
Health benefits of cucumber(kheera)

Cucumbers and salads are synonymous with each other. It is often considered as a fruit as well as a vegetable by experts as it belongs to the same plant family as that of the pumpkin, squash and watermelon, i.e. the Cucurbitaceae family.

Amazingly refreshing cucumbers are long and lean, available in many colours. They have a distinct mild melon-like taste and smell due to the presence of aldehydes. The slight bitterness of cucumber skin is because of cucurbitacins in it.
Regulates Blood Pressure:
Cucumbers are a good source of potassium, magnesium and dietary fibre. These nutrients are known to lower blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of heart diseases.
Research has also proved that regular consumption of cucumber juice was helpful in reducing blood pressure, in elderly people with hypertension.
Cucumbers consist mostly of water, and they also contain important electrolytes. They can help prevent dehydration in hot weather or after a workout.
For people who do not enjoy drinking water, adding cucumber and mint can make it more attractive.
Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining a healthy intestine, preventing constipation, avoiding kidney stones, and more.
Cucumber is one of the most hydrating foods.
Cucumber benefits for men
There is a perception, perhaps because of its shape, that cucumber is especially beneficial to men’s health.
Although, as I mentioned it does contain manganese, which is needed for men’s sexual health, it should be made very clear that this slender, green fruit is is over 90% water. That fact alone makes it pretty easy to imagine just how many cucumbers you’d need to eat to reap the benefits of its manganese, silica or other nutrients.
That being said, there’s a popular belief that cucumber can help with erectile dysfunction.
It is widely accepted in the natural health community that all foods containing citrulline can benefit vascular health. Nutritional authority Nat Hawes, author of Nature Cures even goes so far as to say that eating citrulline-rich foods will reduce issues of erectile dysfunction in men suffering from low blood pressure.
Cucumber skin benefits
Cucumbere’s high water content, along with its trace amounts of nutrients, can help both men and women with the maintenance of young, vibrant skin. (See the mention of silica above.)
In addition, this crunchy, green fruit is known for prevent water retention which means cucumbers not only work as a cure of morning after eyes but can diminish bloat to keep you feeling your sexiest.
Cancer Fighter: The powerful polyphenols in cucumber called lignans help lower risk of breast, uterine, ovarian, and prostate cancers. Other cancer combatting phytonutrients such as cucurbitacins are also present, and research has proven that these compounds can discontinue the development of estrogen-related cancer cells.
Strong in Antioxidants: This robust fruit has antioxidants like Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and beneficial flavonoids such as quercetin, which is considered a natural antihistamine. The flavonoid Kaempferol also helps battle cancer and decreases the risk of heart disease and other chronic illnesses.
Healthy Urinary Tract & Kidneys: High water content encourages kidney cleansing through urination, and has also been shown to dissolve kidney stones over time if consumed regularly.
Cucumber for weight loss
Lastly, cucumber can help you if you’re looking to shed some unwanted pounds. (Maintaining an ideal body weight can benefit both sexual confidence as well as sexual performance.)
One 2016 study demonstrated how eating foods with high water content and low calories like cucumbers can aid in weight loss strategies.
Supports Joint Health: Studies have shown that extracts of cucumber have the power to halt the inflammatory response of enzymes such as cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2). Silica in cucumbers also strengthens connective tissues, and if mixed with carrot juice can reduce pain caused by gout and arthritis by dropping uric acid levels
Promotes Digestive Health: High amounts of water and fiber greatly influence digestive regularity, and drinking more water helps to suppress acute symptoms of acid reflux. Insoluble fibers that make up the skin of cucumber allow food to move through the digestive tract quickly, and they contain an enzyme named Erepsin that also helps break down proteins. The daily consumption of cucumber is said to relieve digestive issues such as gastritis, heartburn, acidity, even ulcers, and constipation.
Heart Healthy: Cucumbers contain a ton of potassium, an essential electrolyte, which helps to lower blood pressure levels. Ions surrounding cells in your body must maintain a healthy balance of potassium to have synergy with sodium levels. This positively charged interaction regulates the aptitude of the heart, nerve impulse, and muscle contraction. Adequate levels of Vitamin K are also crucial to having a healthy blood flow throughout your body.
Anti-Wrinkle: Incorporated into many cosmetics, cucumber extracts counteract signs of aging and promote youthful skin. Nourishing vitamins and minerals like biotin and silica maintain radiant skin, hair, nails, and also fights cellulite!
Strong Gums & Fresh Breath: Pressing cucumber on the roof of your mouth for 30 seconds defeats odor-causing bacteria. Principles of Ayurveda has also determined that cucumber cools down excess heat in your stomach, which is said to be the origin of bad breath. Research also proves that drinking the juice of cucumbers can successfully heal gum diseases such as weak gums and pyorrhea.
As a member of the Cucurbitaceae family of plants, cucumbers contain high levels of bitter-tasting nutrients known as cucurbitacin.
According to an article in the International Journal of Health Services, cucurbitacins may help prevent cancer by stopping cancer cells from reproducing.
A 133-g cupTrusted Source of chopped cucumber with its skin also provides around 1 g of fiber. Fiber may help protect against colorectal cancer.
Brain Protection: Cucumbers contain flavonols, which help to improve memory and shield your nerve cells from degeneration that naturally occurs over time. A flavonol called fisetin has shown to prevent learning and memory decline in those that have Alzheimer’s disease.
Essential for Diabetes: Cucumbers contain critical hormones, which help the pancreas produce more insulin. This is vital to maintaining a normal blood glucose level, and can even balance high or low blood pressures.
Cucumbers may have anti-inflammatory benefitsTrusted Source. Inflammation is a function of the immune system.
Experts believe inflammation may help trigger the development of various health conditions,
cardiovascular disease
autoimmune conditions
Cucumber contains phosphorus which is a key nutrient for hormonal balance in the body. Cucumbers contain around 4% of the phosphorus suggested for daily intake for adults. To reap its maximum benefit, add it to your daily diet and stay healthy.
Soothes our Eyes:
Keeping cucumber slices on the eyes for about 10 minutes relaxes our eyes and reduces puffiness around the eyes.
How to consume cucumbers?
It is best to eat cucumbers unpeeled, to prevent loss of some fibre, vitamins and minerals.
Raw cucumbers can be tossed in salads, sandwiches and curd for a crunchy taste.
You can make sabzi and soups out of them.


