound melancholy; imagines if left alone will die; apprehends incurable disease of brain.-Nightly nervousness, with heat and fulness in the head.-Nervous, faintish, and tremulous sensation.-Awful faces appear on shutting eyes.-Apathy.-Mental operations sluggish; thought requires effort.-Complete loss of consciousness.-Memory impaired, cannot find the right word.-Building castles in the air by day: monstrous visions by night.
2. Head.-Vertigo, with headache.-Morning headache (when he awakens).-Excessive congestion of blood to the head.-Stitches in l. frontal eminence.-Cannot walk, talk, or think, the head gets so giddy.-Dulness, mental confusion, dizziness, tendency to fall sideways.-Staggers on stooping; on shutting eyes.-Dizzy at sight of high houses, feels as if they would close or fall in upon him.-Momentarily blind with mental confusion; buzzing in ears, nausea, trembling.-Digging up, incisive motion, through the l. hemisphere of the brain.-Pressing boring pains, in small spots; in bones; in l. temple.-Hemicrania; epileptiform; periodic; boring pain < l. frontal eminence, > tight band; from mental emotion or strain, loss of friends, loss of sleep; sometimes pain so severe he loses senses; paroxysms frequently culminate in vomiting of bile or sour fluid.-Occipital headache.-Occipital headache decreases, frontal headache increasing.-Congestive headache with throbbing carotids, must loosen cravat; head feels much enlarged; as if bones of skull separated, with increased temperature.-Sensation of constriction of scalp; as if something tightly drawn over skull.-Drawing in bands over surface of brain, apparently in membranes or sinuses.-Headache, with chilliness.-Headache relieved by tying a handkerchief tightly around the head.-Headache worse in the open air.-Aching in one side of the head, with enlarged feeling in corresponding eye.-Itching, creeping, crawling of the hairy scalp (as from vermin); roots of hair feel as if pulled upward.
3. Eyes.-Photophobia.-Asthenopia from want of accommodation; even coarser kinds of work strain.-Suddenly becomes far-sighted.-Cloud over l. eye; grey spots and serpent-like bodies before sight; black motes (esp. r.).-Opacity, of the cornea; ulceration of cornea in infants.-Acute granular conjunctivitis, conjunctiva intensely pink, or scarlet red; discharge profuse, inclined to be muco-purulent.-Purulent ophthalmia; pus thick yellow and bland, < in warm room or from fire, > open air.-Ophthalmia neonatorum, pus thick, yellow, profuse and bland (internally; and locally in 2 gr. to ounce solution); after failure of Puls. and Merc.-Blepharitis, thick crusts on lids; canthi red as blood; swollen red caruncula (standing out like a lump of red flesh); clusters of intensely red vessels extend from inner canthus to cornea; granular conjunctivitis; < by warmth.-Iritis.-Sight and eyes seem to suffer as abdominal sufferings increase.
4. Ears.-Deafness; ringing; buzzing noises; feeling of distraction (l.); earache.-Whizzing in l. ear with feeling of obstruction and hard hearing.
5. Nose.-Violent itching, obliged to rub until it looks raw.-Coryza with chilliness, lachrymation, sickly look, sneezing and stupefying headache (over the eyes); has to lie down.-Discharge of (whitish) pus with clots of blood.-Discharge like boiled starch.-Ulceration of nostrils.-Bruised pains in bones.

शीघ्र पतन के घरेलू आयुर्वेदिक नुस्खे 

6. Face.-Sunken, pale, bluish countenance; yellow, dirty-looking.-Sickly appearance.-Dried-up look.-Prematurely old look.-Hard blotches on vermilion border of upper lip, paler than lip and sore to touch.-Lips dry and viscid without thirst.
7. Teeth.-Gums swollen, inflamed, bleed easily, painful when touched.-Gums tender and bleed easily; but neither painful nor swollen.-Prosopalgia, esp. in infra-orbital branch of fifth nerve and nerves going to teeth; pain intense, at its height accompanied by unpleasant sour taste in the mouth.-Face convulsed; jaws clenched.-Teeth sensitive to cold water.-Toothache when chewing; eating cold or sour things.
8. Mouth.-Dry tongue with thirst.-Papillae prominent, erect, feeling sore; tip of tongue red and painful.-Tongue white and moist.-Red streak down middle of tongue.-Fetid odour from mouth.-Ptyalism.-Thick phlegm in mouth.-Mouth coated inside whitish grey.
9. Throat.-Dark red appearance of uvula and fauces.-Sensation as if a splinter were stuck in when swallowing, breathing, or moving the neck.-Thick, tenacious mucus in the throat, obliging him to hawk.-Rawness, soreness, and scraping in the throat.-Burning and dryness in fauces and pharynx.-White patches in throat.-Paroxysms of cramp in the oesophagus.-Ulcers: mercurial, syphilitic, and scrofulous.
10. Appetite.-Irresistible desire for sugar (but it ; cold drinks or ices < stomach pains.-Eating or a swallow of wine > head: coffee , cold < pains in stomach.-After heavy meal, epileptic fit.-Nausea after each meal, esp. after dinner.
11. Stomach.-Gastralgia, esp. in delicate, nervous women; brought on by any emotion, loss of sleep, or at menstrual period.-Inflammation of the stomach; gastro-enteritis.-Gnawing pain in the l. side of the stomach.-Pressure with heaviness (sensation of lump) and nausea.-Trembling and throbbing in stomach.-Most gastric complaints are accompanied by violent belching.-Eructations of air accompanied by a mouthful of undigested food (Pho., Fer.).-After yawning, feeling as if stomach would burst; wind presses upwards, but the oesophagus feels spasmodically closed; hence an ineffectual effort to eructate, with excessive strangulation, pressing pain in stomach, faintish nausea, confluence of water in the mouth and inability to stir; the paroxysm ceased after a quarter of an hour, amidst frequent and violent out-rush of wind.-Vomiting of some fluid, of bile, black vomit; with anxiety in precordia.-The vomited substance tinged the bedding black.-Awakens at midnight with oppression at stomach, as from a heavy lump, inducing vomiting; in the morning throws up glairy mucus, which can be drawn into strings.-Warmth at epigastrium.-Gnawing ulcerative pain in epigastrium.-Stinging, ulcerative pain in l. side of stomach, worse from touch and deep inspiration.-Pain increases and decreases slowly.-Small spot between xiphoid and navel sensitive to slightest pressure; pains radiate in all directions.-Pain in l. side of stomach below true ribs, < during inspiration and on touching the parts.-Stomach pains are accompanied by intense spasm of chest muscles and dyspnoea; excessive accumulation of wind; nervous feeling or sensation as if squeezed in a vice.
12. Abdomen.-Sensation as of a ball ascending from abdomen to throat.-Stitches through the abdomen (l. side) like electric shocks, esp. when changing from rest to motion.-Pain in abdomen as if sore; with great hunger; > after eating, but a trembling sets in its place.-Violent attacks of pain at irregular intervals; patient rolls on floor; descending colon tender to touch; tapeworm-like stool passes.-Fulness, heaviness, and distension with anxiety.-Flatulence.-Griping.-Cutting pains.-Constriction as if tightly tied with a band.-Pain in hypochondria.-Intolerance of lacing round hypochondria.
13. Stool and Anus.-Cholera infantum in dried-up, mummy-like children, stools green, slimy, noisy, flatulent, < at night.-Like spinach in flakes.-Green, slimy, shreddy stools, with severe bearing-down in hypogastrium; membranous stool like unsegmented tapeworm; blood, slime, and epithelium; of ten with much flatus; after eating sugar; after drinking; "as soon as the least drink is taken it goes through"; from any excitement.-Advanced dysentery, with suspected ulceration.-Constipation and dry faeces.-Taenia or ascarides with itching at anus.-Piles with burning or tenesmus; bleeding.-Burning in one spot in anterior wall of rectum (probably in prostrate gland).

