
Homeopathic medicines to deal with high creatinine levil in blood

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Creatinine is a chemical waste product that is produced by muscle metabolism and to a small extent by eating meat. Healthy kidneys filter creatinine and other waste products from the blood. The filtered waste products leave the body through urine.Creatinine is produced from creatine. Approximately 2% of the body’s creatine is converted to creatinine every day.
If your kidneys are not functioning properly , an increased level of creatinine may accumulate in your blood. A serum creatinine test measures the level of creatinine in your blood and provides an estimate of how well your kidneys filter.A creatinine urine test can measure creatinine in your urine.
Most men with normal kidney function have approximately 0.6 to 1.2 milligrams/deciliters of creatinine. Women usually have lower creatinine levels than men because women on average have less muscle than men.
Causes--Any condition that impairs the function of the kidneys is likely to raise the creatinine level in the blood. It is important to recognize whether the process leading to kidney dysfunction –kidney failure- is longstanding or recent. Recent elevations may be more easily treated and reversed.
The most common causes of longstanding , chronic kidney disease in adults are—high blood pressure and diabetes.
Other causes of elevated blood creatinine levels are-
· Certain drugs e.g. cimetidine can sometimes cause abnormally elevated creatinine levels.
· After ingestion of a large amount of dietary meat
· Kidney infections, rhabdmyosis, abnormal muscle breakdown and urinary tract infection may also elevate creatinine levels.
Creatinine test—A creatinine blood test can assess the creatinine levels in blood if you show signs of kidney disease. These symptoms include-
· Fatigue and trouble sleeping
· A loss of appetite
· Swelling in the face , wrists , ankles or abdomen
· Lower back pain near the kidneys
· Changes in urine out put and frequency
· High blood pressure
· Nausea
· Vomiting
Well selected Homeopathic remedies are very effective for controlling creatinine level in blood, and it helps to maintain the normal level safely without any side effects.
CUPRUM ARSENITUM 3x-Cuprum ars is also a very effective remedy for high level of creatinine in blood. There is kidney inefficiency and uremia. The urine smell like garlic. Urine of high specific gravity increased, acetones and diacetic acid.
CUPRUM ACETICUM 3X- In Cuprum aceticum the tongue is pale , coated with lot of mucus. Anemia. Pulse rapid. The patient is chilly. Breathlessness with dry cough. Cannot eat or drink without retching.
SERUM ANGUILLAE 6X—Serum Anguilae is one of the best remedies for high level of creatinine in blood. It is very effective in acute nephritis. Kidney failure. It is prescribed when hypertension and oliguria without oedema is present. Urine contains albumin.
Aralia hispida is found to be effective for high level of creatinine in blood. There is dropsy of renal origin. Urinary tract infection is present. Urine is scanty leading to complete suppression of urine. Renal diseases with constipation.
AMPELOPSIS QUINQUEFOLIA 30- Ampelopsis quinquefolia is another effective remedy for high level of creatinine in blood. There is uraemia or uremic coma. Vomiting, purging, tenesmus , cold sweat and collapse are the leading symptoms.
-Arsenic alb. Is also an effective remedy for high level of creatinine in blood. Urine is scanty, burning when urinating. Albuminuria. Epithelial cells, cylindrical clots of fibrin and globules of pus and blood in urine. Feeling weakness in abdomen after urination.Retention of urine.Urine black as if mixed with dung.        
LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 30—Lycopodium is an effective remedy for high level of creatinine in blood. Urine scanty , cries before urinating, red sand in urine, must strain, suppressed or retained. Urine milky and turbid. Sometimes haematuria . Urine is burning and hot. The right kidney is mainly affected. The patient experiences impotency.The patient likes warm food and drink, also there is intense craving for sweets.         
APIS MELLIFICA 3x- Apis mel is another effective remedy where edematous swellings of face and extremities are present with thirstlessness.. Urination frequent but scanty. There is a feeling of suffocation and breathing difficult. All symptoms are worsen from heat and better from cold.
CANTHARIS 30- Cantharis is best for kidney failure where uremic delusions with sens of persecution is found. There is suppression of urine with restlessness, flushed face and sparkling eyes. The patient has an urge to pass urine but nothing is voided, there being no urine in bladder.
TEREBINTH 30- Terebinth is prescribed where uremia with spasms and lock jaw is present which may be occurring every 15 minutes. There is violent convulsions producing most frightful opisthotonos.
HELLEBORUS NIGER 30- Hellebotus is best for high creatinine in blood with remia and unconsciousness. Pupils dilated and insensible to light. Convulsion is present. The body have a strong urinous odor.
UREA 30—Urea is prescribed where uremia is present. Urine is thin and of low specific gravity.
BELLADONNA 30- Belladonna is used in the acute stage where uremia occurs in healthy patients when kidney ceases to function and urine becomes dark and turbid. There is twitching of the muscles with violent convulsions.