Natural Homeopathic Remedies for High and low blood Pressure

The pressure exerted by blood upon the blood vessel wall while it flows through it (especially the arteries) is known as blood pressure. A blood pressure reading less than or equal to 120/80 mm Hg is considered as the normal blood pressure range.
Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure can be divided into three grades. A blood pressure reading varying between systolic (120-139 mmHg) or diastolic (80-89 mmHg) points towards the prehypertensive stage. A reading of systolic (140-159 mmHg) or diastolic (90-99 mmHg) is Grade 1 hypertension. Grade 2 hypertension refers to a reading of systolic (160-179 mmHg) or diastolic (100-109 mmHg). Grade 3 hypertension is equal to or more than 180/110 mmHg. Homeopathic remedies for high blood pressure works to naturally moderate the body’s functioning.
  Homeopathic Remedies for High Blood Pressure The homeopathic system carries a good scope in managing high blood pressure. Homeopathic medicines work particularly well for those who have recently been diagnosed with hypertension and have not yet become dependent on any other medication for it. People with chronic high blood pressure and those who are using allopathic medicines for a long time can also use homeopathic medicines. Initially, it is advisable to continue allopathic medication along with homeopathic medicines, and slowly transition into homeopathy for holistic treatment. Homeopathic medicines to treat high blood pressure are made of natural substances and can be used by people of all age groups without any side effects. For best results, proper lifestyle measures should be adopted along with homeopathic treatment for high blood pressure. 
Aconitum Napellus – For High Blood Pressure with Anxiety Aconitum Napellus is a medicine for high blood pressure along with anxiety and restlessness. The affected person often experiences a sudden fear of death. Other accompanying symptoms include palpitations, a pressure in the left side of the chest, sensation of weight under the breastbone and oppression of the chest. Pain in the heart extending to the left shoulder is also present. 
Allium Sativum – For High Blood Pressure with High Cholesterol Allium Sativum is a medicine for high blood pressure with high cholesterol levels. This medicine helps in reducing cholesterol levels as well as lowering the blood pressure. Other symptoms include a pain in the chest that prevents sleep and leads to palpitations. 
 Crataegus Oxyacantha – To Dissolve Calcareous Deposits Crataegus Oxyacantha is a medicine used to help lower the blood pressure by dissolving the calcareous deposits in the arteries. Symptoms indicative of this medicine include pain in the region of the heart, oppression of chest, accelerated pulse and irregular pulse. Other symptoms include anxiety and cardiac dyspnea. 
 Amylenum Nitrosum – For High Blood Pressure with Constricted Sensation Amylenum Nitrosum is a medicine for high blood pressure when constricted sensation around the heart is the main symptom. Along with constriction, aching in the heart is also present. A sensation of swelling in the chest, fluttering in the heart and intensified beating of the heart are the other symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine. 
 Lachesis – For High Blood Pressure During Menopause Lachesis is perhaps one of the most leading homeopathic remedies in controlling high levels of blood pressure. Lachesis may be given when there is marked restlessness physically as well as mentally. Another striking feature for prescribing Lachesis is that, anything tight around the neck like closed collars, neck ties or tight necklaces are unbearable. Even tight clothes are unbearable. Feel better by loosening the belts or by wearing loose clothes. Lachesis may be given in high blood pressure in women who are in their menopausal age or post menopause. 
Kali Phos – HFor High Blood Pressure with Stress Kali Phos for high blood pressure is used when stress and worry are the main cause of high blood pressure. The symptoms include palpitations from slight motion, shortness of breath, and irregular pulse, along with both mental and physical fatigue.
Baryta Mur – For High Systolic/Low Diastolic Baryta Mur is a medicine for high blood pressure with high systolic reading and a low diastolic reading. The arteriosclerotic (abnormal thickening and hardening of artery walls) changes in the arteries are the main symptom, along with vertigo, irregular heartbeats and a heated sensation in the upper part of the chest. 
 Natrum Mur – For Those with Salty Tooth Natrum Mur is one of the most indicated remedies in cases of high blood pressure which occur due to a prolonged intake of high levels of salty things. Due to this, there may be swelling of the feet in the mornings. Natrum Mur may be given in cases where there is an unusual fatigue specially in the mornings. Though there is a restriction for excess salt intake, it is seen that there is an unusual craving for salty things like pickles, papads etc. There may be a sense of tightness around the chest region and palpitations on slightest exertion. Natrum Mur may be given inn high blood pressure associated with hyperthyroidism and goiter. There is extreme sensitiveness to any external stimuli like sounds, smells or lights. Natrum Mur may also relieve the headaches due to high blood pressure.
 Glonoinum – For High Blood Pressure with Headaches Glonoinum is a medicine for high blood pressure accompanied by headaches. The headache feels intense, congestive, throbbing, and bursting in nature. Other symptoms include strong palpitations, dyspnoea, heat in the face and cardiac pains radiating to other parts. Exertion leading to rush of blood to the heart and fainting spells is another feature that indicates the need for this remedy. Glonoinum is also indicated for nephritis (kidney inflammation) with high blood pressure. 
Nux Vomica – For High Blood Pressure in Young People Nux Vomica for high blood pressure is useful medicine for young people who adopt sedentary modern lifestyle habits. These lifestyle habits include smoking, alcohol consumption, sedentary routine, a lack of exercise, etc. These factors predispose a person towards blood pressure.
 Tabacum Nicotiana – For High Blood Pressure in Tobacco Users Tabacum Nicotiana is a medicine for high blood pressure used in cases where the person has a habit of taking tobacco. Symptoms include palpitations (especially while lying on the left side), oppression in the chest and a rapid pulse. Other symptoms include pain between shoulders, inability to take a deep breath and twisting sensation around the heart. 
Strophanthus Hispidus –High Blood Pressure due to Arteriosclerosis Strophanthus Hispidus is a medicine for high blood pressure in elderly due to arteriosclerosis (hardening, thickening, and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls). Strong palpitations that get worse upon emotional release and exercise are noted. The symptoms include constriction behind breastbone, difficult breathing, alternating rapid and slow pulse. 

How Homeopathy helps to cure Hypotension?

Homeopathy cannot just give symptomatic relief in cases of hypotension but can also address many root causes of low blood pressure like Bradychardia, Tachycardia, Pericarditis, Shock, Septicemia, Vasovagal attack, inflammation etc. Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc.
Commonly indicated Homeopathic remedies:
Ars.alb: Great exhaustion after slightest exertion. Irritable weakness. Sleep disturbed. Anxious restless. Gradual loss of weight from impaired nutrition. Anaemia and chlorosis.Great prostration with rapid sinking of vitalforces.Rapid emaciation with cold sweat and great debility.
China officinalis: Debility from exhausting, discharges, from loss of vital fluids.Irregular with weak rapid heartbeats. Great debility, trembling with numb sensation in lowelimbs.Aversion to exercise, worse from slightest touch, relieved by hard pressure. Entire nervous system extremely sensitive. Face pale, sallow, sunken eyes with dark rings around the eyes. Suffocative attacks, anaemia with dropsy.
Veratrum album: Cold sweat on forehead, sensation of lump of ice on vertex, icy coldness of tip of nose, extreme coldness and weakness. Pale face, rapid and feeble pulse. Vomiting, purging and cramps in extremities. Rapid sinking of vital forces, complete prostration and collapse. Attacks of fainting from from least exertion.
Other indicated remedies: Ferrum.met, Pulsatilla, Baryta.carb, Gelsemium, Sepia, Phosphorus etc.