14. Urinary Organs.-Nephralgia; pain by touching region.-Urine dark red; contains deposit of renal epithelium and uric acid crystals (esp. after Caust.).-Quick urging to urinate; frequent and copious emission of pale urine.-Incontinence night and day.-Urethra from meatus to bladder hot and burning; < at meatus and behind scrotum.-Urine burning while passing, urethra feels as if swollen.-Inability to pass urine in a projecting stream.-Oozing of mucus from urethra: thick, white at night.-Stitches in extremity of urethra; cutting from posterior part of urethra to anus, when emitting last drop of urine.-Inflammation, and violent burning or shooting pains in the urethra, with increased gonorrhoea.-Priapism, bleeding of the urethra.-Stricture of the urethra.-Dysuria, bloody urine and fever.-Ulcerative pain in middle of urethra, as from a splinter.-Stream of urine spreads asunder.
15. Male Sexual Organs.-Chancre-like ulcer on prepuce.-Ulcers on the prepuce; small, covered with pus; later, spreading, bowl-shaped, with a tallow-like coating.-Impotence; erections, but they fail when coition is attempted.-Want of desire, organs shrivelled.-Coition painful, urethra as if put oil stretch or sensitive at orifice.-Painful tension during erection, chordee, bleeding from urethra, and shooting in urethra from behind forward.-Urethra swollen, hard, knotty, painful.-Spasmodic contraction of cremaster muscle, testicle drawn high up.-Pain in testes and scrotum as from pins and needles, < r.-Orchitis.-Burning in spot in anterior of rectum (prostate gland).
16. Female Sexual Organs.-Ovarian pains, feels as if an enormous swelling in side affected.-Prolapsus with ulceration of os or cervix; with copious yellow, corroding leucorrhoea and frequent bleeding from points of ulceration.-Menses irregular; scanty (with asthma).-Menses too copious or too scanty, too soon or too late.-All symptoms < before and during menses.-Coition painful, followed by bleeding from the vagina.-Orgasms at night.-Metrorrhagia.-Metrorrhagia, with nervous erethism at change of life; also in young widows and those who have borne no children; returning in attacks, region of ovaries painful, with pains radiating to sacrum and thighs.-During pregnancy, stomach as if it would burst with wind; head feels expanded.-Puerperal convulsions; just after attack lies quiet, but becomes very restless before another.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Pure nervous asthma; spasm of respiratory muscles; great dyspnoea, < in crowded room.-Muco-purulent sputa seeming to come from wall of larynx.-Expectoration purulent, mixed with light blood.-Internal soreness of the larynx and pit of the throat, worse mornings.-Chronic laryngitis of singers; raising the voice causes cough.-Marked hoarseness, sometimes loss of voice; feeling as if something clogging vocal cords.-Cough with sense of soreness in l. side preventing lying on it.-Evening cough worse from tobacco smoke.-Cough < evening and night.-Suffocative cough at noon.-Cough in paroxysms induced by: phlegm in larynx; irritation under sternum; fit of passion; laughing; stooping; smoking; ascending stairs; lying down; on awaking.-Haemoptysis.
18. Chest.-Aching, tensive pain in various parts of chest in small spots.-Weight as of a stone in middle of sternum.-Burning in chest; sensation of warmth between scapulae and sternum.-Violent cramps and pain in muscles of chest.
19. Heart.-Palpitation of the heart in paroxysms, with nausea.-Violent palpitation of the heart; in afternoon with faintish nausea; caused by any emotional excitement or any sudden muscular exertion; from lying on r. side.-Angina pectoris, intense pain in chest and about heart, can hardly breathe.-Irregular (intermittent) action of heart (with an unpleasant sensation of fulness), < when noticing it, > when moving about in open air.
20. Neck and Back.-Muscles of r. side of neck sore and stiff.-Soreness in lumbo-sacral region.-Heaviness in os sacrum, extending along pelvis with painful drawing.-Heaviness, with paralytic sensation, preventing long sitting, and obliging him, when walking, to stretch the dorsal spine.-Pain in small of back, < rising from sitting; > standing or walking.-Pain in sacro-iliac symphyses, feeling as if bones were loose there.-Fatigue in back.-Pressure in back at night.

21. Limbs.-Trembling.-Lassitude.-Weariness of forearms and legs.
22. Upper Limbs.-Drawing in shoulders.-Pain in l. shoulder and arm.-Rheumatic pain in l. wrist.-Left arm heavy.-Nightly boring pain in ulna.-Hyperaesthetic numbness of arms and shoulders.-Pain in wrist, and finger joints.-Hands tremble.-Numbness of finger tips.
23. Lower Limbs.-Staggering gait.-Lassitude of lower limbs with dizziness as if intoxicated.-Pain in calves all night; weary as after a long journey. (Paralytic heaviness and debility, so that he did not know where to put them.).-Heaviness and debility of the legs.-Limbs, esp. knees, start up at night.-Weariness with rigidity.-Å’dema of feet.
24. Generalities.-Insensibility; face and upper limbs convulsed; trismus; pupils dilated.-Epileptic attacks caused by fright, or during menstruation (at night, or in the morning when rising).-Chorea-like convulsive motion of all the limbs.-Fatigue.-Tremulous weakness, accompanied with general debility.-Expanding sensation, esp. in face, in head, with feeling as if bones of skull separated; with increase of temperature.-Anaesthetic-hyperaesthetic condition of surface.-Sticking sensations in various parts.-Emaciation.-Dropsy; oedema of legs and ascites.-Loss of voluntary motion.-Paraplegia from debilitating causes.-Sensation of splinters in various parts, esp. in mucous membranes.
25. Skin.-Wart-shaped excrescences.-Skin blue-grey, violet, or bronze to real black.-Bluish-black eruption; (in scarlet fever).-Itching.-Itching pimple.-Impetigo.-Zona.-Small-pox.-Erysipelas.-Urticaria.-Skin brown, tense, and hard.-Warts.
26. Sleep.-Restless at night; when he does sleep has all sorts of troubled dreams.-Restless, stupefied sleep, with horrid dreams of serpents, &c.-Prevented falling asleep by fancies and images.-Wakes in the morning, dreams he is hungry and wakes with flatulence and spasms and twinges.-Soporous condition.-Nightly nervousness with heat of head.-Restless sleep with stupefaction and headache.
27. Fever.-Chilliness and nausea.-Chills, shifting or constant, are more lasting than the heat and return quickly on uncovering; both stages without thirst.-Chilliness.-Chilly down back, at noon, extending from occiput to tip of coccyx up back and over shoulder.-Night sweat.-Morning sweat.-Scarlet fever.