Renal failure is a serious kidney disease. In this disease, the serum creatinine level starts increasing and the patient becomes vulnerable to dialysis. Herbal medicine manufactured by Vaidhya Damodar Shamgarh 9826795656 proves to be a life saver. Creatinine level starts to become normal. Get rid of dialysis.

Top Homeopathic medicines for asthma

Image result for Top Homeopathic medicines for asthma
   Homeopathy is a safe science that offers a permanent cure for asthma. Homeopathic medicines work wonderfully well to remove asthma at the root. These medicines set off the body’s own restorative processes, mainly strengthening its natural healing system to make it strong enough to fight the condition. In case asthma is allergic in origin, Homeopathic medicines start by treating the allergies causing the asthma to completely uproot the disease. Homeopathic medicines are natural, safe and free from any adverse side-effects. They can be prescribed to people of all age groups. Top listed Homeopathic medicines for asthma include Arsenic Album, Antimonium Tart, Spongia Tosta, Ipecac and Drosera Rotundifolia.
Homeopathic Medicines for Asthma
Ipecac and Sambucus Nigra –
 Best Homeopathic medicines for asthma in children
Ipecac and Sambucus Nigra are wonderful Homeopathic medicines for treating asthma in children. Ipecac works well when there is excessive cough with mucus rales in chest. The cough is accompanied by suffocation, shortness of breath and gasping for air. The child may become blue and stiff during the asthma attack. Homeopathic medicine Sambucus Nigra is indicated for night asthma episodes in children. A child in need of Sambucus Nigra wakes up suddenly at night, with cough and suffocation.
Arsenic Album –
 One of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for asthma
Arsenic Album is one of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for asthma. The symptoms indicative of use Arsenic Album are suffocative cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Asthma that gets worse around midnight is also treated well with this medicine. Another important guiding feature for using Arsenic Album is asthma that alternatives with skin rash or eczema.
Antimonium Tartaricum

