
Homeopathic medicine for slipped disc treatment.

 A spinal disc herniation is also sometimes called “disc prolapse”. Prolapse means “to fall out of place”, from the Latin probably meaning “to fall out”. The disc prolapse due to a problem with rubbery, cushion disc(s) in between the backbones. Even though Disc Prolapse is a local problem, Homeopathy considers the disease as the individual response. Pain killers may relieve the suffering for a short time; however is not the permanent cure in case of disc prolapse. Homeopathic medicines for Disc Prolapse, on the other hand, relieve the acute pain. As well as Homeopathic treatment prevents the frequent Disc Prolapse tendency. Homeopathic remedies especially cure disc desiccation, slip disc, and spondylosis at l4 and l5 without side effects, safely, quickly permanently.

 The disks are pads of tissue situated between each of the vertebrae that make up the spinal column. Each disk consists of a tough, fibrous outer ring called the annulus fibrous and a softer, jellylike inner layer called the nucleus pulpous. The function of the disk is to act as both a strong connection between the vertebrae and a cushion to absorb weight on the spinal column.
A slipped disk does not really slip; the tough outer fibrous ring (annulus) cracks open and the softer inner layer protrudes (prolapse) through the crack, like toothpaste coming out through a crack in a toothpaste tube. For this reason doctors prefer to speak of a disk prolapse rather than a slipped disk.
The disk begins to prolapse when a crack develops in its tough outer ring. This is usually the effect of wear and tear in the back as a result of normal aging. One particularly heavy or awkward lift, a fall, or even a sudden cough or sneeze may force some of the soft disk nucleus to prolapsed, leading to sudden prolapsed.
The nucleus of a disk is softest and most jelly like during childhood. Over the years the nucleus gradually dries out so that by middle age it has a consistency similar to crab-meat. As someone gets older, the nucleus becomes even firmer. In elderly people the disk is mainly a section of scar tissue; this accounts for the fact that old people lose height.
Slipped disk occurs less frequently as people get older; it is a disorder affecting young adults and people in early middle age. Disk protrusion occurs where the outer layer of the disk is weakest; that is, just in front of the nerve roots, which emerge from the spinal cord at each vertebral level. There is very little free space within the spinal canal, and the protruding disk material presses on the nerve root at that level and causes the painful symptoms of a slipped disk.
The area of the spine most likely to be affected is the lowermost part of the back. Here the greatest strains occur, and it is not surprising that most disks that fail are at this level. However, it is possible for disks to prolapse at any level along the length of the spinal column – in the back or the neck.
Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of homeopathic medicine for slipped disk is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using a holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathic medicine for slipped disk is not only to treat slipped disk but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to treat slipped disk that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. These are the remedies which are most often helpful in the treatment of slipped disk:
Commonly indicated homeopathy medicines for Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc
Hypericum – 
Top most Homeopathic Remedy for herniated disc with radiating pain:
The pain in the back from Disc Prolapse that extends to the lower limbs especially needs Hypericum. Best Homeopathic Medicine for a herniated disc that in particular causes pressed on the spinal cord. Hypericum is an important remedy for injuries to nerves and the spine. Pain shoots up the spine and down limbs from slip disc especially need to prescribe this Homeopathic Remedy.
Homeopathic medicine for slipped disk having cramp-like pain all over the back.
Shootings pain in the loins and in the back.
Painful stiffness in the small of the back, compelling him to walk and sit crookedly.
Shootings under the left shoulder-blade, extending to the heart, greatly aggravated by cough and respiration.
Bryonia patients are irritable, inclined to be vehement and angry
Pains: stitching, tearing, worse at night, by motion, inspiration, coughing and better by absolute rest, lying on painful side.
Excessive dryness of mucous membranes of entire body.
Calc carb.
Pain in the back. Intolerable pain in the back.
The spine pains on bending backward.
Painful stiffness in the spine, with dullness and heaviness in the legs, in the morning on waking, and after rising.
Pain as if wrenched in both sides of the back. Stitches in the back.
Bruised pain in the back and chest.
Spasmodic, jerking pain, extending from the left side of the back to the anus. Painful jerks in the right side of the back, on breathing, with chilliness, and cold.
Pressive pain in the spine, between the shoulder-blades, with short breath and aggravated by breathing, with painfulness in the bones of the spine on touch.
Pulsatilla – 
Homeopathic medicine for Disc Prolapse with severe lumbar back pain:
The sensation of cold water poured down the back is the symptom that especially observed in Pulsatilla patients with Disc Prolapse. Thirstlessness with Disc Prolapse for the most part needs to cure with this Homeopathic Medicine. Pulsatilla patients are very sensitive to back pain. Unbearable pain in Disc Prolapse cases especially responds to this Homeopathy medicine. The pain in the back lumbar region is the most specific indication of this remedy.
Arnica – 
Most effective Homeopathic medicine for slip disc:
Disc Prolapse due to injury particularly needs Arnica in Homeopathy. Moreover, Arnica is the well-proven remedy for concussions and abrasions as well as for Disc Prolapse. In addition, Arnica patient with Disc Prolapse would not allow you to touch him. He complains all the time about sore and bruised pains.
Kali carb.
Homeopathic medicine for slipped disk having stiffness in the back, unable to stoop.
Stiffness and lameness in the back, and small of the back.
Rheumatic pains in the back, chest, shoulders and arms, worse on moving them.
Attack of pain in the back, during rest, after physical effort. Violent backache. Pressure in the spine when swallowing.
Pain in the back as from a sprain.
Stitches in the right side of the back, extending through the chest.
Burning tearing near the right side of the spine.
Bruised pain in the back, during rest, not during motion.