Argentum Metallicum-Homoeopathic remedy

-by John Henry Clarke

Silver Leaf and Precipitated Silver. Ag (A. W. 107.66). Trituration.
Clinical.-Blepharitis. Brain-fag. Caries. Chlorosis. Cough. Diabetes. Enuresis nocturna. Epilepsy. Epithelial tissue, affections of. Exostosis. Heart, affections of. Hit-joint, disease of. Hysterical joint. Joints, affections of. Laryngitis. Ovaries, affections of. Phthisis. Pollutions. Rheumatism. Uterus, cancer of; prolapse of. Voice, loss of.
Characteristics.-Argentum affects all the cartilages, and hence all joints and bones, with tearing and bruised pains, tenderness and weakness; painful, so-called "hysterical" joint, articular rheumatism without swelling; pain in rib cartilages and especially the left. Exostosis on skull. The muscular system is also affected with cramps in limbs; calves feel too short on going downstairs; stiffness; numbness; electric-like shocks in joints and limbs; painless twitchings. The heart is specially affected; frequent, spasmodic, though painless twitchings in whole heart muscle, < lying on back; fears apoplexy. Sensation as if heart stood still followed by trembling, then irregular violent throbbing. Palpitation, at night; during pregnancy. Systemic convulsions. Epileptic attacks followed by delirious rage, jumping about, striking those near. In society disinclined to talk; discouraged. (Reaction from this: great inclination to talk, mind very clear.) Vertigo on entering a room after a walk. Vertigo on looking at running water. As if drunk. Frontal headache of business men. Headache increasing gradually and ceasing suddenly, at acme as if a nerve being torn, usually l. side. Viscidity of saliva and mucous expectoration, which is easy. From the mucous membranes generally there is secretion like boiled starch; or there may be thin and at the same time a thick yellow or greenish discharge. Great hunger even after a full meal. Extreme dryness of mouth, tongue sticks to palate. (This symptom with the polyuria points to diabetes, in which Arg. is particularly indicated if there is swelling of the ankles.) Spasmodic enuresis nocturna. Effects of onanism: impotence; atrophy of penis; bruised pains in testicles. Pains in left ovary; feels enormously swollen; with this, prolapse of uterus (scirrhus). Metrorrhagia, large lumps with violent pains, < by every motion. Arg. met. acts more on the left side than the right; left ovary is affected: "Prolapsus uteri with pains in left ovary." It corresponds to deep-seated insidious disease. In the mental sphere it affects the intellect more than the affections. Headache of business men. Left-sided headache as if in brain substance. Headache and dyspepsia induced by mental agitation, nursing the sick, mental exertion. Suited to thin patients with hollow eyes, pale skin, tendency to tubercle, caries, cancer, deep ulcers, imbecility. The more deeply seated the troubles are the more likely are they to be painless. Tenderness is prominent in Arg. met. Tearing pressure and pains in the bones. Articular rheumatism without swelling. Parts feel bruised when pressed on. Hoarseness of singers and speakers, < speaking or singing. Laughing causes cough. Restless sleep; electric shock through body wakens her. Symptoms < in sleep; nausea in dreams; seminal emissions. On waking, limbs powerless. Paralytic weakness. < By touch; pressure riding in carriage; lying on back; sitting; stooping. At noon at night (profuse urine). Uncovering (chills before midnight). Entering warm room. Sun.

Relations.-Zinc (itching in canthi-Zn. more in inner canthi and acts more on muscular system and skin). Pallad. (ovaries; Pall., r., Arg., l.). Stan. (cough excited by laughing). Follows well: Alum., Plat. Is followed well by: Calc., Puls., Sep. Antidoted by: Merc., Puls. (an occasional dose of Puls. favours action of Arg. nit. in ophthalmia). Teste classes Arg. met. with Merc., and with Arsen.
Causation.-Onanism. Sunstroke.
1. Mind.-Restlessness, which forces one to walk quickly.-Ill-humour and aversion to talking.-When pleased, excessively merry, but cries a long time about a trifle.-Delirious rage (mania; after epilepsy).
2. Head.-Dulness, and sensation of emptiness in the head.-Confusion, as if caused by smoke, and sensation of intoxication, with tingling in the head.-Dizziness, with obscurity of vision, or with drowsiness, and falling of the eyelids.-Pressing, tearing pain in the skull, principally in the temporal bones, renewed every day at noon, with soreness of the external head, aggravated by pressure and contact, ameliorated in the open air.-Migraine (l.) as if in brain substance, coming gradually to a great height; ceasing suddenly.-Drawing and pressive pain in the occiput, as if caused by a foreign substance, with a sensation of stiffness in the nape of the neck.-Numbing pressure in the sinciput.-Compression in the brain, with nausea and burning in the epigastrium, on reading and stooping for any time.-Cramp-like pains and shootings in the head.-Pain, as of excoriation in the scalp, on the slightest pressure.-Cramp-like and pressive pains in the bones of the head.-Painful dartings in the temporal muscles, and in the forehead.-Pimples on the temples, with pain, as of ulceration.
3. Eyes.-Itching in the eyes, and principally in the angles.-Swelling and redness of the edge of the eyelids.-Stricture of lachrymal duct.
4. Ears.-Shootings in the ears, with incisive pain, which extends to the base of the brain.-Gnawing itching in the external ear, causing the part to be scratched till it bleeds.-Itching of the lobes of the ears.-Sensation of stoppage of the ears.
5. Nose.-Epistaxis, after blowing the nose, or preceded by itching and tickling in the nose.-Stoppage of the nose, with itching in the nostrils.-Violent fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing.-Flowing of purulent matter, mixed with clots of blood, from the nose.
6. Face.-Redness of the face.-Pale and earthy face.-Gnawing, cramp-like, and pressive pains in the bones of the face (in the r. zygoma, sometimes in the L; a violent pain in the bone of the r. lower jaw).-Swelling of the upper lip, immediately under the nose.
7. Teeth.-Pain in the teeth, as if the gums had receded.-Painful sensibility of the gums on being touched.-Gums loosened, and readily bleeding.
8. Mouth.-Dryness of the mouth.-Sensation of dryness on the tongue, though it be moist.-Accumulation of a viscid saliva in the mouth, with shuddering (sometimes the teeth seem coated with it, maybe sticking them together, the lower with the upper, making talking difficult).-Vesicles on the tongue, with burning pain of excoriation.
9. Throat.-Soreness in the throat, as if there were a tumour in the gullet, with difficulty of swallowing.-Hoarseness (or complete aphonia in singers, speakers, &c.) and scraping in the throat.-Inflammation of the throat, with sensation of excoriation on swallowing and on breathing.-The throat feels more sore from coughing than when swallowing, although the food passes with difficulty.-Yawning gives pain in the fauces.-Pricking and tingling in the throat.-Accumulation of greyish and viscid mucus in the throat, with easy expectoration.
10. Appetite.-Repugnance to all food, even to the thought of it, with prompt satiety.-Appetite much increased, he is hungry after eating a full meal.-Desire for wine.-Gnawing hunger, which cannot be appeased by food.
11. Stomach.-Pyrosis.-Hiccough on smoking tobacco.-Constant nausea and uneasiness.-Burning in the stomach, ascending to the chest.-Inclination to vomit, and vomiting of acrid matter, of a disagreeable taste, and which leaves in the throat a sensation of scraping and of burning.-Pressure in the epigastrium.
12. Abdomen.-Violent pressure on the entire abdomen, extending to the pubis, appearing as soon as one begins to eat; aggravated by breathing, and mitigated by rising up.-Pressive and painful inflation of the abdomen.-Cutting pains.-Tension in the abdominal muscles.-Contraction of the muscles of the abdomen on walking.-Loud borborygmi.

13. Stool and Anus.-Frequent inclination to go to stool, with scanty evacuation of soft matter.-Dry, sandy stool after dinner.-Vomitings during the stool.-Pain of contraction in the abdomen, after a stool in the morning.
14. Urinary Organs.-Frequent inclination to make water, with abundant emission (diabetes).
15. Male Sexual Organs.-Pain, as from a bruise, in the testes.-Pollutions.
16. Female Sexual Organs.-Prolapsus uteri, with pain in the l. ovary.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Pain of excoriation in the larynx, esp. on coughing.-Accumulation of mucus in the trachea, which detaches itself on stooping, laughing, or going upstairs, and which is easily expelled by expectoration.-Abundant accumulation of mucus in the chest.-Cough excited by incisive pain in the trachea, with expectoration of serous matter.-Sensation of rawness or soreness of the larynx.-Cough, caused by stinging, cutting in the trachea, with mucus in the chest, and expectoration of transparent mucus, like boiled starch.-Paroxysms of coughing, short and rattling, during the day, with easy expectoration of thick and whitish matter.
18. Chest.-Stitches in the (r.) side of the chest, when inhaling and exhaling.-Pressure in the chest.-Pressure and shooting in the sternum and in the sides of the chest.-Pain in the lower (l.) rib cartilages.-Incisive pain in the sides of the chest, on breathing and on stooping forward.-Cramp-like pain in the muscles of the chest and in the sides.
19. Heart.-Painless twitching in cardiac muscle, < lying on back; with feeling that he would have apoplexy.-Sensation as if heart stood still, followed by trembling, then irregular, violent throbbing.-Palpitation: at night; during pregnancy.-In evening, in bed, quick pulse with thirst.