Foods that unclog(clear) arteries naturally

Heart issues are the main reason of deaths in a lot of countries.
Heart issues are the main reason for deaths in a lot of countries. A significant hazard calculates for both heart assault, and stroke is stopped up veins, which can intrude on bloodstream all through the body. Stress, the absence of development, and particularly unfortunate eating are all supporters of uplifted rates of heart assault. In any case, rolling out a couple of little improvements to your diet regimen can radically bring down your hazard. Here are a few nourishments and beverages that are known to help in keeping your supply routes free of obstruction:
Does Diet have an impact on Heart health?
Coronary Artery Disease is when your artery walls are restricted and blood flow is hampered due to a build-up of plaque in them. One of the major factors that influence plaque build-up is your overall lifestyle and diet. Some food items develop plaque, while some clear the arteries, help you lose weight and avoid plaque build.
To help you navigate your way to a healthy heart we’ve compiled a list of the best food for heart blockage that can help unclog arteries naturally.
Is it possible to Unclog Arteries Naturally?
Although it isn’t possible to remove plaque from your arterial walls without surgery, you can halt and prevent future plaque build-up. Research does not support that specific food items can help clear arteries naturally, but a healthier diet is essential to reduce the chance of it forming in the first place. Hence inculcate healthy eating habits to keep your arteries clear.
Diet tips to prevent Coronary Artery Disease:
There isn’t any magic diet or best foods to clear arteries, however, an active lifestyle and healthy diet can reduce your risk of developing CAD. Here’s a list of dietary do’s and don’ts when it comes to keeping your heart healthy:
Fried foods and processed foods must be avoided as they contain excessive unhealthy fats.
Switch to healthy fats such as Mustard oil, Extra virgin olive oil and ensure that the majority of your fat intake is from healthy sources such as nuts, fish, and seeds.
Instead of high-fat dairy, switch to skimmed or light versions.
Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates and cut down on all kinds of sugars.
Avoid having more than two standard measures of alcohol in a day.
Avoid a salty diet and reduce adding salt to foods.
Also, ensure that you check the labels of all the food items you purchase as these contain salt as a preservative or flavoring agent.
A pure squeezed orange full of antioxidants that help the healthy vessels. Squeezed orange is also known to bring down the levels of blood pressure. Two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice every day are sufficient to cover your day by day prescribed estimation of vitamin C and give adequate minerals and vitamins to affect your health and wellbeing emphatically.
Cinnamon is not just delightful in tea or baked items; it’s additionally an essential device for battling elevated cholesterol by for
Yes! At last, there’s a healthy and valid reason and motivation to have that precious cup of Joe in the morning. Studies have demonstrated that getting a charge out of 2 or so cups of coffee amid the day can bring down your risk of having a heart attack by almost 20%. Be that as it may, remember that coffee can also have negative effects on your stomach and too much caffeine is not good for you either.
Nuts have for quite some time been known for their plenitude of healthy fats. These incorporate unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids. Not just are these beneficial for your cholesterol levels; they also advantage your memory and joints. Almonds and walnuts are exceptionally high in these healthy fats. One modest bunch daily can have a significant effect.
Salmon is thought of as one of the healthful foods available out there for your heart. The purpose behind this is the number of healthy unsaturated fats that are actually discovered in the fish. It assists to lower and forestall elevated cholesterol, inflammation and triglyceride levels. Further healthy fish alternatives are herring, tuna and mackerel. Obviously, it’s best to purchase organic fish as its more beneficial it’s easily possible for you.
Green tea is notable for it’s refreshing and soothing effects simultaneously. One explanation behind this is the cetachin contained in the leaves of the tea. This cancer prevention agent brings down cholesterol retention and supports digestion. Maybe cup of tea or perhaps two each day is sufficient to give the greatest benefits.
The personification of watermelon is not just revitalizing; it broadens veins by advancing the creation of nitric oxide. An occasional bit of watermelon can work miracles! And it tastes like heaven it self. So either have it as is or blend it to make its juice you are going to love it anyway.
Whole grain flour is also a compelling approach to counteract elevated cholesterol. It is rich in fiber, which easily binds with cholesterol, keeping it from gathering in the arteries. Nourishments high in whole grain don’t just keep cholesterol from working up; they additionally help to separate any existing development. Great wellsprings of whole grain are brown rice, oats, and whole grain bread.
Cheese not generally has the best repute with regards to cholesterol, however in the event that it’s not expended in overabundance, it can really bring down the cholesterol level and also the blood pressure.
This green power vegetable, detonating in vitamin K, keeps calcium from perching in your arteries. It additionally is gainful to cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Regardless of whether eating it raw as a nibble, or as a major part of a full dinner meal, broccoli is a rich in nutrients development to your day.
Turmeric contains large amounts of curcumin, which has numerous positive qualities. The spice anticipates overactive fat stockpiling and brings down the inflammation of the tissue. Turmeric makes a great expansion to many dishes and furthermore makes a very tasty tea.
Cinnamon is not just delightful in tea or baked items; it’s additionally an essential device for battling elevated cholesterol by forestalling development in passages. Indeed, even one teaspoon for every day can have a visible impact.
Not just useful for Popeye’s muscles, spinach helps clearing the arteries and lowers the blood pressure. Despite the fact that the myth of spinach’s high iron substance has since been exposed, it is as yet known to be rich in folic acid and potassium. Both of these lower your risk of having a heart attack and upkeep the muscle tissue.
Greeks and Italians have long known the key to great wellbeing by consuming olive oil of high quality. Cold-squeezed olive oil endows your body with healthy fats and brings down cholesterol levels. This can bring down the danger of having a heart attack by up to 41%!
Pomegranates are high in phytochemicals that actually advance nitric oxide formation, which is thus a decent approach to help blood circulation. This fascinating fruit makes for a wonderful expansion to servings of salads or you can appreciate it as a top notch, reviving juice.
Asparagus is a Herculean warrior against elevated cholesterol. The supplements in asparagus anticipate stopping up of veins and blood vessel inflammation. Asparagus is tasty as a primary dish, in soup, or as a side to pasta or potatoes.


Benefits of ayurvedic herb Mulethi

Mulethi, also known as mulethi churna is one such classical ayurvedic remedy that has a centuries-long repute of being the ultimate grandma’s remedy for cough and sore throat.
This traditional herb exhibits manifold benefits and is extensively used in several folk remedies and classical ayurvedic formulations to treat respiratory problems, obesity, skin infection, liver disorders, gastric problem, hormonal regulation, general debility, joint pain and many more.

Keeps the respiratory tract healthy
Chewing on mulethi sticks is an age-old remedy for a sore throat. It is due to its expectorant and bronchodilator properties that it can cure conditions like cough, bronchitis and also reduce the effects of chronic asthma. If you want to avoid chewing on mulethi sticks, you can mix ginger juice to mulethi tea in order to soothe asthma and bronchial infection.
Boosts digestion
Mulethi has active compounds glycyrrhizin and carbenoxolone that are known to relieve constipation, stomach discomfort, heartburn, acidity and other stomach problems. It also acts as a mild laxative, playing an effective role in stimulating bowel movements
Boosts immunity
Regular use of mulethi is known to boost immunity, thanks to the enzymes present in the root plant; it helps the body produce lymphocytes and macrophages that protect the body from microbes, pollutants, allergens and cells that cause autoimmune diseases, further keeping you away from infections and allergies and in turn boosting your immunity.
Has anti-inflammatory properties
Liquorice has anti-inflammatory properties that may be able to treat chronic inflammatory diseases like arthritis. Its anti-oxidant properties also reduce the effects of free radicals causing pain and inflammation in the body.
Cures skin ailments
Mulethi is an emollient that helps maintain a healthy glowing skin. All you need to do is to add mulethi powder to rose water or milk depending on the type of your skin. This will help combat de-pigmentation and further soothe skin rashes.
Eases menopausal symptoms
The phytoestrogenic compounds in this herb help correct hormonal imbalance in the body to ease menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia, depression, mood swings, sweating, et al. A study published in the Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research highlights its positive effect on menopausal hot flashes.
How can you use mulethi (liquorice)
All you need to do is to boil the root to make a tea if you are feeling nauseous or are coming down with a cold. Liquorice tea is also good for maintaining dental health; try gargling with the cooled tea.
Home Remedies Of Mulethi
In case of respiratory troubles, prepare a mulethi decoction or kadha by boiling a few mulethi sticks in water. Take this ayurvedic kadha several times a day to cure cough and cold.
In case of sore throat, chew on the mulethi root, so as to allow the juice from the roots reach the throat and hence get relief from irritating throat and hoarse voice.
  For treating cough and cold in kids, mix a spoon of mulethi powder and a spoonful of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and make your kids take this sweet tincture twice a day for getting relief.
For nasal and chest congestion, make an ayurvedic decoction by boiling a few pieces of mulethi root, tulsi leaves, pudina leaves in water. Strain the mixture and drink the aqueous decoction by infusing it with a spoon of honey to open a blocked nose and reduce inflammation due to chest congestion.