Burning in back. Spasms in muscles of back.
Painful stiffness from loins to hip, as if muscles were too short.
Insupportable nocturnal pains in back, in loins, hip and knee.
Pain in the small of back, with constipation, intermittent fever, palpitation of the heart or dyspnoea.
Pain in the coccyx, when sitting down patient feels as if sitting on something sharp.
Want of strength in back and knees, which forces patient to stoop when walking.
Pain, as from dislocation, in loins, as after great exertion.
Homeopathic medicine for slipped disk having paralyzed sensation in upper sacrum and lower lumbar vertebrae.
Contusive pain in loins and back (as if back were broken), especially after having been seated a long time, hindering walking, rising up, or making the least movement.
Pain and burning in small of the back when rising from stooping position.
Pain in coccyx impeding easy motion, can find no comfortable position, followed by painful stiffness of nape.
Oversensitiveness of all the senses to external impressions, light, noise, odors, touch.
Restless, fidgety; moves continually, cannot sit or stand still a moment.
Burning in spots along the spine, between the scapulae or intense heat running up the back.
Rhus tox
Rheumatic tearing between shoulders, not affected by movement, worse by cold, better by heat.
Pain in small of back when sitting still or when lying: better when lying on something hard or from exercise.
Complaints from spraining or straining a single part, muscle or tendon, overlifting, particularly damp ground; too much summer bathing in lake or river.
Affects the fibrous tissue, especially the right side more than the left.
Pains: as if sprained; as if a muscle or tendon was torn from its attachment; as if bones were scraped with a knife;
Worse after midnight and in wet, rainy weather; affected parts sore to touch.
Lameness, stiffness and pain on first moving after rest, or on getting up in the morning better by walking or continued motion.
Great restlessness, anxiety, apprehension, cannot remain in bed, must change position often to obtain relief from pain.
Pressure on inside of right scapula. Pricking itching between shoulders, not better by rubbing. Contusive pains in back and loins, often with oppressed respiration.
Pain in loins and sacrum as from contusion.
Pain in loins when walking and when stooping, or only when seated, better by pressure and when lying down.
Backache better lying on back.
Pain in lumbar vertebrae as if bruised. Bruised pain in spine.
Cracking in cervical vertebrae on making certain movements with head.
Painful drawing in sacrum, coccyx, and thighs, while sitting, after long sitting prevents standing erect.
Pain, as of a fracture, and stiffness in loins, back, and nape, especially in morning, after rising.
Ailments from bad effects of vaccination, from suppressed or maltreated gonorrhoea.
Fixed ideas: as if a strange person were at his side; as if soul and body were separated; as if a living animal were in abdomen; of being under the influence of a superior power.
Causes of slipped disk
Herniation of intervertebral disc.
Senile degeneration of disc.
Sudden jerk.
Over-straining of lumber spine.
Lifting weight.
Violent coughing.Sudden stooping or twisting.
Trauma to spine.
Commonly affected discs: L4-L5, L5-S1.
When a prolapsing disk presses on a nerve root, symptoms occur both in the back and in the area that the nerve root supplies. For example, a slipped disk in the lower back can cause pain in the legs.
Symptoms in the back can include severe backache. Often the sufferer will not be able to localize the pain with any accuracy. He or she may also develop painful spasms in the muscles that lie along each side of the spine, particularly in the early stages.
The patient will feel more pain when moving about and some relief when lying flat. Coughing or sneezing can cause the prolapsing disk material to bulge out suddenly, causing a sharp pain in the back or legs. In addition there may be a curvature of the spine, the patient unconsciously leans away from the side of the disk prolapse to try to relieve the pressure from the nerve root that is involved.
If the pressure on the nerve root is not too severe, the nerve will continue to work but will be painful. The brain cannot tell that the painful pressure is coming from the area of the disk, but instead interprets the information as pain originating in the nerve end. In a lower back disk protrusion the sciatic nerve can be irritated, and the individual may feel pain in the thigh, calf, ankle, or foot. This pain can shoot down a leg and is then called sciatica.
More severe pressure on the nerve root may cause the nerve to stop functioning altogether. Areas of skin that the nerve supplies will become numb, so that a light touch or even a pinprick cannot be felt, Muscles supplied by the nerve will become weak or even completely paralyzed. Reflexes such as the knee jerk reflex may disappear.
If only one nerve root is involved this is not too serious, because each nerve supplies only a small area of skin, or a limited number of muscles. If the nerves to the bladder or genitals are affected, however, their function can be permanently lost. Urgent medical attention is needed to relieve the pressure on these nerves.
About 88% of cases of recent onset of low back pain will resolve in six weeks, while 98% will resolve by 24 weeks. Even in extreme cases in which the patient is unable to stand up straight after an episode of pain, reduced activity coupled with motions that aid in reducing complaints can resolve the problem and return the person to his or her pre-injury activities.
Treatment of the condition should be directed at decreasing the person’s complaint or radiating symptoms. This often involves exercises and activities that are encouraged or avoided as they relate to improving or worsening of the complaint. Most programs involve some form of stretching, muscle strengthening and education, and gentle aerobic exercise. It is not uncommon to have successful resolution of the symptoms without changing the disk injury or location as seen on the MRI.
In spite of many unknowns about the relationships among the disks, nerves, and the patient’s overall complaints, both surgical and nonsurgical options exist. In the case of loss of control of the bowel or bladder, surgery can be immediate; otherwise, surgery is never a first choice.
Surgeons can remove the areas of the extruded disk, remove the disk completely and fuse the two adjacent vertebrae, or increase the space available for the compressed nerve, or both. Consideration for surgery first requires failure of nonsurgical options.