20. Neck and Back.-Cramp-like pains in the shoulders and in the shoulder-blade.-Pains, as of bruising or of drawing in the loins.
22. Upper Limbs.-Tension and acute pullings, cramp-like and pressive pains in the arms and hands.-Cramp-like pressive pains in the bones, and in the joints of the hands and fingers.-Contraction of the fingers.
23. Lower Limbs.-Shooting, pressive, and, as it were, paralytic pain, in the coxo-femoral joint, when walking.-Jerking in the muscles of the thighs.-Cramp-like, acute, and incisive pains in the knees and in the ankle-bones.-Cramp in the calves of the legs, with sensation of contraction of the muscles, on going downstairs.-Pain, as of bruising and throbbing, in the joints of the feet.-Cramp-like pain in the bones and in the joints of the feet and toes.-Tearing in the bones of the feet and toes.-Sensation of numbness in the heel and in the tendo Achillis.-Feet oedematous (diabetes).
24. Generalities.-Pressure, cramp-like, pulling, principally in the limbs and in the bones.-Bruising pain, chiefly in the sacrum and the joints of the lower limbs.-Boring pain in the joints.-Sensation of soreness in the joints.-Strong effects on the secretions of the mucous membranes.-Sensation of excoriation in the skin and internal organs.-Sensation of numbness arid stiffness in the limbs; as if asleep.-Epileptic attacks.-Aggravation of the symptoms every day, in the afternoon.-Burning itching in different parts of the skin.-Eruption of pimples, with burning pain, as of excoriation.-Anxious dreams.-Shuddering and cold, esp. in the afternoon and at night.-Nocturnal sweat.