 is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for asthma with excessive, rattling cough. The cough is loose, rattling and the lungs feel full of mucus. Mucus from the lungs is raised with much difficulty. Respiration is rapid and difficult. Excessive suffocation is observed. The suffocation worsens on lying down, with a need to sit up.
Dulcamara and Natrum Sulphuricum – 
Top Homeopathic medicines for asthma triggered in damp weather
Dulcamara and Natrum Sulphuricum are very useful Homeopathic medicines for asthma in damp weather. Among them, Dulcamara is the best prescription for loose, rattling asthmatic cough in damp weather where the person has to cough a long time to expel phlegm. Natrum Sulphuricum is the most helpful Homeopathic medicine where cough with thick, ropy, green phlegm is present. Natrum Sulphuricum also works well where the asthma worsens around 4 am and 5 am. Natrum Sulphuricum is also among the top grade Homeopathic medicines for treating asthma in children.
Nux Vomica – Well indicated Homeopathic medicines for asthma in winter
Nux Vomica is a prominent Homeopathic medicine for asthma in winter. Cough with wheezing and oppressed breathing arise in cold weather. The cough may be prominently dry in the evening and night time, but loose with expectoration during the day. Suffocative asthma attacks after midnight are also best treated with Nux Vomica. Nux Vomica is also of great help in gastric asthma.
Blatta Orientalis and Bromium –
 Significant Homeopathic medicines for asthma triggered by dust exposure
Both Blatta Orientalis and Bromium are significant Homeopathic medicines for asthma triggered by exposure to dust. Blatta Orientalis is prescribed for cough with difficult respiration and pus-like mucus. Homeopathic medicine Bromium is selected when there is cough with rattling of mucus, suffocation and difficulty in breathing after exposure to dust.
Lobelia Inflata –
 Useful Homeopathic medicine for asthma in smokers
Lobelia Inflata is a very useful Homeopathic medicine for treating asthma in smokers. The person needing Lobelia Inflata has difficult, short respiration with cough. He complains of oppressed feeling in the chest. He feels like there’s a lump in the throat. Few persons who need Homeopathic medicine Lobelia Inflata also complain of a burning sensation in the chest.
Carbo Veg and Senega –
 Top rated Homeopathic medicines for asthma in elderly
Carbo Veg and Senega show the most amazing results in asthma in aged people. Carbo Veg is prescribed in case of cough with burning pain in the chest. Expectoration is present in the morning. The phlegm is mainly yellow or pus-like and has sour, salty or putrid taste. The cough gets worse in the evening. There is frequent need to take deep breaths. Wheezing and rattling of mucus are also prominent. Carbo Vg is also the medicine to use where the cough worsens as one goes from a warm place to a cold place. It is also the medicine to go to for treating asthma that worsens with acidity or flatulency. Homeopathic medicine Senega is considered where there is difficulty in raising mucus from the chest. The mucus is tough and profuse. Oppression, weight and soreness are felt in the chest.
Drosera Rotundifolia and Coccus Cacti – Homeopathic medicines for cough variant asthma
Homeopathic medicines Drosera Rotundifolia and Coccus Cacti gives wonderful results in cough variant asthma. The features guiding use of Drosera Rotundifolia are dry and highly irritating cough. The paroxysms of cough follow each other rapidly. Talking may worsen the cough. Rough, scraping sensation in the throat may attend. Drosera Rotundifolia is also the Homeopathic medicine to prescribe for nocturnal cough. Homeopathic medicine Coccus Cacti is indicated where cough with much suffocation and strangling sensation in the throat predominates. Coccus Cacti also works well for spasmodic cough that ends in vomiting.

Aconite Napellus –
 Recognised Homeopathic medicine for asthma that worsens with cold air
For asthma that worsens with cold air, Aconite Napellus is an excellent Homeopathic medicine. Coughing starts soon after exposure to cold air, with whistling sound in the chest. Whistling is mainly present during inspiration. Shortness of breath and chest oppression is also felt.
Spongia Tosta –
 Wonderful Homeopathic medicine for asthma with dry cough
Spongia Tosta is a wonderful Homeopathic medicine for asthma with dry cough. The cough in this case can be deep, barking, hacking type. The cough is attended with extreme dryness of all the air passages. Along with dry cough, whistling from the chest on inspiration is noted. Respiration is also difficult. In most cases, warm drinks bring relief from the cough.
Antimonium Tartaricum – Excellent among Homeopathic medicines for asthma with excessive, rattling cough