Home remedies for ear problems

Ear infections are quite common especially during the cold season of winters. It is mostly caused due to bacteria, viruses or fungi getting trapped in the inner, middle or outer ear. Ear infections are mostly seen in kids, but it is also seen in adults. Certain factors can increase your risk of ear pain such as cold, flu, allergies and even smoking. But the good thing is ear infections go away on its own and might require the use of medications only in certain cases. This is the reason why most people opt for home remedies for ear pain. But do they really work? Well, here is what you need to know.

Home Remedies For Ear Pain
There are not many research studies that support the use of home remedies for ear pain. However, certain remedies have been used for a long time. So if you are planning to use these remedies, it is always a good idea to consult with your doctor. Some of the common home remedies for ear pain include:
Salt is probably the most readily available home remedy.
Heat up one cup of salt on a pan over low heat for a few minutes. You can also heat it in a microwave or double-boiler.
Place the hot salt on a cloth and seal the open end with rubber band (or tie a knot).
When it is bearably hot, lay down and put the cloth on the affected ear for 5 to 10 minutes.
Repeat this remedy daily as many times as needed. The heat generated from the sock will help draw out fluid from the ear and relieve swelling and pain. 
Garlic is one of the most popular earache home remedies. This spice has anti-inflammatory properties which not only lowers inflammation in and around the ear canal but also relieves congestion, thereby alleviating ear pain.
How to use it: You can either eat two-three raw garlic cloves to get rid of an earache naturally or use it in the crushed form. For this, warm three cloves of garlic and mash it with a pinch of salt. Wrap the mixture in a cloth and place it on the ear that pains. You can even use garlic oil, which is available online, for an earache.
 Holy basil
The leaves of holy basil (tulsi) are considered to be an effective ear pain remedy in Ayurvedic medicine. The juice of the leaves is packed with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties, which not only helps relieve ear pain but can also improve symptoms of ear infection.
How to use it: Crush few tulsi leaves in a mortar and pestle. Strain the juice before using it. Add one to two drops in the ear to relieve the pain. However, if it fails to show any improvement even after two to three days, do not hesitate to consult a doctor to get it treated immediately.
Breast Milk
Breast milk has natural antibodies that can help speed up the healing process of any kind of ear infection. It will alleviate swelling and discomfort and can get rid of an ear infection within one or two days. This remedy works for both children and adults.
Using a dropper, put a few drops of breast milk into the affected ear.
Repeat the process every few hours as needed.
Breast milk also can be used to treat eye infections, minor cuts and minor burns.
Cloves can also be used ear pain remedies. It has analgesic (pain relieving) and anti-inflammatory (reduce inflammation) properties which help in soothing ear pain and treating an ear infection.
How to use it: Clove oil is widely used as an effective home remedy for ear pain. To prepare clove oil, saute a clove in a teaspoon of sesame (til) oil. Bring it to a boil and let it cool down. Filter the oil and put one to two drops of the warm oil in the affected ear. Do this three to four times daily for three days for effective relief.
Olive oil
Although there is limited research evidence on the use of olive oil to ease ear pain, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends olive oil as an effective home remedy for mild to moderate ear pain. However, it is always advised to discuss the use of olive oil in your ear to soothe an earache with your doctor first, especially if you are planning to use it for kids.
How to use it: Warm a teaspoon of olive oil and allow it to cool. Pour one to two drops of the oil in the affected ear. Ensure to check the temperature of the oil before use as using hot oil can burn the eardrum.
Mango Leaf Juice
Mango leaf extract is a quick and effective treatment
Crush or grind two to three soft mango leaves to extract the juice. Slightly warm the juice.
Using a dropper, put three to four drops of the juice into the infected ear. Within a few minutes, you will feel relief from the pain.
Follow this remedy two to three times a day for full relief from ear infection
 Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is an essential oil which is widely used as a natural remedy to get rid of the pain. The oil has powerful antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which makes it one of the effective home remedies for ear pain. The oil is used to reduce pain and discomfort in the ear.
How to use it: The oil is available online and in stores offline. All you have to do is mix a drop or two of tea tree oil with a teaspoon of any base oil such as olive oil, sesame oil or coconut oil before use. Mix the oil properly and pour one to two drops in the ear to soothe ear pain.
Apple Cider Vinegar
To get rid of the fungus that may be causing the ear infection, apple cider vinegar is a good option.
Mix one part apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of water or alcohol. Soak a cotton ball in the solution.
Put the cotton ball in your ear like a plug and leave it for about five minutes.
Remove the cotton ball and lay down on your opposite side to drain the liquid from the ear. Use a hair dryer to dry your ear as much as possible.
If apple cider vinegar is not available, you can use white vinegar. If the cause of the ear infection is in the Eustachian tubes, try gargling with apple cider vinegar. 
The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger make it an effective and simple home remedy for ear pain. It not only reduces inflammation in the ear but also helps you to fight ear infections and provide relief from discomfort and pain in and around the ears.
How to use it: You can use ginger either in the form of ginger juice or ginger oil to relieve earache. Take a raw, fresh ginger piece and extract its juice in a mortar and pestle. Strain the liquid and use it on the skin near the ear for effective action. To use it in the form of ginger oil, add ginger in a teaspoon of oil and warm it. Use the oil around the ear canal to relieve earache.
Onion is a very common ingredient used in cooking. It has medicinal uses too, including for the treatment of an ear infection.
Chop one small onion, put it in a bowl and microwave it for one to two minutes. Allow it to cool and then strain out the onion juice. Put two to three drops of the juice in the infected ear, leave it for sometime and then turn your head to let it drain out of your ear.
You can also bake an onion for half an hour, cut it into halves and put one half in a thick cotton cloth. Place the cloth on the infected ear for five minutes. Wait for 10 minutes and then repeat the process.
Hot and cold compresses 
Hot and cold compresses work as an effective remedy to get rid of pain including ear pain. Moreover, it is considered a safe option for both kids and adults suffering from an earache. A hot or cold compress helps in improving blood circulation and ease the pain.
How to use it: You can place the ice pack or hot bag over the affected ear for around 10 minutes to relieve ear pain. Most people prefer hot compress as it exerts a soothing effect. But do keep in mind to check the compress before use as using a hot one might injure the skin.


How to strenghthen nervous system

One of the most complex systems responsible for governing the human body is the Nervous System. The Nervous system is a network of cells called neurons that transmit signals to all parts of the body. It regulates the interaction between the external world and the internal system, as well as coordinates between the trillions of cells within our body. As per Ayurveda, the main dosha that controls the nervous system is the vatha dosha. Saying this does not undermine the importance of the other doshas, as they interact with each other and are interdependent. For example, when we eat, the vatha dosha is responsible for the movement of the food to the digestive tract, the kapha dosha lubricates it and the pitha dosha aids digestion.