Apis-Homoeopathic remedy

-by John Henry Clarke

virus. Honey-bee poison. N. O. Insecta. Tinctures are made of the whole bee; and of dilutions of the poison with alcohol.
Clinical.-Abscess. Ankles, swelling of. Apoplexy. Asthma. Bladder, affections of. Carbuncle. Chancre. Constipation; of sucklings. Diarrhoea. Diphtheria. Dissection wounds. Dropsy. Ear, erysipelas of. Erysipelas. Erythema nodosum. Eyes, affections of; optic neuritis. Feet, burning of. Gangrene. Gout. Hands, swelling of. Heart, affections of. Heat-spots. Housemaid's knee. Hydrocephalus. Hydrothorax. Injuries. Intermittent fever. Irritation. Jealousy, effects of. Joints, synovitis. Kidney, Bright's disease of. Labia, inflammation of. Laryngitis. Lichen. Meningitis. Menstruation, derangements of. Nettle-rash. Nose, redness of. Operations, effects of. Ovaries pain in; inflammation of; tumours of. Panaritium. Pannus. Peritonitis. Phlebitis. Pleurisy. Prostatitis. Punctured wounds. Red-gum. Rheumatism. Scarlatina. Self-abuse. Suppressed eruptions, effects of. Sycosis. Syphilis. Throat, sore. Tongue, oedema of; ulceration of. Trachea, irritation of. Tumours. Typhus. Urethritis. Urine, abnormalities of. Vaccination. Varicose veins. Variola. Wounds.
Characteristics.-The well-known effects of a bee's sting-burning, stinging, lancinating pain with excessive swelling-give leading keynotes for its employment in a great variety of conditions. In addition to these there is great sensitiveness of the surface to touch. General soreness: "every hair is painful to contact." Great debility as if he had worked hard; is compelled to lie down. Tired and bruised feeling. Great restlessness and fidgetiness (the Arsen. restlessness is more from mental anxiety). Trembling, jerking, and twitching. One half of the body twitching, the other lame or paralysed. Hemiplegia. Apis is more a right-side medicine; symptoms proceed from right to left (Rhus left to right) and from above downwards. In an involuntary proving of Apis in a woman (of forty, strong, florid, of full habit) Who kept bees and was frequently stung without constitutional effect, the following marked and peculiar symptoms were occasionally noted in addition to the better known ones (New. Eng. Med. Gaz., Nov., 1887): Stiffness of lower jaw, soon amounting to a sense of complete fixation. This stiffness extended to tongue and throat, rendering speech difficult and unintelligible, and causing a condition of extreme discomfort, the stiffness being accompanied by a feeling of constriction, which excited a single, spasmodic, backing cough at short intervals. Some difficulty in breathing, especially in inspiration. These symptoms were accompanied by a terrible restlessness. On a later occasion there was dyspnoea, face purple, head thrown back. The same symptoms as above recurred, but the throat was more swollen and the distress extended below the larynx to the upper part of the lung, which soon became very sore and sensitive. An hour after the sting on this occasion a violent cough came on. It seemed to be excited by the constrictive feeling in the throat, but it reached down to the sore place in the lungs, causing great distress. It was a deep, hard, ringing cough, lasting without intermission for three hours. Traces of the cough and soreness lasted for months. Another symptom was an ominous twitching of muscles of extremities controlled by hot foot and hand baths. Ledum gave almost instantaneous relief to the graver symptoms.
The burning symptoms of Apis are distinguished from those of Arsen. in being < by heat. The stinging appears in many diseases and conditions, causing the "crie cérébrale" in acute hydrocephalus and meningitis. Stinging pains in haemorrhoids. "Redness and swelling with stinging and burning pain in eyes, eyelids, ears, face, lips, tongue, throat, anus, testicles." Œdema of the throat may be accompanied with stinging pains, but if the case is more advanced it may be absolutely painless, and then it is more dangerous. (Bapt. has painlessness in throat affections but less oedema.-Nash.)
Apis has slow action and must not be changed too soon. Increased flow of urine shows it is having a favourable effect. The dropsies of Apis are characterised by a waxy hue of skin, whitish or yellowish; transparent swelling of eyelids; bag-like swelling under eyes; surface of body sore, bruised, or burning. In cardiac dropsy the feet swell after walking, and are intolerably sore and burning. In chest affections there is sensation of contraction (Lach.) and inability to lie down. Tension, swelling, and stiffness of limbs. This tight sensation is manifested in another symptom: sensation in abdomen as if something tight would break if too much effort was made to void a constipated stool. Aversion to tight things like Lach. Prostration even to faintness. Paralytic weakness. Paralysis (after diphtheria and other severe diseases). Nervous, restless, over-sensitive; or hot and drowsy, with or without thirst. < From touch or pressure (though the head is > by pressure). In this Apis resembles the Antimonies, and it is like them in sensitiveness to heat, especially to heated rooms (Puls., Iod., Kali iod., Camph., Secale, Sulph.); < by warmth of bed. Cold water >. Many symptoms (eyes and chest) are < in the night, and sleep is disturbed by piercing cries, or else by moaning and whining. < In morning: mucus in mouth, restlessness, diarrhoea. < In evening: erysipelas, giddiness, headache, chills, fever. Many symptoms are < lying down, and > sitting.
Relations.-Compare: Vespa and serpent poisons. Acet. ac. (dropsy); Aco.; Anac. (urticaria); Apoc. can. (dropsy); Arn. (bruised, sore conditions); Ars. (typhoid, gangrene, dropsies, scarlatina, urticaria, chills); Bell. (meningitis, sore throat, erysipelas, scarlatina); Brom. (swelling of ovary during menses); Bry. (meningitis, rheumatism); Canth. (burns, erysipelas, urinary symptoms); Chi.; Colch.; Crot. t. (urticaria); Euphras. (conjunctiva); Fer.; Graph.; Hep.; Hyo.; Iod. (synovitis); Lach.; Lyc.; Merc. Nat. ars.; Nat. mur. (chills, urticaria, tension in ovarian region) Puls.; Rhus (eyes; but Apis has less tendency to suppuration; vesicular erysipelas but darker than Apis and spreading left to right-Apis right to left; typhoid, restlessness, but Apis is more fidgetiness); Rumex (painless, greenish-yellow morning diarrhoea); Sabi.; Sep.; Silic. (ovarian affections with inverted nipples; ulcer on tongue; vaccination effects); Urt. ur.; Zn. Antidotes: to medium doses and poisonings; Nat. mur. in all forms; sweet oil; onions; Ammonia; Ipec., low. (also powdered Ipec. applied locally) Lach.; Ledum. It antidotes: Canth., Iod., Chi., Dig. It follows well: Bry. (when cephalic cry appears); Helleb. (when torpor sets in); Iod., Hep., Merc., Lyc., Sul. Is followed well by: Graph. (tetter on ear lobe); Kali bi. (scrofulous ophthalmia); Arsen. (hydro-thorax); Phos. (diphtheria); Stram. (mania); Lyc. (staphyloma); Sul. (hydrothorax, pleurisy, hydrocephalus); Iod. (swollen knee). Complementary: Nat. mur. (the "chronic" of Apis). Inimical: Rhus in eruptive diseases.
Causation.-Grief. Fright. Rage. Vexation. Jealousy. (The queen bee is the most jealous thing in nature.) Hearing bad news, mental shock. Suppressed eruptions.
1. Mind.-The brain feels paralysed.-Tubercular meningitis.-Impaired memory.-Absent-minded.-Cannot concentrate thought.-Indifference.-Torpor and apathy.-Awkward, lets things fall and laughs sillily at the mishap.-(The mental symptoms are rich in unconsciousness, absent-mindedness, impaired memory, and slow march of ideas.).-Loss of consciousness.-Great tearfulness; cannot help crying.-Children constantly whining.-Screaming, sudden outcry during sleep.-Busy, restless, continually changing his occupation.-Cannot bear to be left alone.-Hysteria.-In women: jealousy; mania from sexual irritation.-Depression, feels as if about to die (without fear of death).-Delirium, low muttering.-Delirium, after suppressed scarlet eruption.-Irritation.-Premonition of death, thinks it is about to transpire.-Dread of death; sensation as if he could not breathe again.-Fear of being poisoned.
2. Head.-Giddiness: when sitting, standing, lying, when closing the eyes; with nausea and headache.-Congestion to the head, with suppressed menstruation.-Pressing pain in forehead and temples; < rising; in warm bed; > pressing, the forehead together.-The brain feels tired.-Sudden stabbing and stinging pains.-Aching in l. temple.-Hydrocephalus in children, and apoplexy in old persons.-Hydrocephalus; scalp very sensitive; copious sweat of head; child lies in torpor, delirium interrupted by shrill cries, boring head deep in pillow, rolls it from side to side.-Convulsed on one side of the body, paralysed the other; squinting, grinding of teeth, urine scanty (milky).
3. Eyes.-Burning, stinging, shooting, piercing pains in and about the eyes.-Aching over r. eye extending to r. eyeball.-Twitching of eyeballs.-Staphyloma.-Cornea thick, having dark, smoky, spots; greyish, smoky, opaque.-Keratitis.-Conjunctiva reddened, chemosed, lids everted.-Sensation of mucus in the eyes.-Itching in eyes and lachrymation.-Weakness of the eyes, with pain, photophobia, and increased secretions.-Agglutination of the lids.-Å’dematous swelling of eyelids; bags under eyes; upper lids hang over like sacs.-Styes with stinging pains; smoky darkness before the eyes.
4. Ears.-Redness and swelling of both ears.-Erysipelas; otitis after scarlatina; hardness of hearing.
5. Nose.-Swollen, red, oedematous.-Coryza, worse from warmth; chronic catarrh with crusty nostrils; polypus.
6. Face.-Å’dematous swelling of the face; red and hot, swollen so as to be unrecognisable, with piercing and burning pain; waxy, pale.-Happy expression of face; or terror; or apathy.-Burning, stinging heat in the face with purple colour.-Erysipelas of the face.-Erysipelas of the face, with fever, coated tongue.-Erysipelas going r. to l. (Rhus l. to r.).-Jaws stiff, with stiff tongue and impossibility of intelligible speech.
7. Teeth.-Grinding of the teeth; sudden and involuntary biting them together; covered with yellow mucus or brown sordes.
8. Mouth.-Lips oedematous; upper lip swollen, hot and red.-Mouth red, burning, stinging, scalding.-Dryness of tongue, mouth, and throat; fiery redness of buccal cavity, with painful tenderness.-Dry, swollen, inflamed tongue, with inability to swallow.-White, dry tongue (with diarrhoea).-Tongue: can hardly be protruded; hangs from the mouth; cancer of.-Swollen tongue; shining.-Borders blistered; feel as if scalded and quite raw.-Ulcer in l. border (r. Silic., Thuj.).-Tongue swollen, dry, cracked, sore, ulcerated, or covered with vesicles.-Viscid, tough, frothy, saliva.-Gums sacculated and look watery.-Fetor of breath, with headache.
9. Throat.-Throat has appearance as if stung.-Dryness in the throat with heat, without thirst.-Burning, stinging in throat.-Erysipelatous.-Glossy red varnish.-Inflammation of the throat, with swelling, redness, and stinging pains.-Ulcerated sore throat (in scarlet fever, when the eruption does not come out).-Diphtheritic sore throat gets well as a scarlatina rash develops.-Throat swollen inside and outside; hoarse, sense of constriction; breathing and swallowing difficult.-Ulcers on the tonsils, palate, &c.-Uvula long and dropsical.-Sensation of foreign body or fishbone in the throat; of constriction.-Paralysis.-Small, clear, watery blisters on the back part of the throat.
11. Stomach.-No thirst with the heat.-Thirstlessness (with dropsy).-Vomiting of bile.-Vomiting, with inflammation of the stomach.-Vomiting, with diarrhoea.-Burning heat in the stomach.-Great soreness in pit of stomach when touched.-Violent pain and sensitiveness in region of stomach.
12. Abdomen.-Great sensitiveness of the abdomen to touch.-Soreness of the bowels and abdominal walls; mornings when sneezing or pressing upon them.-Sensitiveness of epigastrium and whole abdomen to touch; of r. inguinal region; across hypogastrium from ilium to ilium.-Pain in abdomen on pressure, touch and horizontal position, with sensitiveness.-Peritonitis.-Erysipelas from contusion.-Rumbling and meteoric distension.-Ascites and anasarca.-Hard swelling in the r. groin, oblong, as large as a cucumber.-Long-standing inguinal hernia.-Collapse of abdominal walls in meningitis infantum.
13. Stool and Anus.-Sensation of rawness in the anus, with diarrhoea.-Discharge of flatus before stool.-Diarrhoea: during fevers; from heat; in debilitated children; from irritability of brain (hydrocephaloid).-Diarrhoea, yellowish-green, with mucus, esp. in the morning.-Stool thin, watery, yellow, < in morning; may or may not be offensive.-Stools smelling very offensively.-Diarrhoea and vomiting.-Diarrhoea is copious, blackish-brown, green, or whitish; orange-coloured; greenish, yellow mucus; yellow watery; soft and pappy, mixed with serum; thin yellow.-At every motion of body bowels act as though he had no power.-Uncertain anus; constantly open (during urination), oozing of liquid (Phos., Phos. ac.).-Swelling of anus.-Haemorrhoids, with stinging pains.-Constipation, with feeling as if something would break if he continued to strain.-Stools involuntary and painless, or painful and urging, olive-green, profuse, and full of red lumps, like chopped beets; bloody, painless; smell brassy or like carrion; very offensive.-Protruding varices, which sting, burn, and smart intolerably.
14. Urinary Organs.-Burning soreness when urinating.-Strangury.-Pain in region of kidneys; soreness on pressure or when stooping.-Frequent desire, with passage of only a few drops.-Urine scanty and high-coloured; with thirstlessness.-Incontinence of urine from coughing and other circumstances.-Urine suppressed.-Too profuse discharge of urine.-Frequent and profuse urination.-Albuminuria of scarlatina.-(Increase of urine under Apis shows that the medicine is acting well.).-Burning and stinging in the urethra.-Burning and smarting in the urethra, as if it were scalded.-Bladder very painful, often tenesmus after urinating.-Urine often bloody, milky appearance; very dark and frothy; very fetid; sediment reddish-brown, like coffee grounds.
15. Male Sexual Organs.-Sexual desire increased.-Chancre with stinging pains like bee-stings, and with a highly inflamed circumference.-Pains and swellings of testes and prostate.-Dropsy of the scrotum and prepuce; hydrocele.
16. Female Sexual Organs.-Amenorrhoea or menorrhagia.-Inflammation, induration, swelling, and dropsy of the ovaries (r.).-Weight and pain in either ovarian region, predominantly r. side.-The ovaries feel better by lying on r. side.-Enlargement of the r. ovary with pain in the l. pectoral region and cough.-Sharp, cutting, stinging pain in the swollen (r.) ovary; worse during menstruation.-Ovarian tumours, with stinging pains like bee-stings.-Metritis, peritonitis, with stinging, thrusting pains.-Pressing-down pain in the uterus.-Bearing-down, with sensation as before menses.-Dropsy of the ovaries (r.); dropsy of the uterus.-Strained pain l. ovary.-Menstruation suppressed or diminished, with congestion to the head.-Labour-like, bearing-down pains, followed by dark, bloody mucus.-Threatened miscarriage in the early months, with heaviness of the abdomen, restlessness, and yawning.-Abortion.-Abortion during the early months.-Dropsy in the latter part of pregnancy attended with puerperal convulsions.-Ulceration and engorgement of os uteri.-Large and painful swelling of the labia, with heat and stinging pains.-Erysipelatous inflammation of the breasts.-Swelling and hardness of the mammae threatening to ulcerate.-Scirrhus or open cancer of the mammae, with stinging, burning pains.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Irritation to cough in the supra-sternal fossa.-Hoarseness.-Hoarseness in the morning.-Respiration hurried and difficult (with fever and headache).-Å’dema glottidis.-Asthma; worse in cold weather.-Croupy cough.-Obstinate night cough from 9 p.m., to 4 a.m.-Cough which loosens with difficulty, rouses from sleep before midnight and ceases as soon as least particle is loosened, which is swallowed.-Feeling of constriction causing a single, spasmodic, hacking cough at short intervals.-Violent cough, deep, hard ringing; incessant for three hours; excited by constricted feeling in throat, but reaching down to lungs, the upper part of which are very sore and sensitive.-Dyspnoea; esp. difficult inspiration.
18. Chest.-Hydrothorax.-Sensation of soreness in the chest, as from a bruise.-Oppression of the chest, shortness of breath, esp. when ascending; inability to remain in a warm room.-Dull, aching pain in the l. side of the chest, near the middle of the sternum, with sensation of fulness in the chest and short breath.-Expectoration of copious, transparent, frothy, bloody mucus.-Stitches in l. side of chest and through back.-Burning, stinging pain through entire front of chest.-Melting in region of diaphragm, as from running violently.-Every shock from coughing gives pain in the head and some pain through the chest, as from the clavicle; > after loosening a small portion of mucus, or a large quantity of transparent: frothy, and bloody mucus is expectorated.
19. Heart.-Sudden pain just below the heart, soon extending toward r. chest, with suffocation.-Very feeble action of the heart; violent beats, shaking the whole body; intermittent beats.-Region of heart sensitive to least pressure; rasping sounds of systole and diastole unmistakably audible.-Palpitation of heart from scanty secretion of urine, perfectly cured by establishing the natural quantity.-Pulse: almost imperceptible at wrist; accelerated and full; very frequent and hard; wiry; irregular and slow pulse; intermittent.