Nutritional Facts And Chemical Composition:
The host of benefits this magic root, come from the buck load of nutrients embedded in it. The array of healthful nutrients includes vitamins, potassium, bioactive constituents like glycyrrhizin, anethole, sterols, tannins, flavonoids, biotin, resins, tannins, sucrose, iodine, saponins, niacin, isoflavones, chalcones, volatile oils, etc.
Thanks to the active constituent glycyrrhizin and its powerful adaptogenic, sedative, alexiteric, synergistic properties, the root powder of licorice provides an absolute answer to almost all health anomalies. It supplements the body with an adequate dose of antioxidants which helps one ward off several skin and scalp infections and flaunt a healthy, radiant skin and gorgeous tame.

Mulethi Benefits And Uses
Mix 1 tbsp of mulethi powder along with pushkarmool powder and honey and infuse it in water. Take this kadha regularly to alleviate allergic asthmatic conditions.
In case of sore throat, mix 1 tbsp of mulethi root powder, sitopaladi churna and honey in a glass of lukewarm water. Have this twice a day, to reduce coughing, inflammation and irritation of the throat.

Treats Gastritis:
The potent anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties of glycyrrhizic acid help suppress the toxic bacteria Helicobacter pylori and also prevents it from growing in the gut. In the case of food poisoning, stomach ulcer or heartburn, the root powder soothes the stomach lining and restores the balance. Being a natural antacid, it reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach which in turn decreases gastritis due to acidic irritation and peptic mucosa.
Intake a mixture of mulethi powder, amla powder, coriander powder, giloy and nutgrass powder along with lukewarm water to get relief from gastritis.

Aids In Weight Loss:
The abundance of flavonoids in mulethi powder, helps the body shed excess weight faster. Being loaded with fibre and essential nutrients, when taken regularly, mulethi satiates the hunger pangs and prevents overeating and hence can play a pivotal role in one’s weight loss regimen. The powder also reduces the accumulation of LDL (i.e. Low-Density Lipoproteins or bad cholesterol) in the body, thereby improving metabolism and helping the body to maintain a proper weight.
Manages High Cholesterol
Touted as a rejuvenative cardio-tonic root, this ayurvedic herb efficiently diminishes the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the body, prevents the deposition of plaque in the blood vessels and also deters atherosclerosis (i.e. formation of hardened arteries due to deposition of debris), thus reducing risks of heart blocks, strokes and heart attacks.
What Is Mulethi Good For?

Mulethi For Ulcers:
The anti-inflammatory properties of mulethi powder hold high significance in treating different types of ulcers like ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcer, canker sores or mouth ulcers etc. The bioactive compound carbenoxolone plays a crucial role in healing mouth and gastric ulcers. It also helps to speed up the healing process in the inflamed mucosal layer and reduce the risk of ulceration.
For Mouth Ulcer:
Gargle licorice water or tea to reduce pain and swelling
For Ulcerative Colitis:
Intake a mixture of mulethi powder, amla powder, vankshalochana powder, and giloy satva powder by infusing it with honey and water.
Mulethi For Diabetes:
The licorice root powder contains a potent phytoestrogenic compound called glabridin which not only imparts the sweet taste to the root but also plays a crucial role in assuaging the blood sugar levels of the body. The production of insulin from the β-pancreatic cells becomes active in the consumption of mulethi powder. Adequate dosage of the powder also helps to reduce the breakdown of starch into glucose and hence manage diabetes
Mulethi For Cognitive Abilities:
Mulethi is one such traditional remedy that has potent brain-boosting properties. The powerful antioxidants and flavonoids present in the sweet root of the licorice plant improve the memory capacity, concentration, focus, calmness, and alertness of an individual. Being a potent Medhya Rasayana herb, mulethi improves memory power, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities. The neuroprotective elements in the plant prevent loss of memory and relieve the mind from stress and tension.
Take 2 grams of mulethi powder by infusing it in warm milk to improve memory power and prevent the risk of several psychotic diseases like epilepsy, dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Mulethi For Hormone Regulation
Mulethi is one such ayurvedic herb that is known for its influence on the adrenal glands. The phytoestrogenic bio-active substances in mulethi is also extremely beneficial in keeping the hormonal balance, battling menstrual cramps, and providing relief from mood swings, hot flashes, depression, insomnia, sweating etc during the menstrual cycle. Prescribed mulethi powder even helps new mom to regulate the hormones and increase the production and secretion of breast milk.

Mulethi For Hair loss:
Mulethi powder plays a crucial role in promoting hair growth. It effectively increases blood circulation in the scalp and hair follicles, which in turn enriches the roots by bringing in more nutrients through the blood supply and help new hair growth. Ayurveda strongly suggests that the regular intake of mulethi not only cures baldness but also prevents premature greying, sudden hair fall and different types of scalp infections.
Mix 2 tbsp each of mulethi, haritaki, henna, reetha powder in water. Add 1 tbsp of almond oil and castor oil to it. Apply this hair pack evenly onto your scalp and then shampoo your hair. Do it once a week to promote hair growth and prevent premature greying and loss of hair.
Mulethi For Liver
Imbued with anti-inflammatory properties, mulethi hold high significance in treating liver anomalies like non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, liver damage, hepatitis and jaundice. It also helps in soothing the liver and and promotes liver functions. Have a cup of mulethi tea every morning to purify the liver and fortify it against infections
How To Make Mulethi Water?
Mulethi Water
1tbsp Mulethi powder
Pinch of lemon juice
Warm a glass of water.
Soak the mulethi powder the mulethi powder in it overnight.
Next morning, warm the mulethi-infused water again.
Add a pinch of lemon juice for taste.
Have it in an empty stomach.

Therapeutic Dosage:
The precise healing dosage of mulethi powder may vary from person to person depending upon the age, severity, and condition of the patient. One must consult an ayurvedic doctor or practitioner, as he or she will thoroughly examine the indications and prescribe the effective dosage for the specific time period.
The minimum therapeutic dosage may range between 1-3 grams for adults, twice daily infused in lukewarm water or milk, before meals or as advised by the doctor.