However, vatha is considered to be of prime importance with regard to the nervous system. The vatha dosha represents movement, and is identified with the prana vayu (one of the five types of vatha that resides in the head and governs reasoning, learning, creativity, reception of information, interpretation of and reaction to signals, consciousness). One of the prime indications of vatha imbalance for sensitive people is anxiety. Anxiety can arrest our creativity and attention significantly. Unresolved anxiety can convert into chronic debilitating stress. Vatha needs a balance between stability and movement to be effective. All Ayurvedic treatments mainly aim at restoring and stabilizing the balance of the vatha dosha (unless the condition is governed by a different dosha). This enables an individual let go of anxiety, opening the door to more creativity and calmness.
Regular practice of dantha dhavana, mukha prakashalana, gandoosha, abhyanga, vyayam, pratimarsha nasyam, dhoomapanam, nidra etc are treatments that are very effective in treating nervous system disorders. Panchakarma also plays an important role in restoring health and vitality. Shirotharpana, nasyam, shirodhara, shiropichu, etc. are highly useful in treating depression, hair loss, headache, migraine and other ENT diseases.
According to Ayurveda -‘Dosha Dhathu mala moolam hi sareerem’ - i.e. the essentials that make up the human body are the doshas (body humors), dhatus (tissues) and malas (waste). Our improper choices made regarding lifestyle and food habits, cause imbalance in the dosha, dhatu and mala, thus causing all problems. To maintain the dosha in their proper manner, one should follow regulated lifestyle and food habits. Also, undertaking cleansing therapies often helps the body get rid of the toxins that tend to accumulate in the body owing to various internal and external factors. This, combined with yoga and meditation, help restore peace and calm to the mind and body. A complex network of sensory nerves, the nervous system is one of the crucial parts of the human body. It is responsible for reacting to both, internal and external stimuli through a number of physical actions and for carrying out many vital bodily functions as well. These typically include, taking care of digestion, beating of the heart, responding to pain, regulating breathing, emotions, body temperature, maintaining body’s posture and even strengthening the body to survive the day-to-day pressure and enjoy a better quality of life.
Typically quoting, the central nervous system is able to perform such essential functions with the help of nerves and cells that carry messages from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body and vice versa. When the activities of these nerves and cells are disrupted, the central nervous system fails to perform its basic functions. To avoid suffering from any CNS diseases and conditions, it is essential that you adopt smart ways to keep it healthy and in shape.
Steps to keep your central nervous system healthy
These are the Following Symptoms of Nerve Weakness:
Sensory Symptoms:
Tingling sensation
Prickling, and numbness
diminished eyesight
Temporary loss of smell
loss of hearing
loss of taste and touch
Motor Symptoms:
poor coordination
muscle wasting
muscle weakness
What to do to strenthen nervous system 
Step 1: Exercise on a daily basis
Exercising doesn’t really mean that you need to get out and start running. It simply means to pick up a crossword puzzle and put your brain to work for the next 10 minutes. This smartly activates your nervous system and makes it perform essential functions. Neurologists suggest that taking up such activities actuates the nerve receptors to respond to even the slightest of actions and aids in fighting conditions like paralysis, stroke, memory loess, etc. It further helps in adding flexibility, resilience and sharpens ones memory.
Step 2: Get plenty of sleep
Sleep plays a vital role in enhancing your mental health, physical health, and safety. If you do not take a proper sleep, i.e. a minimum of eight hours of sleep, you might develop some chronic conditions which may affect the way you think, react, learn, and converse with others. Sleep helps the central nervous system work properly. Moreover, a regular sleep schedule aids in learning and remembering information much more easy and convenient. Sleep disorders can put you at a risk of developing diabetes, heart failure, high blood pressure, cholesterol trouble, etc.
Step 3: Expose your body to sunlight
Studies have shown us that sun reduces the risk of suffering a broad range of health conditions. It is one of the best ways of fortifying the health of the central nervous system. Exposing yourself to the sunlight every morning for about 10 minutes is enough to boost your body’s nervous system, and at the same time, obtain enough vitamin D.
Step 4: Add meditation in your daily routine
Meditating is a smart way of calming and soothing your nerves. Nerves are responsible for the functioning of voluntary conscious responses and involuntary responses. Meditation help regulate your heart rate, blood pressure levels, breathing rate and calming all other sympathetic nerves.
Step 5: Walk barefoot
In modern day living, we have forgotten the most beneficial thing that can help the body connect with the earth. Strolling barefoot is the most significant instinct for mankind. This can aid nervous system and improve your health as well as physiology. Walking barefoot can further help in improving your sleep and strengthening your immune system. Some of the other benefits are:
Reduce pain and inflammation
Reduce the risk of heart disease
Normalize biological rhythms
Increase your senses
Improves overall posture
Influence the brain
Lessen the severity of menstrual cramps
Step 6: Drink green tea
Having a cup of Green Tea at least once a day, is a great way of maintaining the heart of your nervous system. Rich in amino acid, Green Tea helps with serotonin levels. Besides, caffeine in green tea aids in increasing concentration, thinking ability and focusing. It is also a great way of treating insomnia, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.
Step 7: Food you eat matters
Eating a healthy diet not only aids in maintaining a proper weight and steering away a plethora of lifestyle diseases in check, but also in keeping the central nervous system in check. Foods like chia seeds, salmon, cauliflower, sardines, sprouts and canola oil are known to improve nerve transmissions. Adding them in your diet is an ideal option. Chocolates, almonds and brown rice are also highly recommended. Some other food that play a key role in strengthening your nervous system are beans, potatoes, banana, eggs and beef liver.
Additional tips:
Drink plenty of water as dehydration is not good for the nervous system
Put your body to exercise in order to maintain good nerve activities and function
Excess consumption of alcohol and smoking are harmful for the nervous system
Get your blood pressure checked regularly
Learn new ways to increase your attention
Make certain you intake adequate amount of healthy fats
Keep your weight in check and reduce in case you’re obese
Use prescribed medicines
Taking up some healthy breathing exercise is also beneficial in maintaining the health of the nervous system.
Protect yourself from traumatic situations
Get plenty of sleep every day
Eat small meals at regular intervals
Consume adaptogenic herbs
Decrease the intake of caffeine rich drinks
Your nervous system demands and deserves as much attention as other parts of the human body. By adhering to these above mentioned step, you can easily maintain a healthy nervous system and even steer away from a plethora of lifestyle as well as chronic diseases