Top 10 homeopathic medicines for eye diseases

  Image result for homeopathic medicines for eye diseases
Eyes are the doorway to one’s soul! Eyes reflect mind, eyes reflect psyche, and eyes reflect HEALTH! No wonder homeopathy that caters effectively the ‘mind’ of an individual has lot to offer in problems of eyes. Eye is certainly one of the most delicate organs of the body and therefore, caring for eyes has to be done by an expert homeopath. A homeopath might want to consult an ophthalmologist to rule out certain critical eye problems before proceeding for the treatment. But here one should remember that while treating homeopathically, we should not give much importance to the diagnostic name of the eye problem but its signs and symptoms that point us to the accurate remedy.
There are hoards of homeopathic remedies useful in the treatment of various eye problems. However, one must remember that for constitutional eye problems like cataract, glaucoma, recurrent blepharitis or conjunctivitis, corneal opacities, and/or recurrent styes, one must go for constitutional prescribing after carefully considering the physical, mental, and emotional characteristic of the individual; then only it is possible to impart perfect cure! But one must be acquainted with certain remedies that specifically render beautiful results in varied eye problems so that they can be used for acute prescribing as well.
Here is the list of top 10 homeopathic remedies for eye problems—
1 Spigelia-
- Neuralgic eye pains
- Pressing pains in eyes on turning them
- Extreme photophobia
- Rheumatic ophthalmia
- Pains in and around eyes feel as if extending deep into the socket
- Eyes feel too large
- Very sensitive to touch
- Worse from touch, jar, noise
- Better by lying with head high
- Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis
- Eyes water all the time with inclination to blink frequently
- Acrid burning eye discharge that corrodes the margins of the lids
- Corneal opacities with thick discharges that burn
- Blistery cornea
- One of the great remedies for rheumatic iritis that may be associated with partial ptosis
- Almost always associated with bland and watery coryza
- Swelling of the lids with burning, which feels better when in open air
- Worse in the evening, indoors, light, warmth
- Better open air, coffee, dark
- Must be compared with Allium cepa while dealing with allergic rhinitis associated with conjunctivitis. In Allium cepa, eye discharges are bland and coryza is acrid.
- Eye-strain headaches
- Red hot eyes with pain in eyes
- Especially associated with sewing or reading fine print
- Accommodation of vision disturbed
- Weariness in eyes with headache
- Excessive lassitude associated with eye troubles
- Bruised, pressure feeling over the eyes
- Compare with Natrum mur, Argentum nitricum
- Pulsatilla is one of the most invaluable homeopathic medicines for eye troubles.
- Bland thick greenish eye discharges call for it
- Associated with itching and burning sensation
- Recurrent styes invariably need a dose of Pulsatilla during the course
- Inflamed agglutinated eye-lids
- Sub-acute eye complaints in venous constitutions
- Sub-acute conjunctivitis associated with dyspepsia
- Veins of fundus oculi enlarged
- All complaints are worse in warm room and better when in open air
5.Apis mellifica-
- Swollen, edematous lids that burn and itch
- Bright red puffy conjunctiva
- Prevents recurrence of styes
- Pain around orbits with serous exudates
- Swelling below the lower lid (upper lid- Kali carb)
- May be associated with urinary problem
- Worse heat, touch, pressure, right side
- Better cold washing, open air
6 Agaricus-
- Double-vision with flickering before the eyes
- Twitching of lids and eyeballs
- Neuralgic eye pains
- Letters seem to move or swim while reading
- Agglutinated margins of lids with burning pains with red inner canthi
- Eye troubles associated with vertigo and icy cold head
- Worse open cold air
7. Merc sol-
- Syphilitic eye troubles
- Thick, red, swollen lids
- Profuse burning acrid eye discharges
- Floaters
- Eye trouble that starts after exposure to the glare of fire etc
- Iritis with thick corroding discharges
- Extremely offensive eye discharges
- Boils in and around eyes with yellow fetid pus
- Worse at night, wet damp weather, warmth
8 Silica-
- Day-light produces sharp pains through the eyes
- Tenderness of eyes worse when closed or pressured
- Suppuration in the anterior chamber of the eye, iritis
- Confused sort of vision where letter run together while reading
- Lachrymal duct affections
- Has potential to clear corneal opacities when homeopathically indicated
- Cataract in office workers
- Worse new moon, cold
- Better warmth
9. Ambrosia-
- Allergic eye problems
- Intolerable itching of lids
- Smarting and burning in eyes with watery coryza and nosebleed
- Wheezy cough almost always present with eye problems
- Compare with Sabadilla, Arundo
10 .Hepar sulph-
- Corneal ulcers
- Suppurative eye troubles, iritis with pus in anterior chamber
- Conjunctivitis with purulent discharges
- Red and inflamed lids and conjunctivae
- Pain in orbits
- Soreness is marked in eyeballs
- Objects appear red and enlarged
- Half-reduced field of vision
- Styes with pain and suppuration
- Worse exposure to draft of cold, touch
- Better warmth, wrapping up head