Benefits of Kalmegh (Andrographis Paniculata)

Andrographis paniculata (Kalmegh) has been used since centuries for the treatment of various diseases. It is a great benefit to the Unani, Ayurveda, Homeopathy and household treatment. The chemical components present in it are Andrographolite, neoandrographolite, and deoxyandrographlide. The derivatives of it are andrographiside, andropanoside, andrographin and panicolin.
Medicinal uses of Kalmegh are interesting to know!
Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) is multi functional drug which acts as a Deepan & Pachan (digestive stimulant), hepatoprotective & improves liver functions, Rakta shodhak (blood purifier), reduced inflammation, laxative, apart of this Kalmegh acts on respiratory and metabolic disorders. The studies showed that Kalmegh extracts are antimicrobial, antihelminthic, and improves digestive flora.
What are the benefits of Kalmegh for Liver disease?
Kalmegh might be beneficial in the management of liver problems. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective properties. It prevents the damage of liver cells caused by the free radicals. It might also be effective against chronic hepatitis B viral infection
Kalmegh is especially useful in managing liver-related diseases. It exhibits hepatoprotective property due to Kapha and Pitta balancing nature.
What are the benefits of Kalmegh for Influenza (flu)?
Kalmegh might be beneficial in the management of influenza. Andrographolide in Kalmegh has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It inhibits the replication of influenza virus. It also decreases the activity of inflammatory mediators responsible for inflammation of lungs
What are the benefits of Kalmegh for Sinusitis?
Kalmegh might be beneficial in the management of sinusitis. This might be due to its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties
Kalmegh helps to fight against infection and also enhances the immune system. This is due to its Kapha and Pitta balancing properties.
What are the benefits of Kalmegh for Appetite stimulant?
Kalmegh might be beneficial in the management of anorexia or loss of appetite
Kalmegh is effective in managing digestive problems like loss of appetite. It helps to improve the digestive fire as well as liver functions due to its Ushna (hot) nature.
What are the benefits of Kalmegh for Common cold symptoms?
Kalmegh is beneficial in the management of common cold. It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. It might inhibit the inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane. It might also reduce nasal secretions
Kalmegh helps to fight against common cold, flu, and upper respiratory infections due its Kapha and Pitta balancing property.
What are the benefits of Kalmegh for Tonsilitis?
Kalmegh is beneficial in the management of tonsilitis. It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. It might inhibit the inflammation of the tonsils. It also reduces symptoms like fever, sore throat and cough associated with tonsilitis
Kalmegh has anti-microbial activity and has a positive effect on the immune system due to its Kapha and Pitta balancing property. It helps to reduce fever and sore throat due to tonsillitis.
What are the benefits of Kalmegh for Inflammatory bowel disease?
Kalmegh is beneficial in the management of ulcerative colitis. It is a long-term disease that causes inflammation of the large intestine. It occurs because of the improper functioning of the immune system. Andrographolide in Kalmegh has good anti-inflammatory property. It reduces inflammation associated with ulcerative colitis[
Kalmegh helps to manage inflammatory bowel disease because of its anti-inflammatory and Pitta balancing property. It improves the digestive fire and helps in better bowel movement.
What are the benefits of Kalmegh for Familial Mediterranean fever (Hereditary inflammatory disorder)?
Kalmegh might be beneficial in the management of familial Mediterranean fever. It is a genetic disorder. It involves episodes of recurrent fever and inflammation of the tissues lining the lungs, heart and the abdomen. Andrographolide in Kalmegh has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It normalizes the level of nitric oxide and inflammatory mediators in blood. Thus, Kalmegh helps to reduce the severity and duration of these inflammatory episodes
What are the benefits of Kalmegh for Rheumatoid arthritis?
Kalmegh might be beneficial in the management of rheumatoid arthritis. It is an autoimmune disorder. It involves pain, inflammation and stiffness of the joints. Andrographolide in Kalmegh has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It helps to reduce the pain and inflammation of joints
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is known as Aamavata in Ayurveda. Amavata is a disease in which vitiation of Vata dosha and accumulation of Ama takes place in the joints. Amavāta starts with a weak digestive fire which leads to accumulation of Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). This Ama is carried to different locations through Vata but instead of being absorbed, it gets accumulated in the joints. Taking Kalmegh on a regular basis helps to control the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. It reduces Ama by improving the digestive fire. It also helps balance Vata due to its Ushna (hot) nature.
What are the benefits of Kalmegh for HIV infection?
Kalmegh might be beneficial in the management of HIV/AIDS. Andrographolide in Kalmegh has antiviral and anti-HIV properties. It prevents the spread of HIV infection. It also reduces the symptoms associated with HIV
What are the benefits of Kalmegh for Heart disease?
Kalmegh might be beneficial in the management of high blood pressure. It helps to dilate the blood vessels and improves the blood flow. Andrographolide in Kalmegh has antioxidant properties. It protects the blood vessels against damage caused by lipid peroxidation. It also protects the heart cells against injury due to lack of oxygen
What are the benefits of Kalmegh for Parasitic infections?
Kalmegh might be beneficial in the management of malaria. It has good antimalarial activity. Andrographolide in Kalmegh inhibits the growth of the malaria parasite
Kalmegh is useful in managing malaria. It has antibacterial and antiparasitic activities. This is due to its Tikta and Pitta balancing properties.
What are the benefits of Kalmegh for Stomach ulcers?
Kalmegh might be beneficial in the management of both gastric and duodenal ulcers. Andrographolide in Kalmegh has anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It prevents the excess acid secretion in the stomach. It also fights against the free radicals and protects the gastric mucosal layer. Thus, Kalmegh acts as a gastroprotective agent
What are the benefits of Kalmegh for Allergic conditions?
Kalmegh might be beneficial in the management of allergy symptoms. This might be due to its anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties
Kalmegh is good to control allergies. It has an anti-microbial activity and has a positive effect on the immune system due to its Kapha and Pitta balancing property.
What are the benefits of Kalmegh for Skin disorders?
Kalmegh might be beneficial in the management of skin diseases. It has antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also has blood purifying activity. Together, Kalmegh might be useful in managing skin eruptions, boils and scabies
Kalmegh has blood purifying property. It removes toxins from the blood and hence helps to manage skin diseases. This is due to its Tikta (bitter) taste and Pitta balancing property.
How effective is Kalmegh?
Likely effective
Common cold symptoms, Inflammatory bowel disease, Tonsilitis
Insufficient evidence
Allergic conditions, Appetite stimulant, Familial Mediterranean fever (Hereditary inflammatory disorder), HIV infection, Heart disease, Infections, Influenza (flu), Liver disease, Parasitic infections, Rheumatoid arthritis, Sinusitis, Skin disorders, Stomach ulcers
Can I take Kalmegh with honey?
Yes, Kalmegh can be taken with honey in order to mask its bitter taste and make it more palatable. However, people with diabetes should consult a doctor before taking this combination.
Q. How can we make Kalmegh powder at home?
Kalmegh powder is available in market under various brand names, however it can be made at home by following method:
1. Take complete Kalmegh plant (Panchang) from a trusted source.
2. Wash it properly and dry it in the shade.
3. Once dried completely keep it under sun for 2-3 hours.
4. Grind it using grinder to get a fine powder.
5. Store this powder in a cool, dry place and use when required.
Q. Is Kalmegh good for diabetes?
Yes, Kalmegh is good for diabetes. Andrographolide in Kalmegh helps to reduce the blood glucose levels. It helps in the release of insulin from the pancreatic cells, thus promotes the utilization of glucose. Due to its antioxidant property, Kalmegh reduces the risk of diabetic complications[2].
Q. Can Kalmegh help reduce cholesterol?
Yes, Kalmegh can help reduce cholesterol. Andrographolide in Kalmegh has hypolipidemic effect. It reduces the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides in blood. It prevents the deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels. Due to its antioxidant property, it also prevents lipid peroxidation that can lead to the damage of blood vessels
Q. What are the benefits of Kalmegh for fatty liver?
Kalmegh is beneficial for fatty liver. It contains certain constituents which have lipid lowering activity. These constituents lowers the serum lipid levels and prevents accumulation of lipid in the liver cells[13].
Fatty liver is a condition of accumulation of excessive fat in liver cells. This results in inflammation in the liver. Kalmegh helps to manage this condition due to its Deepan (appetizer), Pachan (digestion) and Shoth har (anti-inflammatory) properties. It helps to digest excessive fat and reduce inflammation in the liver cells.
Q. What are the benefits of Kalmegh syrup?
Kalmegh syrup is used as a liver protectant. It stimulates the liver enzymes, regulates the production and flow of bile and thus protects the liver from any damage
Kalmegh syrup helps to protect your liver from disorders like indigestion or loss of appetite due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestion) properties. This helps to improve your digestion and enhance your appetite.
Q. Does Kalmegh cause rashes and itching in the skin?
Yes, Kalmegh might cause rashes and itching if you have a hypersensitive skin. This is due to its Ushna (hot) nature.

Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin

Turmeric has been argued to be one of the most beneficial herbs to our health. Its benefits are not only vast, but they are also very well researched, with over 10,000 published journal articles that prove it’s beneficial. The most healing compound in turmeric is curcumin.
Turmeric has a warm, bitter taste and is frequently used to flavor or color curry powders, mustards, butters, and cheeses. Because curcumin and other chemicals in turmeric might decrease swelling, it is often used to treat conditions that involve pain and inflammation
.Here are several ways turmeric and curcumin may benefit your health:
inflammatory properties, making it a potentially effective treatment for inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. For example, a small past study found that participants with rheumatoid arthritis who took a 500 mg curcumin supplement twice daily for eight weeks saw greater improvements in joint tenderness and swelling compared with patients who took a prescription anti-inflammatory or a combination of the two treatments.
Reduce Depression Symptoms Depression has been linked with lower levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein in the brain and spinal cord that regulates communication between nerve cells. In rats, curcumin effectively increased levels of BDNF over the course of 10 days, according to a study published in Behavioural Brain Research. In humans with major depressive disorder, those who took 1,000 mg of curcumin daily for six weeks saw similar improvements to those who took an antidepressant or a combination of the two treatments, according to a small April 2014 study published in Phytotherapy Research.
Turmeric Can Aid Digestion
Turmeric not only enhances the flavor of your favorite dishes but also plays an important role in making them more digestible. Adding a tablespoon of turmeric to your food every day can enhance the efficacy of organ functionality which in turn will simplify complex process of digestion. Also, it acts as a natural remedy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) as turmeric is full of vitamins, minerals, anti-inflammatory compounds, antioxidants, and fiber. Turmeric also contains magnesium and potassium that can help ease diarrhea, stomach ache and fight dehydration.
Contribute to Treating Diabetes Thanks to turmeric’s anti-inflammatory effects, it’s also a promising treatment for inflammatory conditions, including diabetes. A study published July 2019 in Nutrition & Metabolism found that feeding curcumin supplements to obese mice with type 2 diabetes helped lower blood insulin levels after 16 weeks. ( Curcumin may also help prevent type 2 diabetes by improving insulin resistance, lowering high blood sugar, and reducing high cholesterol, according to a review in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
People commonly use turmeric for osteoarthritis. It is also used for hay fever, depression, high cholesterol, a type of liver disease, and itching, but there is no good scientific evidence to support most of these uses. There is also no good evidence to support using turmeric for COVID-19.
Don't confuse turmeric with Javanese turmeric root or tree turmeric. Also, don't confuse it with zedoary or goldenseal, which are unrelated plants that are sometimes called turmeric.
Aid Weight Loss It’s unclear whether turmeric can actually help you lose weight, but preliminary research suggests it may enhance your efforts. In one study of 44 people and published in November 2015 in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, people with metabolic syndrome (a condition characterized by obesity, high blood pressure, high blood triglycerides, insulin resistance, and low levels of HDL “good” cholesterol) who lost nearly 2 percent of their body weight added an 800 mg curcumin supplement to their daily diet
After 30 days, this group lost close to 5 percent of their body weight, helping them reduce their body fat by more than 8 percent. (Researchers had added 8 mg of piperine, the active compound in black pepper, to the supplement; piperine helps the body absorb more of the curcumin.)
Reduces body inflammation-
Inflammation is your body’s defensive response to the action of allergens, injuries, or any foreign particle that tries to invade or pose a threat to your body. You must understand that a little or short-term inflammation is beneficial for you but excessive or long-term inflammation can be extremely harmful to the body and if left untreated, may even lead to fatalities. Moreover, healthcare professionals tout chronic inflammation as a ‘silent killer’ as it makes your body more likely to develop a plethora of debilitating health conditions such as poor cardiovascular health, weak joints, liver problems, and many more. These powerful anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants in turmeric powder help fight harmful inflammation in the body and reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases.
Muscle and joint health-
Stiff muscles and joints cause immense discomfort and give rise to serious ailments as well. Turmeric Curcumin effectively reduces swelling, redness, and pain that occur as a result of inflammation, injury, or strain in the muscles. Also, the phytochemicals in this ayurvedic medicine help reduce the symptoms of auto-immune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis which is characterized by swelling, itching, inflammation in joints, and muscles. Regular use of these turmeric capsules enhance your body’s inflammatory response and protects muscles and joints from injuries and infections.
Curcumin/ Turmeric Has Powerful Antioxidant Effects-
Antioxidants protect your bodies from the harms caused by free radicals which are highly reactive molecules. When your body has too much exposure to these free radicals, they tend to react with fats, proteins, and even DNA in our body. This may lead to several diseases such as cancer, arthritis, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s.
Curcumin boosts the activity of certain antioxidant enzymes in our body. Antioxidants in turmeric may also reduce the risk of many health conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. Taking curcumin supplements is a great idea to prevent the oxidative damage done by free radicals.
Improve cardiovascular health-
Heart attacks and other cardiovascular maladies make one of the common causes of deaths across the globe. Also, healthcare experts tout chronic inflammation as the greatest contributor to most heart ailments. Turmeric curcumin pills, in contrast, comes enriched anti-inflammatory agents that are highly effective in lowering inflammation and improving the inner lining of the heart muscles. Also, curcuminoid in this pure turmeric capsules act as a natural vasodilator and broadens the blood vessels for improved blood flow, thus reducing the risk of getting a stroke or heart attack.
Complement Cancer Treatment It’s unclear whether turmeric can prevent cancer growth in humans, according to the American Cancer Society. Yet this spice may offer potential, thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, according to a past review. Authors of past research note that turmeric (curcumin specifically) may prevent tumors from forming and becoming cancerous, though more research in humans is needed.

Boosts Brain Function

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a protein functioning in our brain that plays a vital role in the brain’s learning and memory functions. A decrease in this hormone level has been associated with many brain disorders like depression and Alzheimer’s. Curcumin can boost the levels of BDNF and is an effective antidepressant. This may help delay or even reverse many brain disorders and boost brain functions that have deteriorated due to age-related factors.