How to prevent coronary heart disease

There are several ways you can reduce your risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD), such as lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Eat a healthy, balanced diet
A low-fat, high-fibre diet is recommended, which should include plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables (5 portions a day) and whole grains.
You should limit the amount of salt you eat to no more than 6g (0.2oz) a day as too much salt will increase your blood pressure. 6g of salt is about 1 teaspoonful.
There are 2 types of fat: saturated and unsaturated. You should avoid food containing saturated fats, because these will increase the levels of bad cholesterol in your blood.
Foods high in saturated fat include:
meat pies
sausages and fatty cuts of meat
ghee – a type of butter often used in Indian cooking
hard cheese
cakes and biscuits
foods that contain coconut or palm oil
However, a balanced diet should still include unsaturated fats, which have been shown to increase levels of good cholesterol and help reduce any blockage in your arteries.
Foods high in unsaturated fat include:
oily fish
nuts and seeds
sunflower, rapeseed, olive and vegetable oils
You should also try to avoid too much sugar in your diet, as this can increase your chances of developing diabetes, which is proven to significantly increase your chances of developing CHD.
Be more physically active
Combining a healthy diet with regular exercise is the best way of maintaining a healthy weight. Having a healthy weight reduces your chances of developing high blood pressure.
Regular exercise will make your heart and blood circulatory system more efficient, lower your cholesterol level, and also keep your blood pressure at a healthy level.
Exercising regularly reduces your risk of having a heart attack. The heart is a muscle and, like any other muscle, benefits from exercise. A strong heart can pump more blood around your body with less effort.
Any aerobic exercise, such as walking, swimming and dancing, makes your heart work harder and keeps it healthy.
Keep to a healthy weight
A GP or practice nurse can tell you what your ideal weight is in relation to your height and build. Alternatively, find out what your body mass index (BMI) is by using our BMI calculator.
Give up smoking
If you smoke, giving up will reduce your risk of developing CHD.
Smoking is a major risk factor for developing atherosclerosis (furring of the arteries). It also causes the majority of cases of coronary thrombosis in people under the age of 50.
Research has shown you're up to 3 times more likely to successfully give up smoking if you use NHS support together with stop-smoking medicines, such as patches or gum.
Reduce your alcohol consumption
If you drink, do not exceed the maximum recommended limits.
men and women are advised not to regularly drink more than 14 units a week
spread your drinking over 3 days or more if you drink as much as 14 units a week
Always avoid binge drinking, as this increases the risk of a heart attack.
Keep your blood pressure under control
You can keep your blood pressure under control by eating a healthy diet low in saturated fat, exercising regularly and, if needed, taking medicine to lower your blood pressure.
Your target blood pressure should be below 140/90 mmHg. If you have high blood pressure, ask a GP to check your blood pressure regularly.
Reduce stress
Some stress is inevitable in this fast-paced world. But if you’re stressed out day after day, it can increase blood pressure and damage your artery walls.
To combat stress in your daily life, choose a relaxation technique that suits you, and do it often. You can meditate, practice yoga, breathe deeply, or listen to music while you walk.
Keep your diabetes under control
You have a greater chance of developing CHD if you have diabetes. Being physically active and controlling your weight and blood pressure will help manage your blood sugar level.
If you have diabetes, your target blood pressure level should be below 130/80 mmHg.
Take any prescribed medicine
If you have CHD, you may be prescribed medicine to help relieve your symptoms and stop further problems developing.
If you do not have CHD but have high cholesterol, high blood pressure or a history of family heart disease, your doctor may prescribe medicine to prevent you developing heart-related problems.
If you're prescribed medicine, it's vital you take it and follow the correct dosage. Do not stop taking your medicine without consulting a doctor first, as doing so is likely to make your symptoms worse and put your health at risk.These drugs make it harder for your blood to clot:
apixaban (Eliquis)
clopidogrel (Plavix)
dabigatran (Pradaxa)
edoxaban (Savaysa)
enoxaparin (Lovenox)
rivaroxaban (Xarelto)
ticagrelor (Brilinta)
ticlopidine (Ticlid)
warfarin (Coumadin)
Foods That May Help Prevent Clogged Arteries
Berries include blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, and blackberries.
These fruits are associated with an impressive amount of health benefits, including their ability to reduce inflammation and improve heart health.
Berries are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds. These include flavonoid antioxidants, which are known to help boost heart health
Research has also shown that eating berries significantly reduces atherosclerosis risk factors, including elevated LDL (bad) cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels
Berries may help prevent clogged arteries by reducing inflammation and cholesterol accumulation, improving artery function, and protecting against cellular damage
Beans are packed with fiber and well known for their heart health benefits. Eating fiber-rich foods like beans is essential for preventing atherosclerosis
Eating beans is an excellent way to keep cholesterol levels in check, thereby reducing your risk of clogged arteries. Many studies have demonstrated that eating beans can significantly reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels
One review of 26 high quality studies found that diets that included about 1 serving (130 grams) of beans daily were associated with significantly lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol compared with control diets 
Research has also shown that bean-rich diets may reduce blood pressure, improve artery function, and decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes. All of these effects may reduce the risk of atherosclerosis
Fish is loaded with essential nutrients, including omega-3 fats. Eating omega-3-rich fish may help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
Studies show that omega-3s help reduce the expression of cellular adhesion molecules, which are proteins that allow cells to stick to one another and their surroundings.