Ear ringing buzzing tinnitus natural and homeopathic remedies


HIGH URIC ACID LEVEL IN BLOOD and Homeopathic medicines

A high uric acid level, or hyperuricemia, is an excess of uric acid in your blood. Uric acid is produced during the breakdown of purines, which are found in certain foods and are also formed by your body.
Once produced, uric acid is carried in your blood and passes through your kidneys, where most of it is filtered out into the urine.
About one in five people has a high uric acid level. It may be related to attacks of gout or the development of kidney stones. But most people with high uric acid levels don't have any symptoms or related problems.
Most of the time, a high uric acid level occurs when your kidneys don't eliminate uric acid efficiently. Things that may cause this slow-down in the removal of uric acid include rich foods, being overweight, having diabetes, taking certain diuretics (sometimes called water pills) and drinking too much alcohol. Other less common causes are a diet high in purine-containing items or your body producing too much uric acid.
Factors that may cause a high uric acid level in your blood include:
· Diuretic medications (water pills)
· Drinking too much alcohol
· Genetics (inherited tendencies)
· Hypothyroidism
· Immune-suppressing drugs
· Niacin, or vitamin B-3
Immune-suppressing drugs
Niacin, or vitamin B-3
Purine-rich diet — 
liver, game meat, anchovies, sardines, gravy, dried beans and peas, mushrooms, and other foods
Renal insufficiency — inability of the kidneys to filter waste
Tumorlysis syndrome — a rapid release of cells into the blood caused by certain cancers or by chemotherapy for those cancers
Also, you may be monitored for high uric acid levels when undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer.
Having a high uric acid level is not a disease or a condition that necessarily needs to be treated or searched for in the absence of other symptoms. But if you have an attack of gout or have a certain type of kidney stone, your doctor may check for high levels of uric acid.
Homeopathic remedies give excellent cure for high uric acid levels in blood and gout associated with this. Homoeopathic medicines helps the proper metabolism of purines, a type of protein which ends up uric acid after the body processes it. These medicines promotes the elimination of uric acid.
LEDUM PAL 200- It is one of the most indicated remedies in treating cases of high uric acid levels. The main feature of these cases is that, the pains shift from downwards to upwards.Patient feels chilly , yet he does not like to be covered as his pains are better by cold. Ledum pal is indicated when the high levels of uric acid in blood may result in its crystals being deposited in the joint spaces. The first attack of pain could be triggered after the person has partied the previous night, especially after consuming meat and alcohol. This is a typical presenting feature after which the investigations reveal that indeed the uric acid levels are higher than normal.
Colchicum is one of the most indicated remedy in raised uric acid levels. This is specially indicated in cases where high uric acid levels give rise to onset of gout.It has a specific power for relieving gouty attacks. There may be a sharp pain in the great toe. The affected parts are red, swollen and very hot to touch. There could be great sensitivity to touch on account of extreme pain. Tearing pains could be more intense in the evening and night. Slightest effort to move the legs gives rise to a sharp, shooting and unbearable tearing pain in the big toe. There may be difficulty to walk on account of pain.Edematous swelling of legs and feet
It is also a well indicated remedy in treating high uric acid levels. It is more suited in chronic cases where the deformities and contractures set in. Guaiacum is very well indicated when there is intolerance to heat in any form. Rheumatic pain in hands , arms and shoulders. Gouty pains tearing and lancinating , worse from motion , heat , cold wet weather , touch and pressure, from 6pm to 4 am. Better by external pressure.The affected joints may be extremely hot to touch. Guaiacum may be given when there is a bad smell from the body. In some cases, it could be given in very acute cases as well. The affected limb is painful, stiff and immobile

Berberis vulgaris and Lycopodium are excellent remedies for high uric acid with gout symptoms where stones form in kidneys.Berberis vul. Is effective when stones form in left kidney, but Lycopodium in the right kiney. There is joint pain, swelling and tenderness. These remedies lower the uric acid levels , also dissolve the stones .