Turmeric/Curcumin May Work As An Anti-Ageing
Curcumin has been shown to have powerful anti-aging properties that can be directly linked to its potent antioxidant richness. Studies have shown that curcumin helps slow down cellular senescence, which is a process that promotes aging and disease progression. It does so by activating specific proteins. And as Curcumin is already known to prevent health conditions like heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s, it can promote longevity. One of the most important benefit of turmeric and curcumin is that it is anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory because of which it plays an important role in delaying aging.
Effective for
Hay fever. Taking turmeric by mouth seems to reduce hay fever symptoms such as sneezing, itching, runny nose, and congestion.
Depression. Most research shows that taking curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, by mouth reduces depression symptoms in people already using an antidepressant.
High levels of cholesterol or other fats (lipids) in the blood (hyperlipidemia). Taking turmeric by mouth seems to lower levels of blood fats called triglycerides. But the effects of turmeric on cholesterol levels are conflicting. Also, there are many different turmeric products available. It is not known which ones work best.
Buildup of fat in the liver in people who drink little or no alcohol (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD). Taking turmeric extract by mouth reduces markers of liver injury in people who have this condition. It also seems to help prevent the build-up of more fat in the liver.
Osteoarthritis. Taking turmeric extracts, alone or together with other herbal ingredients, can reduce pain and improve function in people with knee osteoarthritis. Turmeric might work about as well as ibuprofen for reducing pain. But it doesn't seem to work as well as another drug, called diclofenac.
Support Skin Health Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant-rich spice, making it potentially effective for treating skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis, though more studies are needed. Due to its poor bioavailability, it likely wouldn’t be a standalone treatment for skin disorders but rather complement existing treatments, write the authors of an article published in September 2019 in Nutrients.
 Curcumin may be useful in treating Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and may contribute to up 70% of dementia cases
While treatment exits for some of its symptoms, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s yet. That’s why preventing it from occurring in the first place is so important.
There may be good news on the horizon because curcumin has been shown to cross the blood-brain barrier
Arthritis patients respond well to curcumin supplements
Arthritis is a common problem in Western countries. There are several different types of arthritis, most of which involve inflammation in the joints.
Given that curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory compound, it makes sense that it may help with arthritis. In fact, several studies show that there is an association.
In a study in people with rheumatoid arthritis, curcumin was even more effective than an anti-inflammatory drug
Take Precautions While Taking Turmeric/Curcumin if:
You are pregnant or a breastfeeding mother: As it may cause harm to the uterus.
If you suffer from gall bladder problems: curcumin can make it worse.
If you have bleeding disorders: It might slow blood clotting.
If you have diabetes: curcumin might make blood sugar too low if taken in larger amounts.
If you have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), curcumin can upset your stomach and worsen the GERD symptoms.
If you have to undergo surgery: As turmeric might slow blood clotting, it can cause more bleeding before or after surgery.


Amazing benefits of tulsi leaves

Tulsi is called the queen of all herbs, it is used widely in Ayurvedic and naturopathic medicines which helps in the healing of the human body in a natural manner. Not only do Tulsi leaves benefit people, but their flowers too. Tulsi can help you get rid of many health problems ranging from fever to kidney stones. Ayurvedic texts have also categorised the wonder herb as a stimulant, antipyretic and aromatic in nature
Tulsi also known as basil leaves, is a fairly common plant in Indian households. Considered holy by many religions, the tulsi plant is revered for its divine properties.
Besides praying to the plant, a number of people advice including the leaves and roots of the plant in various medical decoctions.
With immense benefits right from clear skin to dissolving kidney stones, tulsi is tonic for the entire body. Here are the top 10 benefits of tulsi.
 Fever: The juice of Tulsi leaves is very useful as it helps to bring down the fever.
 Common Cold: Chewing Tulsi leaves on an empty stomach will help you get rid of cold and flu.
Sore throat: Boil few Tulsi leaves in your drinking water and use it for gargling in case of a sore throat. It is also very useful for the patients who are suffering from asthma and bronchitis.
 Headache: Headache due to heat is very common. So just make a paste of the basil leaves and sandalwood and apply it to the forehead. Its cooling effects will definitely make you feel relaxed and calm.
Eye problems: Black basil juice plays a very important role for eyes diseases. A few drops of black basil juice in the eyes can cure sore eyes.
Dental problem: Mix the dried leaves of basil powder with mustard oil to make a paste, massage your gums with that paste and you can also use this paste for brushing your teeth as it will help to prevent bad breath and disease like pyorrhea.
Skin disorder: The juice of basil can also be used to cure several skin problems such as – leucoderma.
Insect bites: Insect bites are very common especially during the monsoon season, hence the paste of the root of basil can be applied on that area where insect bites with its stings.
Kidney stone: A mixture of honey and juice of basil leaves will result in expelling renal stones through the urinary tract.
Reduces stress: Nowadays, stress is very common in our day-to-day life. If you don’t want to have a stressful life then try to eat 12 leaves of basil on a daily basis. These leaves work as an “adaptogen” or anti-stress agent.
Other Benefits of Using Tulsi:
Western medicine gives you instant relief but comes with a lot of side effects. Holy basil or Tulsi offers slow relief but you can be sure that there are no side effects and that is the reason why it is called the wonder herb. A single Tulsi plant can help you get rid of many health issues such as.
 Tulsi for Skin:
Tulsi is proven to be the safest skin cream that can be used and the benefits are massive. Tulsi reflects on your skin when you consume it as well as applied. This wonder herb is used to treat acne, skin infections, lighten dark spots and improve skin texture. Here is a list of benefits that tulsi does to your skin.
Tulsi helps in skin brightening.
Tulsi helps in curing acne face marks.
Tulsi mixed with eggs and mixed can help in tightening skin pores.
Tulsi helps in curing skin infections and any sort of skin allergies.
Tulsi can help prevent dry scalp.
Tulsi for Weight Loss:
Tulsi is a natural ingredient that aids weight loss. If you’re wondering how to burn fat in a quick way without any side effects, then you need to opt for drinking tulsi tea. Two cups a day will make a difference. Also, you need to keep in mind that drinking tulsi tea will act more efficiently only if you work out. Of course without exercising tulsi tea can slim you down, but exercising will make the process faster. Here are some ways in which tulsi can help you lose weight.
Tulsi tea controls your metabolism and helps your body absorb essential nutrients.
Tulsi tea helps boost your digestive system which is important for losing weight quickly.
Tulsi tea has zero calories that boost your stamina.
Tulsi for Eyes:
Your eyes are prone to a lot of dust and pollution every day. Thus most people develop eye-related problems and Tulsi acts as an immediate cure for eye-related problems such as:
Tulsi soothes the eyes.
Tulsi leaves left in boiled water overnight can be used to wash your eyes.
Tulsi eyewash can also reduce strain on your eyes.
Most importantly, it reduces the strain on your eyes and makes them feel relaxed. Tulsi eyewash can also help you prevent many other eye-related problems such as conjunctivitis and boils.
Tulsi Prevents Premature Ageing:
Vitamin C & A and phytonutrients are essential oils that are found in Tulsi, which are used as excellent antioxidants that protect the body from premature ageing. If herbal tea is said to make you feel and look young, imagine what Tulsi can do. Consuming 2 cups of Tulsi tea can help you look younger and prevent premature ageing.
 Tulsi To Quit Smoking:
Tulsi leaves help fight cancer and prevents it from attacking you. The best aid to stop smoking is by munching tulsi leaves and this help get the nicotine content off your body. It helps in the purification of blood. Here are some ways in which tulsi can help you stop smoking.
Every time you get the urge to smoke, chew Tulsi leaves.
Make it a point to drink tulsi tea.
Tulsi can definitely help you stop smoking, provided you learn ways to deviate and curtail yourself from going against the urge. It’s all in your mind and the power of becoming a deviant from the habit is the 1st step to change the habit.
Medical Use of Tulsi:
Tulsi is called the wonder herb or sometimes the holy herb because of its medicinal properties. There are many diseases that can affect people again after it has left the person. But with the consumption of Tulsi, you can be sure that these diseases cannot affect you. Here are some of the ways in which tulsi can sort out various medical problems.
Tulsi can help cure fever.
Tulsi leaves are used to treat skin problems like acne, blackheads and premature ageing.
Tulsi is used to treat insect bites.
Tulsi is also used to treat heart disease and fever.
Tulsi is also used to treat respiratory problems.
Tulsi is used to cure fever, common cold and sore throat, headaches and kidney stones.
Tulsi helps in treating Asthma.
In simple terms, Tulsi is the best natural painkiller and solution to many of your health problems. It can be called the ancient healer of all diseases. It helps generate healthy mother milk during lactation.
Where to Get Tulsi Supplement?
Tulsi, the queen of herbs can be bought from a market near you, but again most of it may not be 100% organic. This is because farmers grow tulsi on soil that may have pre-existing chemicals in it. So, now that tulsi is grown on such chemical soil, is it organic or herbal. This herb is said to produce benefits and no side effects. But if it is grown on soil that’s containing chemicals, what guarantee is there that you won’t develop any side effects.
Our air is filled with a lot of toxins and this can cause cold, cough and fever. The answer to this is Tulsi. We at Medlife have created a 100% herbal tulsi in the form of a tablet that can bid goodbye to your common cold, cough and fever.