Your body releases cellular adhesion molecules in response to inflammation, and they’re a driving force behind clogged arteries
What’s more, fish intake has been associated with a reduced risk of atherosclerosis.
A study in 961 people compared participants who ate less than one serving of fish per week with those who ate two or more servings of fish per week.
The study found that 13.3% of people who ate less fish had atherosclerosis in their carotid arteries, which deliver blood to the brain, compared with just 6.6% of those in the fish-eating group
Tomatoes and tomato products
Tomatoes and tomato products contain plant compounds that may be particularly helpful for reducing the development of atherosclerosis.
For example, tomatoes contain the carotenoid pigment lycopene, which may have impressive health benefits.
Studies show that consuming lycopene-rich tomato products may help reduce inflammation, boost HDL (good) cholesterol, and reduce the risk of heart disease
Interestingly, combining cooked tomato with olive oil may offer the greatest protection against clogged arteries.
One study in 40 people found that eating tomato sauce with olive oil had the greatest effect on reducing adhesion molecules and inflammatory proteins, compared with raw tomatoes and plain tomato sauce.
However, all the tomato preparations boosted HDL (good) cholesterol and reduced total cholesterol
Onions are part of the Allium genus and linked to a number of health benefits. Research has shown that a diet rich in these popular veggies may protect the arteries.
A 15-year study that followed 1,226 women ages 70 and older found that a higher intake of Allium vegetables like onions was associated with a lower risk of death related to disease caused by atherosclerosis
Onions contain sulfur compounds that scientists think may help prevent blood vessel inflammation, inhibit the clumping together of platelets in the blood, and increase the availability of nitric oxide
All of these effects may help protect against atherosclerosis and improve artery health
Flax seeds
Flax seeds are tiny powerhouses of nutrition.
They are high in fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, including calcium and magnesium. In addition to being highly nutritious, flax seeds may help prevent atherosclerosis.
One study found that rabbits that ate flax seed after a high cholesterol diet experienced a 40% reduction in plaque formation compared with animals that did not eat flax seeds
Flax seeds contain secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), an anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering lignan compound whose properties counter atherosclerosis
Oats are an excellent choice for those who have atherosclerosis or are trying to prevent clogged arteries.
Eating oats can help significantly reduce atherosclerosis risk factors, including high levels of total and LDL (bad) cholesterol 
Oats also contain antioxidants called avenanthramides, which may help inhibit inflammatory proteins called cytokines, as well as adhesion molecules. This may help prevent atherosclerosis
Consuming oat bran, which is packed with fiber, may be helpful as well.
A study that included 716 people with coronary artery disease found that those who consumed oat fiber regularly had lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and inflammatory markers than those who did not eat oat fiber
The study also found that oat fiber intake was associated with a lower risk of needing revascularization — a procedure to increase oxygen delivery to the heart and other parts of the body. A person may need this if atherosclerosis has impeded their blood flow
Spices, including ginger, pepper, chili, and cinnamon may help protect against clogged arteries
These and other spices have anti-inflammatory properties and may help scavenge free radicals, improve blood lipid levels, and reduce the clumping together of platelets in the blood
You can increase your spice consumption easily by adding these versatile flavorings to oatmeal, soups, stews, and just about any other dish you can think of.
Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits are delicious and provide a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, including flavonoids.
Citrus flavonoids can decrease inflammation and help prevent free radicals in the body from oxidizing LDL (bad) cholesterol. Oxidized LDL is associated with atherosclerosis development and progression
This may be why citrus consumption is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke — two conditions linked to atherosclerosis
Leafy greens, including lettuces, kale, arugula, Swiss chard, and spinach, offer an abundance of nutrients that may help protect against atherosclerosis.
Green leafy vegetables are a good source of dietary nitrates, which can help improve blood vessel function and reduce inflammation.
They’re also packed with potassium. This mineral helps prevent vascular calcification, a process that contributes to atherosclerosis
Plus, numerous studies have shown that eating green leafy vegetables is an excellent way to reduce your risk of heart disease.
A review of eight studies found that consuming green leafy vegetables was associated with a significantly reduced risk of heart disease by up to 15.8%
Olive oil
The Mediterranean diet is rich in high fiber vegetables, beans, and olive oil. It has long been associated with improved heart health.
Olive oil may help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
A 4-month study in 82 people with early atherosclerosis found that daily intake of 1 ounce (30 mL) of olive oil significantly improved participants’ blood vessel function and reduced inflammatory markers
A 2018 review also concluded that olive oil consumption is associated with reduced atherosclerosis-related inflammatory markers and a decreased risk of heart disease and complications
Scientists attribute olive oil’s ability to increase heart and blood vessel health to its high content of polyphenol compounds.
Keep in mind that less refined extra virgin olive oil has significantly greater amounts of polyphenols than more refined olive oils
Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. What’s more, these tiny and versatile foods may help prevent clogged arteries.
Research has consistently shown that nut and seed intake can significantly improve atherosclerosis risk factors.
For example, eating nuts and seeds can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol and blood pressure and may help boost HDL (good) cholesterol 
Research has also shown that eating nuts and seeds reduces blood sugar levels and may help protect against diabetes, a known risk factor for atherosclerosis
Additionally, eating nuts and seeds may help improve blood vessel function and protect against heart disease