Lithium carb is a good remedy in treating raised uric acid levels. The high levels of uric acid give rise to an unusual stiffness all over the body. Another peculiar feature is itching all over the skin of the joints. The pains are relieved by pouring hot water. Uric acid may get deposited in the joint spaces to give rise to nodosities which can be felt externally also. The nodes may also be felt in the finger joints and in some severe cases, they may be felt in the ear pinna.
It is an excellent remedy for for high uric acid levels. This medicine is more indicated when the urinary symptoms are more marked. The uric acid crystals may be deposited in the kidneys or the urinary tract giving rise to stones. On examination, the urine may show very high levels of uric acid. The color of urine may also keep changing from dark brown to pale yellow and smells like urine of a horse.. Benzoic acid may also be indicated when there are joint complaints as well. There may be a crackling sensation in the joints. The great toe may be swollen and may give rise to difficulty in walking or even moving the limb.
Urtica urens is an excellent remedy for acute gout with high uric acid levels. Gout accompanied with thick urine. Urtic aurens promotes the elimination of uric acid . Give 5 drops of mother tincture every 3 hours.


What are some home remedies for the flu?

*It is important to sleep eight hours every night to make the immune system stronger, notes WebMD. Plenty of rest is necessary because it is a way for the body to suppress infection. Other home remedies include using lozenges, cough drops and hard candy to ease sore throat and cough symptoms. Gargling with salt water and using nasal rinses also help fight symptoms of the flu.
Here are10 natural remedies for the flu:
*Cinnamon can help with congestion by stirring 1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder into hot herbal tea. Drink up. The flu can leave you dehydrated, especially if have vomiting or diarrhea. So be sure to get enough fluids. Water is fine. So are fruit juices and electrolyte beverages. You may want to stay away from caffeinated drinks, because caffeine is a diuretic. Herbal tea with honey can soothe a sore throat. If you feel nauseated, try taking small sips of liquids -- gulps might cause you to throw up. How can you be sure you’re getting enough fluid? Your urine should be pale yellow, almost colorless.
*How about drinking alcohol? No way. “When you have the flu, the last thing you want to do is drink alcohol,” says William Schaffner, MD, chairman of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tenn. “It makes you sleepy, and flu does that already.”
Sip some soup. For generations, caring parents have been serving chicken soup to kids with colds and flu. But was mom right? Possibly. A study published in the journal Chest showed that chicken soup may help with symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections like the flu.
*Try thyme! 
Thyme is great when the mucous membranes are stuffed, the head aches, and the body is hot with fever. Cup your hands around a mug of thyme tea and breath in the steam. Make thyme tea by adding 1 teaspoon dried thyme leaves to 1 cup boiling water. Let steep for five minutes while inhaling the steam. Strain the tea, sweeten with honey and slowly sip. Please note: honey is not intended for use by children under 12 months of age.“I believe that chicken soup does help with symptoms,” says Reid B. Blackwelder, MD, professor of family medicine at East Tennessee State University in Kingsport. But not all doctors agree that chemistry alone explains the soup’s apparent benefits. “When you lean over a bowl of hot chicken soup and the vapor gets up your nose, you feel better,” Schaffner says. “But some [of the benefit] is clearly emotional. It just makes you feel better having someone make soup for you.”
*Be a couch 
potato. Listen to your body. If it’s telling you not to exercise, don’t. If it’s urging you to spend all day in bed, do. Don't press on with daily chores even in the face of severe cold or flu symptoms. Rest is “another way of supporting the body’s ability to fight infection,” Blackwelder say
And don’t skimp on nighttime sleep. “Good sleep cycles help the immune system work well, so it’s important to get your full eight hours of sleepeach night,” Schaffner says
Peppermint tea is laced with nutrients that help the body fight off illness. It also can act as an expectorant, helping the body to cough up mucous.
*Be a sucker. 
Cough drops, throat lozenges, and hard candy can be surprisingly effective at easing a cough or sore throat. Some doctors, including Kiefer, swear by lozenges containing slippery elm. Others recommend zinc lozenges to help shorten cold symptoms, though Schaffner is not convinced of their effectiveness. “If there is an effect [against coldsand flu], it’s a small one,” he says. “I wish their effect were as good as their taste is bad.”
Breathing moist air helps ease nasal congestion and sore throat pain. One good strategy is to indulge in a steamy shower several times a day -- or just turn on the shower and sit in the bathroom for a few minutes, inhaling the steam. Another is to use a steam vaporizer or a humidifier. Clean it often to make sure it’s free of mold and mildew.
Try a warm compress. On the forehead and nose, a warm cloth is a great way to relieve headache or sinus pain
*Swish and spit. 
Gargling with salt water helps get rid of the thick mucus that can collect at the back of the throat, especially after you've been lying down. It can also help ease stuffy ears, Kiefer says.
*Make a tent. Need a quick way to open clogged airways? Bring a pot of water to a boil and remove it from the heat. Drape a towel over your head, close your eyes, and lean over the water under the “tent,” breathing deeply through your nose for 30 seconds. David Kiefer, MD, clinical instructor of family medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, recommends adding a drop or two of peppermint or eucalyptus oil to the water for extra phlegm-busting power. Repeat this as often as necessary to ease congestion.
*Line up a caregiver. 
A caregiver can’t lower your temperature or cure a sore throat, but “having someone to tuck you into bed and bring you fluids is very comforting,” says Blackwelder. If a friend or family member offers to help, even if it’s only to stop by and check in on you, count your blessings -- and take them up on it.
*Try nasal irrigation. 
To ease stuffiness and post-nasal drip -- and perhaps cut the risk of getting a sinus infection -- some doctors recommend nasal irrigation. You can buy a neti pot in health food stores and drugstores, or opt for a saline squeeze bottle. You pour salt water into one nostril and let it run out the other, clearing out your nasal passages. You can buy pre-made saline solution or make it by mixing salt and lukewarm sterile or distilled water.
*Take lots of Vitamin C to boost immune system and increase the number of white blood cells.