Health benefits of herb Isabgol

 Isabgol is commonly known as Psyllium husk. It acts as a wetting agent that increases the stomach’s bulk density to help increase the stool and thereby promote laxation. Isabgol seeds are sweet, mucilaginous, laxative, astringent, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and it is a perfect tonic for the stomach. It is an annual dwarf herb that can grow up to the height of 40 cm. If we go by the actual meaning of Isabgol, that is “Isap” and “ghol,” which means horse ear, the shape of Isabgol seed.
Isabgol is cultivated in India’s cool and dry places due to the extreme water-absorbing property of seed husk. Isabgol plant has narrow and long leaves, which contains 30% insoluble and 70% soluble fiber. The crust, plant, and seed all together are referred to be “Psyllium.” Psyllium is a concentrated source of soluble fiber, and it is separated from the psyllium seed by milling, which is a mechanical process. The main product of Isabgol is Psyllium husk.
Treats Constipation
Isabgol works as a bulk-forming natural laxative, as the richness of both soluble and insoluble fibre in the herb adds bulk to stools and ease constipation. The gelatinous substance present in Isabgol forms a gel when soaked in water, the laxative properties of the gel absorb bacteria and harmful toxins in the intestine. It increases the lubrication inside the stomach wall which aids in treating constipation.
To relieve the symptoms of constipation, mix a teaspoon of isabgol in warm water or milk and drink this on an empty stomach for a few weeks.
Lowers Cholesterol
Isabgol binds to fats and bile acids which allows the excretion of cholesterol from the body. Isabgol increases bile acids synthesis and lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and remarkably increases good cholesterol (HDL). Moreover, it also controls further absorption of cholesterol and triglycerides from the food and reduces the risk of heart disease.
Promotes Gut Health
Isabgol is a powerful detoxifier that works well in cleansing the gastrointestinal wall and remove all unwanted toxins. It supports the healthy functioning of the digestive tract by cleansing the passage and allows the food to pass through the intestinal tract. Regular intake of isabgol acts as a digestive stimulant and offers instant relief from stomach ulcers, acidity, colitis and other digestive problems
Regulates Blood Sugar
A good source of dietary fibre in the diet helps to delay the gastric emptying time, slow down the absorption of glucose and maintain the blood glucose levels. The goodness of fibre and natural gelatin substance in isabgol is well-known to significantly reduce blood sugar spike and control diabetes.
It is well known that fiber intake can help control the body’s glycemic response towards a meal, which facilitates the reduction of insulin and blood sugar levels. Also, the well-known water-absorbing property of Isabgol can help form a gel in the stomach, which can slow down the digestion process and regulate blood sugar levels. A scientific study showed that intake of 10g of Isabgol two times a day could reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes.
Promotes Weight Loss
This herb is an amazing natural remedy that can help in losing weight. Isabgol can control appetite and detoxify the system. The dietary fibre forms a viscous compound that curbs the food cravings, increases satiety, reduces body weight, lowers the Body Mass Index and overall fat intake. Thus, isabgol helps in reducing calorie intake and promoting weight loss
Isabgol and its benefits in maintaining heart health
It is well known that all types of fiber are good for the heart. The American Heart Association (AHA) states that dietary fiber intake helps manage good and bad cholesterol in the body, which will directly impact reducing the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and obesity. There are scientific studies that show that intake of Isabgol in diet can reduce triglycerides in the body for avoiding the risk of stroke. The scientific studies showed that the intake of 10.2 g of Isabgol per day could effectively reduce LDL cholesterol.
Diarrhea and Isabgol relation
The scientific literature shows that intake of Isabgol regularly can help relieve diarrhea by increasing the thickness of stool, which can slow down it’s passing through the colon. In the case of patients suffering from lactulose-induced diarrhea, the intake of 3.5 g Isabgol three times daily can improve their stomach emptying time. This, therefore, helps to reduce diarrhea and normalize bowel movements.
Side Effects
Isabgol is well tolerated by most of the individuals, however, if taken in large quantities may have certain side effects like bloating, flatulence and abdominal cramps. If you are sensitive to fiber then isabgol may show some allergic reactions like itching, rashes and breathing difficulty immediately upon consuming it.
Role of Isabgol in Satiety and weight loss
All fibers have the property to form a viscous fluid, which will help control weight loss and satiety. One more mechanism of controlling weight gain is by slowing down stomach emptying and reducing appetite, which controls calorie intake by the body. Isabgol supplements can easily fit into this need. The desire for food and hunger can be reduced when one can take up to 10g of Isabgol before breakfast and lunch. Isabgol supplements can also help in the management of fat and body mass index.
Isabgol as a Prebiotic
Prebiotics are compounds that are mostly indigestible but helps in promoting the growth of intestinal bacteria or probiotics. Scientific reports are stating that Isabgol has prebiotic properties. The part of Isabgol is fermentable, and short-chain fatty acids like butyrate are the product of it. This short-chain fatty acid is known to possess excellent health benefits.
What is the right time to take Isabgol?
It is well known that Isabgol has a laxative property; therefore, it can be taken after a meal at night to correct constipation.
Can I take Isabgol during loose motions?
Yes, it can be taken during loose motion issues. Isabgol has excellent anti-diarrheal property, and thus it retards the growth of non-important bacteria in the intestine, which are responsible for loose motions.
Can I take Isabgol during pregnancy?
It is not very clear whether it should be taken during pregnancy due to a lack of scientific evidence, and in this situation, it is advised to consult the family doctor.
Can I take Isabgol daily?
Yes, Isabgol can help in digestion and relieve constipation as well if Anyone facing a digestion problem can consume it daily.