How Cow Ghee used as an ayurvedic medicine

In many Indian households, ghee is, in fact, consumed daily! No matter the food, a diet is considered incomplete without a spoonful of ghee. Whether we lather it onto our chapatis or have it floating on top of our dals – we Indians love our ghee and how! Now if you were to read into this practise and understand why our mothers made sure we had ghee everyday. You will learn a lot more about the dynamic properties of ghee that go far above and beyond its taste-enhancing factors.

 Cow Ghee used as an ayurvedic medicine and a staple in Indian cooking, cow ghee contains many vital nutrients which help in making the body healthy and immune to diseases. It impacts large portions of the body from the eye to the abdomen; even the bones tend to get strong due to consumption of ghee.
Another health benefit of cow ghee is that it is also used on wounds to speed up healing. However, one should note that since cow ghee is high in fat content, it should not be consumed by obese or people with heart and kidney problems.
 Cow ghee which is produced from cow milk has medicinal value and offers several health benefits. It primarily contains butterfat, along with water and milk proteins. Cow Ghee is made following a simple procedure of boiling butter and then removing the butterfat. Its proteins (whey and casein) and milk solids are removed this way. Cow ghee is what is left behind.
Nutritional Value of Cow Ghee
Cow ghee has all the necessary nutrients value along with antiviral, antioxidant, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Let check out cow ghee nutritional value, it contains a high amount of saturated fat which is approximately 7.9 grams per serving. Just as all fats, cow ghee is comparatively high in calories; roughly one tablespoon of serving contains 112 calories. According to the American Heart Association’s recommendation, the total fat intake should be between 25-30% of total calories. So for a person with a 2000 calories diet, the ideal fat consumption should be between 56-78 grams, of which the saturated fat shouldn’t be more than 16 grams. A healthy body can produce its own fat, but it’s beneficial to consume a little extra ghee.
Cow ghee for digestion
Cow ghee helps in improving digestive strength by revitalizing secretion of enzymes. Cow ghee is easy to absorb and metabolize as it contains lower chain fatty acids. People with weak digestion must consume cow ghee so that their body can break down their food in a better manner.
Cow ghee is among those rare food items that help in balancing bile without diminishing the intestinal potential of the body. Constipation can be cured with cow ghee. If one consumes a spoonful of cow ghee mixed in lukewarm dairy, they can achieve healthy bowels in the morning
Good For Intestinal Health
Ghee is also counted on for its content of butyric acid, which helps it boost the health of our intestinal walls. The cells of the colon in your body also use the same butyric acid found in organic cow ghee as their preferred resource of energy. It can help you reduce your glycemic index.
We Indian don’t like our bread without a dollop of ghee, or our pulses without a spoonful of the same. This can benefit us in more than one way as this is known to bring down the glycemic index of chapattis. Making them obviously more moist and digestible.
Cow ghee benefits for bones health
The consumption of cow ghee helps in enhancing bone strength and stamina. In fact, the richest source of fat-soluble vitamins in cow ghee. They aid in healthy growth and development of bones and brain, also maintaining their normal functioning.
If the body receives cow ghee at a sustained level, it improves its immunity against several disorders by developing body tissues. It also helps sensory organs to work properly. Capabilities of the brain like wisdom, memory, and intellect also increase due to the consumption of cow ghee.
Cow ghee benefits for heart patients
Cow ghee contains vitamin K2 which helps in reducing the calcium deposition in the arteries, thus protecting against the calcification of arteries. It helps the heart in functioning well by decreasing harmful blood cholesterol levels and boosting the good blood cholesterol level
Cow ghee weight management
Whether it’s about gaining or losing weight, cow ghee can help in both. For losing weight, it's a good way to obtain Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) which increases the metabolic rate; thus supporting weight reduction strategy and reducing stomach fat. It can help in bringing down the insulin resistance, keep a check on weight and help individuals in preventing diabetes. It does not have any hydrogenated natural oils and thus do not allow extra and unneeded fat to deposit.
Cow Ghee Increase bone density
They aid in improving body weight by increasing bone density and muscle mass rather than accumulating unnecessary excess fat in the body.
Cow ghee benefits for babies
Cow ghee is an absolute must for kids. It offers better nourishment to youngsters for their healthy development and strengthening of bones, muscles, brain and teeth etc. It supplies instant energy to and satisfies their requirement for extra boost in energy.
Cow ghee for immune system
Cow Ghee improves kids’ eyesight, memory power, and immunity level thus helping them build healthy bones and muscles. It prevents malnutrition and fat-soluble vitamin deficit syndrome. Cow Ghee encourages the development of the brain and enhances the memory of kids.
Keeps Constipation Away
Due to irregularities in your daily lifestyle, you can have a tough time with your bowel movements. Ghee can be your saviour. Both ghee and milk help greatly with constipation. Taking one to two tablespoons of ghee in a warm cup of hot milk right before you hit the hay can work wonders for you.
Cow ghee benefits for healthy pregnancy
There are several benefits of consuming cow ghee during pregnancy. It offers better nourishment to ladies during pregnancy as they need more natural vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids for healthy growth, and development of their baby.
Cow Ghee prevents the newborn from birth problems like vertebral or bone disorders or malnutrition. It ensures that the foetus receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals that are required for its healthy growth.
Cow ghee benefits for eyesight
Cow ghee can be used for an activity called 'Tarpana'. Here a mixture is applied around the eyes, which is made with a chunky paste of flour, and the mixture is filled with herbal ghee. The individual is asked to open his or her eyes and then close them again and again. According to ayurveda, this procedure increases and strengthens the power of the eyes and helps in improving eyesight.
Cow ghee prepared with Triphala can be used for this process. Cow ghee along with Triphala and honey is believed to improve vision. Cow ghee can be applied to the eyes for strengthening the eyes. The eyes can be washed with cow ghee for attaining soothing results when slight itching or burning sensation occurs in one's eyes.
Cow ghee for fungal infection & wounds
Herbal ghee produced from cow ghee itself is called Jatyadi Ghrita and used for treating external wounds. Two teaspoons of neem, mixed with a teaspoon of turmeric powder and half cup of cow ghee can be applied to heal wounds. In leech therapy, ghee is applied over the infected area. It is advised to use cow ghee over bleeding wounds to have some cooling effect and achieve speedy recovery
Post-surgery recovery
Earlier, cow ghee was used as a base to make wicks that were used post-surgery. It is also applied over operated sutures for quick recovery. In ayurveda practice, piles and fistula were treated using a special preparation called Kshara; cow ghee can be used on that area after the procedure to ease the burning sensation and discomfort. Cow ghee is an outstanding injury healing agent, if it is applied locally. In children, while doing ear lobe puncturing, cow ghee is used first to reduce pain & irritability while it also eases piercing.
Cow Ghee reduces bladder pain
To reduce the pain in the bladder region, it is advised to have a teaspoon of cow ghee every morning as it helps in relieving the pain. In chronic fever, garlic clove along with cow ghee is prescribed in the diet. To relieve dryness of taste buds and oral cavity, amla powder and raisins are mixed with cow ghee and kept inside the oral cavity for a few minutes. Haritaki powder is used with cow ghee to ease burning sensation. In the treatment of low blood count, Triphala decoction added with cow ghee and sugar is useful.
Uses of Cow Ghee
It is used for cooking in many households. It is also used by cancer patients as it helps in reduce the growth of cancer cells. It improves the quality of voice. Cow ghee is also consumed to strengthen mental health. It is used to build stamina and helps in improving the level of testosterone. It is used by many as a home remedy to achieve glowing skin.
In conclusion, organic cow ghee is known to stimulate stomach acids that can help positively impact the process of digestion in your body. It can also help improve your body’s functioning and of your heart and bladder function. It can also be used externally for more than one reason – to treat skin burns or sunburns, to give you shiny hair, and youthful skin. Ghee is also known to actively relieve joint pain and strengthen your bones. Having so many health benefits, desi cow ghee, or organic cow ghee can help you have a holistically healthy life. 

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Ayurvedic uses of Suhaga (Sodium borate)

Tankan Bhasma (Calcined Borax or Suhaga) is an ayurvedic-calcined formulation prepared from borax powder. In ayurveda, Tankan Bhasma or calcine borax is used for productive cough, breathing problems, wheezing, bronchitis, abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea, dandruff, bad breath and foul-smelling urine.
 There are incredible Health Benefits of Suhaga. It is formed in sediment deposits, salt lakes, beaches and is usually well-crystalized. It has a clear opaque look and is found in many parts of the world. Also identified as ‘the miracle mineral’, the health benefits of Suhaga have a special place in the Ayurvedic system.

Suhaga in Ayurveda

Suhaga is used in Ayurveda for its ability to treat various diseases. According to Ayurveda, Suhaga pacifies Kapha and Vata dosha. It has a pungent and salty taste and hot potency. Suhaga is not potentially toxic and in therapeutic dosage given to patients, it is very safe. It has expectorant, anti-inflammatory, carminative, digestive stimulant, diuretic, emmenagogue, antispasmodic, fat burning, and antimicrobial properties. Here are a few impressive health benefits of Suhaga.
Health benefits of Suhaga

Prevents Arthritis

Boron is a successful treatment option for arthritis. With its anti-inflammatory powers already being recognized by traditional medicine like Ayurveda, experts today are exploring it possibilities for treating inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis(RA). Research suggests that those with arthiritis have lower boron concentrations in their bones along with synovial fluid, and femur heads. Thus use of Boron can stem this. Boron ensures that calcium levels are maximized and used effectively, thus preventing arthritis.