20. Back.-Rheumatic pain in back and limbs.-Cerebro-spinal meningitis.
22. Upper Limbs.-Hands bluish, and inclined to be cold.-Å’dema of the hands.-Sensation of numbness in fingers, esp. the tips about the roots of nails.-Panaritium with burning, stinging, and throbbing, very sensitive to touch.
23. Lower Limbs.-Cold legs.-Sensation in the toes and whole foot, as if too large; swollen and stiff.-Legs (ankles) and feet waxy, pale, and oedematous.-Burning in the toes with redness; feet cold.-Suppressed perspiration of the feet.-Numbness and coldness of feet, even paralysis.-Dropsy of limbs in diphtheritic albuminuria.-Puffy swelling of the knees.
24. Generalities.-Great debility, as if he had worked hard; he is obliged to lie down.-Sudden "puffing up" of the whole body.-Tired, as if bruised in every limb, and esp. in the back, as after exertion; worse on rising after sitting.-Complete anasarca, no thirst, pale, waxy, almost transparent.-Burning, stinging pains, like bee-stings, occurring occasionally.-Great sensitiveness to touch and pressure (abdomen).-Clonic and tonic spasms.-Sudden weakness with coldness.-Tension (over the eyes in the l. side of head) behind the ears, in the neck.-Dark haemorrhages.
25. Skin.-Å’dematous swellings.-Skin usually white, almost transparent (ovarian dropsy).-Hives.-Urticaria like bee-stings, or stings from other insects, with intolerable itching at night.-Carbuncles, with burning, stinging pains.-Eruption like nettle-rash over the whole body.-Erysipelas; with gangrenous spots.-Swelling and dry erysipelatous redness.-Scarlet eruptions.-Body covered with large, elevated, white wheals.-Panaritium (burning, stinging).-Boils and swellings of all descriptions with stinging pains.
26. Sleep.-Much yawning.-Great desire to sleep; extreme sleepiness.-Sleep disturbed by many dreams.-Dreams full of care and toil; of making long journeys; of flying through the air; of hot stones; of walking over hot floors; of walking a long way over wet roads.-Sleep, late in the morning.-Awakens from sleep with a shrill shriek (child suffering from hydrocephalus).
27. Fever.-Pulse full and rapid; small and trembling; intermitting.-Chill, mostly towards the evening (3-4 p.m.).-Chilliness from the least movement, with heat of the face and hands; runs down the back with great prostration.-During hot stage more or less violent headache; generally a continuous deep sleep.-Heat with thirst, wishes to uncover.-Dry heat towards evening with sleepiness.-Sweating stage either absent or of a very light grade.-The sensation of heat is more felt about the pit of the stomach and in the chest.-Perspiration, alternating with dryness of the skin.-Much burning of the skin on various parts of the body.-Thirst wanting during sweat; may or may not be present during heat; always thirst during chill.-Sweat after trembling and fainting, then nettlerash.-After the fever paroxysm, sleep.-
Apyrexia: urine scanty; feet swollen; limbs sore; restless; urticaria.