What should you eat when you have the flu?

Image result for food in flu
WebMD reports that citrus fruits contain flavonoids, which are powerful agents that boosts the immune system. Flavonoids are also found in grapefruit, lemons, oranges and limes. Glutathione is another agent that invigorates the immune system, and it is found in the reddish pulp of watermelons and in broccoli, kale, collard greens and cabbage.
WebMD claims that zinc is another crucial agent that strengthens the immune system. Beans, nuts, poultry and meats all contain zinc. Other protein sources, such as fish and meats, contain vitamin B12. Whole grains are also loaded with zinc, and whole-grain spaghetti and brown rice are good foods to consider. WebMD notes that vitamin B6 is also necessary to fight the flu, and foods with Vitamin B6 include turkey, spinach and enriched cereal.
Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene that helps the body build white blood cells for the body, and those with the flu should eat them in baked or mashed form. Garlic that is freshly crushed contains allicin, an active compound that targets viruses. Cayenne pepper clears the nasal passages and thins the mucus.



HC rules in favour of electropathy practice

HC rules in favour of electropathy practice TNN | Mar 31, 2013, 03.00 AM IST
KOCHI: Police should not disturb registered practitioners of electropathy unless a crime is committed due to its practice or any law is infringed, the Kerala high court has ordered.
Electropathy or electro-homeopathy, classified as alternative medicine, is a derivative of homeopathy that relies on remedies from non-poisonous plants. A division bench of Justices K M Joseph and K Ramakrishnan gave the order on a petition filed by an electropathy practitioner, K P Ismayil of Valanchery in Malappuram.
The petition said though electropathy was recognized by the government and Ismayil was a registered practitioner, the Valenchery PSI was frequently summoning him to the station and harassing him. The petitioner also produced copies of two orders from the Union ministry of health and family welfare recognizing electropathy and copies of five HC judgments clarifying electropathy was not banned.
L"If the petitioner continues with the practice of electropathy/electro-homeopathy without infringing on any other provisions of law, the police shall not interfere with the same. Unless the petitioner commits some cognizable offence by practising electropathy/electro-homeopathy, the police have no 