Heals swollen Throat, Mouth, And Tongue Sores

Borax is a remedy to be used as a topical treatment for certain health problems like sores on the tongue or mouth, as well as swelling of the throat. It can cause toxins to disperse from the affected area, bringing down swelling. Borax also eases pain linked to the swelling or sores. The remedy includes application of a paste made by combining borax with Cinnabaris, Borneolum, and Natrii Sulfas Exsiccatus.

Relief from Painful Swollen Red Eye

Borax is paired with Calamina, Borneolum, and Natrii Sulfas Exsiccatus to create eye drops. These are used to soothe the eye when it is red and swollen. Boron protects the eye from a host of parasitic attacks and other nasty fungal infections. With an organ as delicate as the eye involved, and the importance of the correct mix of these ingredients, it goes without saying that this treatment needs to be done only with professional help.

 Suhaga for cardiovascular health

One of the important health benefits of Suhaga is its ability to improve cardiovascular health. It reduces the cholesterol levels in the blood and stimulates the natural antioxidants to reduce the risk of lipid peroxidation. This helps in alleviating the threat of heart problems.

Suhaga for digestive health

According to Ayurveda, Suhaga improves digestive fire due to its hot (Ushna) nature. This helps in the secretion of stomach acids for healthy digestion. It also controls digestive problems like bloating, gas, and indigestion.

Cures Urinary Infections

Borox acts on the urinary bladder, uterus, and stomach, besides the lungs. Its antimicrobial benefits can therefore be tapped to cure urinary infections. Chinese herbal medicine has a similar application in treating urinary dysfunction that involves stone formation in the urine and is often painful. Homeopathy suggests borax for those with cystitis, a condition that causes a sharp pain in the urinary opening and a general ache in the bladder that gives you a feeling of urine being retained.

Enhances Testosterone Levels

Boron is able to enhance the testosterone level in males; this quality is increasingly taken advantage of by male bodybuilders and athletes. Although some weight lifters prefer to take its supplements to enhance their testosterone levels, there has been no concrete evidence or explanation of the mechanism by which it helps to make them any more successful.

Enhancement of female lipido

It has been reported that a quarter of a teaspoon of borax added to one quart of drinking water sipped throughout the course of a day while taking magnesium supplements can reverse male impotency. This can be attributed to many effects of borax on the human body. Borax stabilizes calcium and magnesium in the blood. It stimulates hormone production. Toxic states of hyper fluoride accumulation, internal fungal growth and dangerous microbe production are normalized by borax consumption. Finally, borax has been attributed to female libido enhancement.

Cures Womb Inflammation

Women suffering from womb inflammationare recommended to soak in lukewarm bathwater with borax twice a day. If women displayed profuse, egg-white-like discharge or leucorrhea, they were told to douche with borax and lukewarm water solution three to four times per day. Other symptoms that can be alleviated by borax and water exposure include painful sexual intercourse, blood-streaked vaginal discharge, abdominal distention and false signs of pregnancy.

Helps in cancer Therapy

Boron neutron capture agents are used for cancer therapy and in the development of strong enzyme inhibitors. Its compounds are also used as antibody mimics that can easily identify biologically important saccharides.

Suhaga for cold and cough

Suhaga is loaded with expectorant properties. It has the ability to melt the thick mucus in the lungs. Thus, it clears the mucus from the lungs and expels it out of the body. It is also very effective in the treatment of Bronchitis.

 Suhaga for skin and hair

Suhaga is an excellent medicine for skin and hair problems. Applying Suhaga with coconut oil on the scalp provides relief from dandruff and hair fall. Due to its antiseptic actions, it is also helpful for removing acne and pimples in the skin.

Suhaga for PCOS

Suhaga is an excellent diuretic. It promotes uterine functions like ova secretion and menstruation in women suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). It also prevents urinary tract infections due to the antimicrobial activity.
Although Suhaga is a chemical compound that is found naturally in the Earth, Ayurveda has found an effective way to purify and use the health benefits of Suhaga for the benefit of mankind. Thus, these are some of the impressive health benefits of Suhaga.
 Tankan Bhasma is mainly given in respiratory diseases when any of following symptoms present.
Production of sputum (mucus), which is thick white or yellow-green in color
Shortness of breath with wheezing

Chest congestion due to excess mucus

These are main symptoms of recommending Tankan Bhasma. It should not be given to person with throat irritation, dry (nonproductive) cough and persistent dry cough attacks.

Productive Cough

Tankan Bhasma has expectorant action. It melts the thick mucus and help flushing it out from the lungs, which ultimately relieves productive cough. However, productive cough is actually symptom and it may have several underlying causes. One should also rule out these causes and treatment should be added accordingly.


However, Tankan Bhasma does not alone work in bronchitis. There is also a requirement of other remedies including Sitopaladi Churna. It is used in bronchitis when mucus is thick and harder to expelling it out.


Due to antispasmodic action of Tankan Bhasma, it can be used for treating dysmenorrhea. However, commonly it is not used for dysmenorrhea, but it can become beneficial when heavy clots are present in menstrual blood. In such case, one Praval Pishti, Ashoka Powder and Chandraprabha vati should also be used along with Tankan Bhasma.


The scalp application of Tankan Bhasma along with coconut oil or mustard oil helps in curing dandruff.

How to Use:

In dandruff, mix a half tsp. of Tankan Bhasma in coconut oil and apply it on scalp. To increase its effectiveness, add a few drops of Neem Oil in the paste mixture. It also reduces scalp itching. Massage for 3 to 5 minutes. Leave it for 15 to 30 minutes and wash off your head with shampoo.
Alternatively, one can mix Tankan Bhasma and Neem leaves powder. Make a paste with water and apply it on the scalp. Wash off the scalp with shampoo.
Caution: Tankan Bhasma should be used twice a week. The excessive use of Tankan Bhasma application can weaken hair and result in hair fall.


The general dosage of Tankan Bhasma is as follows.
Infants 10 mg per Kg body weight *
Children 50 to 125 mg *
Adults 125 to 500 mg *
Geriatric (Old age) 125 to 250 mg *
Maximum Possible Dosage 1000 mg **
* Twice a day ** Total Daily Dosage in Divided Doses
Appropriate Adjuvants
Usually, Tankan Bhasma should be taken in combination with Sitopaladi Churna and honey.