Antimonium Crudum-a homoeopathic medicine

by John Henry Clarke

Native Sulphide of Antimony. Sb2 S3.
Clinical.-Anus, irritation of. Callosities. Catarrh. Chorea. Constipation. Corns. Diarrhoea. Dyspepsia. Eczema. Feet, sore and horny. Fever. Gum-rash. Nails, degeneration of. Nettle-rash. Piles. Prolapsus recti. Red gum. Remittent fever. Stomach, disordered. Sunstroke. Tendons inflamed. Tongue coated. Voice, low. Warts. Whooping-cough.
Characteristics.-Antim. crud. corresponds in a sense to the race of swine, as Arsenic does to horses and Pulsatilla to sheep. It is preeminently a scrofulous medicine, corresponding to gross constitutions with tendency to rough scaling skin with horny patches. With these horny patches is great tenderness, the patient can hardly bear to walk on them. Analagous to these horny excrescences are warts, and Ant c. has cured many cases of these. A student, 17, had twenty-three on right hand and thirty four on left, mainly on backs and fingers, but a few on interior surface of fingers. In addition redness and inflammation of eyelids. Cured in seven weeks with Ant. c. 200x. In the same category may be mentioned the tendency of the nails to grow in splits. Ant. crud. is specially suited to infants and children (with coated moist white tongues) and also to elderly persons. Tendency to grow fat. When symptoms recur they change their locality or go from one side of the body to the other. Left side predominates, especially lower left and upper right. Among special symptoms are: Itching of scalp and falling out of hair. Tendency to take cold about head. Scrofulous ophthalmia, canthi especially affected (Graph. the whole margin). Otorrhoea. Moist eruption behind ears (Graph.). Slight noises startle. Nose-bleed with vertigo; after headache; after rush of blood to head. Children are peevish, won't bear to be touched or looked at. Adults are sulky or sad. Weeping and impressionable. Sentimental mood by moonlight. Amativeness. Suicidal. Gastric and remittent fevers, and fevers of children, with great thirst and the characteristic white tongue. The fever runs higher at night. The child is cross, but unlike the Cham. patient, who wants to be carried, this will scream and show temper at every little attention. There is a form of diarrhoea which alternates with constipation, often found in old people, to which Ant. crud. corresponds. "Stomach weak, digestion easily disturbed, in old people." It cures many cases of mucous piles: continuous oozing, staining linen. In connection with the intolerance of wine of the remedy, it may be mentioned that in one case it produced a feeling of intoxication like that of alcohol, so that the patient refused to take any more of it. A number of nervous symptoms appear in the provings-restlessness, jerking of muscles, &c. Dr. M. Jousset has recorded a severe case of chorea which resisted all the usual remedies and was cured with Ant. crud. prescribed on the digestive symptoms, particularly the characteristic white tongue. A notable characteristic of Ant. crud. is the thickly coated tongue. Generally it is thick and white; milky-white; or like whitewash evenly laid. The edges may be red and sore. Sore, cracked and crusty nostrils and corners of mouth. Abnormal hunger; not relieved by eating; emptiness at epigastrium and want of animal heat. Disgust for all foods. Nursing children throw up a little sour milk as soon as they take the breast or bottle (Æthus c., after vomiting the child sleeps and wakes hungry; Ant. c. the child refuses to nurse again). The sulphur element in Ant. crud. is strongly pronounced in the provings as in the constipation and other intestinal disorders of the drug. < By heat is a marked characteristic (Apis, Puls., Cham., Secale, Camph.); also < from cold washing (less severe after warm washing), from cold water and cold food. In spite of the < from heat there is great sensitiveness to cold, hence it is suitable to the hydrogenoid constitutions. Moonlight < mental symptoms. Many symptoms are < at night. < By touch. < From wine, especially sour wine; from vinegar and acids (though tamarind water does not disagree); from fruits. < From pork, bread, and pastry. > By rest, by lying down; < rising up; < ascending stairs.

Relations.-Compare: Æthiops ant., Ant. tar., Am. mur., Apis, Bry., Graph., Puls., Ran. b., Rhus t., Sul., Variol.; Cham., Chi, and Stram. (averse to be looked at); Hep., Rhus, Sep., Spi. and Sul. (averse to be washed). Complementary: Scilla. Follows well: Puls., Ipec. Followed by: Puls., Merc., Sul. Antidote to: Stings of insects. Antidoted by: Calc., Hep., Merc. Bry. compares very closely in digestive condition, loaded tongue and < from warmth; in summer complaint.
Causation.-Gluttony. Hot weather. Heat of sun. Getting over-heated. Disappointed love. Suppressed eruptions.
1. Mind.-Ecstasy and exalted love, with great anxiety about his fate and inclination to shoot himself; worse when walking in the moonlight, and then his conduct is like than of an insane person.-Desponding reflections upon one's condition.-Disgust of life, with an inclination to blow one's brains out, or to drown oneself.-Tendency to be frightened.-Peevish humour, ill-humour.-To be looked at and to be touched are unbearable (in the case of a child).-Dull intellect, imbecility.-Madness.
2. Head.-Confusion of head, as after long labour in the cold.-A feeling of intoxication.-Dizziness with nausea, or bleeding of the nose.-Attack of apoplexy, with frothy salivation.-Cephalalgia, after bathing in running water.-Cephalalgia with dizziness from the smoke of tobacco; better in the open air.-Sensation, as if the forehead were going to burst.-Dull pain in the sinciput and vertex, increased by going upstairs.-Cramp-like pain in the head, ameliorated by walking in the open air.-Piercing pain in the forehead and in the temples.-Sharp pains as from knives in head and under l. breast.-Congestion in the head, painful and followed by epistaxis.-Pain in the bones at the vertex, as if from a swelling in the periosteum.-Teasing itching in the head, with failing off of the hair.
3. Eyes.-Shooting in the eyes.-Red, inflamed eyelids.-Inflammation of the eyes, with itching and nocturnal agglutination of the eyelids.-Slight oozing of the skin near the external angle of the eye.-Humour in the corners of the eyes.-Enlargement of the eyes.-Sensibility of the eyes to the light of day.-Blindness.-Chronic sore eyes of children.
4. Ears.-Shooting in the ears.-Redness, swelling, and heat in the ear.-Otorrhoea.-Digging and murmuring in the ears.-Deafness, as if one had a bandage over the ears; as if a leaf were lying before the ears.-Buzzing in the ears.-Continual roaring in the ears.
5. Nose.-Eruption in the nose.-Excoriation of the nostrils, and of the corners of the nose.-Nostrils chapped and scurfy.-Stoppage of the nose.-Bleeding at the nose, esp. in the evening.-Sensation of coldness in the nose, when inspiring air.-Dryness of the nose, chiefly on walking in the open air.-Accumulation of thick yellowish mucus in the nostrils.
6. Face.-Sad countenance.-Heat in face, and chiefly in the cheeks, with itching.-Red, burning, suppurating eruptions on the face, with yellowish scurf.-Lumps and blisters on the face, as if from the stings of insects.-Granular eruptions, yellow as honey, on the skin of the face.-Eruption, like conoid chicken-pox, on the face and on the nose.-Sensation of excoriation of the chin.-Painful fissures at the commissures of the lips.-Pimples on the upper lip.-Dryness of the lips.
7. Teeth.-Pains in carious teeth, with dull pricking, successive pullings and gnawing, even in the head, renewed after every meal, increased by cold water, and mitigated in the open air.-Jerking toothache in the evening, in bed, and after a meal.-Grinding of the teeth while sleeping in a sitting posture.-Stitches in and about the teeth when inspiring cold air.-Bleeding of the teeth and of the gums, which become detached.
8. Mouth.-Bitter taste in the mouth.-Ptyalism (tasting salty).-Dryness of the mouth.-Accumulation of water on the tongue and in the mouth.-Salivation.-Tongue loaded; with a white coating.-Pain, as of excoriation at the edges of the tongue.-Blisters on the tongue.
9. Throat.-Soreness of the throat, as if there were a plug in it.-Inability to swallow.-Dryness and scraping, or an accumulation of viscid mucus in the throat.
10. Appetite.-Aversion to all food.-Longing for acids.-Thirst chiefly in the night.-Loss of appetite.-Sensation of hunger and of emptiness in the epigastrium, in the morning especially, and which is unappeased by eating.-After a meal, dejection, lassitude, fulness and tension in the abdomen.-Great desire to take food, which is not appropriated to strength.
11. Stomach.-Eructations with taste of food, or very acid.-Regurgitation of a watery fluid.-Hiccough on smoking tobacco.-Loathing of food, nausea, and inclination to vomit, as if caused by indigestion.-Heartburn with good appetite.-Nausea after taking wine.-Nausea and vomiturition, from overloading the stomach, or after drinking (sour) wine.-Vomiting of mucus and of bile, sometimes accompanied by diarrhoea, great anxiety, and convulsions.-Pain, burning, and cramp-like in the pit of the stomach, sometimes with despair and inclination to drown oneself.-Tension and pressure in the pit of the stomach.-Painful sensation, as if the stomach were overloaded with food.-Pain in the region of the stomach on being touched.-Gastric catarrh with characteristic white tongue; even if caused by metastasis of rheumatism or gout.
12. Abdomen.-Inflation of the abdomen, with a sensation of fulness, chiefly after a meal.-Violent cutting pains, sometimes with want of appetite; urine red and stools hard.-Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen, as after violent diarrhoea.-Sensation of swelling and of hardness in the inguinal region, on its being pressed.-Accumulation of flatus in the abdomen, with rumbling and borborygmi.
13. Stool and Anus.-Difficult evacuation of hard stools.-Difficult evacuations; the faeces are too large in size.-Urgent inclination to go to stool.-Stool of the consistence of pap.-Diarrhoea, generally watery, with cutting pains.-After vinegar or acid wine, loose stool.-Alternate diarrhoea and constipation, esp. in aged persons.-Constant secretion of yellowish-white mucus by the anus.-Flow of black blood from the anus.-Haemorrhoidal excrescences, blind and running, with burning and tingling.-Burning itching and fissures in the anus.-Expansive pressure in the rectum (during stool as if an ulcer had been torn open) and the anus.-Burning furunculus in the perineum.
14. Urinary Organs.-Frequent inclination to make water, with scanty emission.-Frequent and abundant emission of urine, with abundant flow of mucus, and burning in the urethra, accompanied by pains in the loins.-On coughing, involuntary emission of urine.-Urine aqueous, or of a gold colour, or reddish brown, and sometimes mixed with small red corpuscles.-Incisive pain in the urethra, on making water.
15. Male Sexual Organs.-Excitement of sexual desire, and great lasciviousness.-Pollutions.
16. Female Sexual Organs.-Metrorrhagia.-Sharp and corrosive discharge from the vagina.-Nymphomania from checked catamenia.-Tenderness over ovaries after menses checked by a bath.-Gastro-intestinal disorders of pregnancy.-Pressure in the uterus as if something would come out of it, esp. during uterine haemorrhage.-Toothache before the menses, with boring in the temples.-Quite solid lumps in a watery leucorrhoea, which sometimes causes a smarting down the thighs.-Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea during pregnancy.
17. Respiratory Organs.-Great heat in the throat while moving in the open air.-Great weakness, or entire loss of voice, chiefly on becoming warm.-Looking into the fire increases cough.-Sensation of a foreign substance in the larynx, with inability to expectorate.-Violent spasm in the larynx, with sensation of excoriation.-Cough, with burning in the chest.-Morning cough, dry and shaking.-Whooping-cough.-Cough as if arising from abdomen.
18. Chest.-Stifling oppression and paralytic orthopnoea.-Respiration deep, with sighing.-Shootings in the chest, when drawing breath and at other times.-Pain, as of contusion, in the pectoralis major, on raising the arm, and on pressure.-Sharp pain under l. breast.
20. Neck and Back.-Cramp-like drawing in the muscles of the neck and of the nape of the neck.-Rheumatic pains in the nape of the neck.-Miliary eruption on the nape of the neck, in the shoulder-blades, and behind the ears.
22. Upper Limbs.-Rheumatic pains in the arms.-Red vesicles on the arms, with itching.-Painful inflammation of the tendons of the elbow, with great redness and curvature of the arm.-Hot and red swelling of the forearm, with shooting tension.-Sensation of drawing in the forearm, the fingers, and the joints of the fingers.-Arthritic pains in the joints of the fingers.-Painful sensibility of the skin under the nails, and slow growth of the nails themselves.-A horny growth under the nail.-Crushed finger-nails grow in splits, with horny spots.

23. Lower Limbs.-Sensation of drawing in the lower limbs, esp. in the coxo-femoral joint.-Lumps, with red rings, on the buttocks and legs.-Violent pain in the lower extremities.-Numbness of the legs after sitting for some time.-Shooting pain in the knee and in the tibia.-Drawing pain in knees, lower part l. tibia, in l. heel, and tearing through the r. great toe.-Tumour or white swelling of the knee.-Painful stiffness in the knee, preventing the extension of the leg.-Vesicles on the knee after scratching it.-Sensibility of the soles of the feet, when walking on the pavement.-Red swelling of the heel, with burning shootings, which are aggravated by walking.-Corns on the soles of the feet, and callous excrescence at the tips of the toes.-Pressive pain in the corns.-Burning in the fleshy part of the great toe.-Callous excrescence under the nail of the great toe.
24. Generalities.-Rheumatic pains and inflammation of the tendons, with redness and contraction of the part affected.-Inflammation of the muscles.-Drawings or shootings and tension, principally in the limbs.-Restlessness, uneasiness.-Disposition to start even at slight noises.-Twitching of muscles of many parts of the body.-Convulsions with vomiting.-The symptoms are aggravated in the heat of the sun, after having drunk wine, after a meal, night and morning; amelioration during repose and in the fresh air.-Great sensibility to cold.-Heaviness of all the limbs.-General weakness, esp. at night, on waking.-Emaciation, or great obesity.-Dropsical swelling of the whole body.-Mucous membranes generally affected.-Anasarca.-Marasmus.-Children cannot bear to be touched or looked at.-Chronic affections traceable to suppressed eruptions or ulcers.
25. Skin.-Itching, esp. in the neck, chest, back and limbs.-Eruptions which appear chiefly in the evening, or which itch in the heat of the bed, and prevent sleep.-Miliary eruptions and nettle-rash.-Tumours and blisters, as if from the stings of insects.-Measles-like eruption.-Eruptions, similar to chicken-pox, with shooting pain on pressure.-Thick, hard scabs, often honey-yellow, here and there a crack oozing a green sanious fluid, burning as if immersed in hot embers.-Urticaria white, with red areolae, which itch fearfully.-Pustules with yellowish or brown scurf.-Freckles.-Hepatic spots.-Deep spongy ulcers with gastric ulcers.-Fistulous ulcers.-Horn-like excrescences and disposition to abnormal organisations of the skin.-Corns and callous excrescences on the feet.-Nails discoloured and deformed.-Red and hot swellings.-Degeneration of the skin.-Fungus of the joints.
26. Sleep.-Strong inclination to sleep during the day, and somnolency, chiefly in the evening or morning.-Coma with delirium.-Waking with fright during the night.-Dreams, anxious, horrible, voluptuous, or painful, and full of quarrelling.
27. Fever.-Chilliness predominating even in the warm room.-Sensation of coldness in the nose when inhaling air.-Heat, esp. during the night, before midnight, with cold feet.-Great heat from little exercise, esp. in the sun.-Intermittent fever, with gastric or bilious affections, principally with disgust, nausea, vomiting, eructations, loaded tongue, bitterness of the mouth, with moderate thirst, diarrhoea, tension and pressure at the pit of the stomach, with cutting pains.-Tertian fever.-Hot sweat, early in the morning every second
day.-Pulse irregular, sometimes quick, sometimes slow.