power or authority to interfere with his practice or summon him to the police station with a view to preventing his practice of electropathy/electro-homeopathy," the court ordered.
It held the state or its agents shall not meddle in the petitioner's practice of electropathy/electro-homeopathy. However, the petitioner shall not use designations like 'doctor', etc. and he shall not practise modern medicine, homeopathy or any of the Indian systems of medicine. He shall not act in violation of the provisions of the Kerala Abkari Act or Drugs and Cosmetics Act or other relevant acts or rules, the judgment said.

Home Remedies for Enlarged Prostate

Education & practice of electropathy

Education & practice of electropathy

Shardul Nautiyal, Mumbai
Monday, May 19, 2014, 08:00 Hrs [IST]
Even though the Union health ministry has clarified time and again that electropathy is not recognised as a system of medicine, over 2 lakh electropathy practitioners are a part of this system in the country and over 150 colleges across the country are offering courses in electropathy, it is learnt.
Electropathy is a derivative of homoeopathy that relies on remedies from non-poisonous plants. Over 150 colleges across the country are offering courses in electropathy, with the most widely pursued one being Bachelor of Electropathy Medicine and Surgery (BEMS), which has a course duration of four and a half years.
The Union health ministry has recently clarified in response to an RTI application filed by health advocacy group Chikitsasansar Trust that electropathy is not recognised as a system of medicine because the ministry does not support its clinical practice by any person as the concerned Bill is still under consideration of Indian Parliament.
In its RTI application, filed on April 7, 2014, the Chikitsasansar Trust has contested that absence of any government regulation has led to widespread quackery across the country.
While contesting the issue of recognition of electro homoeopathy which has come up before various high courts, its practitioners say that no law has banned its practice and they are entitled to engage in a profession as guaranteed by the Constitution. The right of Electro Homoeopathic Practitioners are well protected under article 19(1)(g) of Constitution of India.
Informs Ashok Khandelwal from Chikitsasansar Trust," There are over 2 lakh electropaths working in an unregulated manner because there is no Act in place. As such it does not come under the purview of either of the central or state government's medical Act. This can have a bearing on the patient safety as quacks are practicing it in several villages of the country. The recognition of this system is under consideration in Parliament in the form of a bill since 2005."
According to a notification 14015/25/96-U&H (R) (pt), electro homoeopathic practitioner is not permitted to practice but the notification was challenged through a writ petition filed in 2008 in the Punjab and Haryana High court and the verdict was that practice of Electropathy/Electro homoeopathy is not prohibited in any state of India.
For practicing modern medicine or any other Indian system of medicine like Ayurveda/Unani systems of medicine, registration is required under Medical Council Act. For getting these registrations, the applicants should also possess the prescribed qualifications also. But electro homoeopathy is an entirely different system of medicine. Its practice is not controlled by any state in India. It is not prohibited by any law also. Therefore, the petitioners have a fundamental right under article (19) (1) (g) of the constitution of India to proceed with the practice of the electro homoeopathy. Doctors can practice electro homoeopathy by settled law of the Government of India which means law allowed.
Supreme Court of India and Medical Council of India have declared on February 14, 2003 that those who are having Community Medical Science Certificate (CMS) or Rural medical practitioner (RMP) can do Practice on 42 drug groups of life saving drugs in Allopath. Metropolitan Session Court Secunderabad recognised the Electro Homoeopathy Practice on 16 May 2001.The court also ordered that “Any council in India has no right to interfere in the Practice." Metropolitan Court, Secunderabad recognised the practice of electro homoeopathy on October 23, 2000.
Calcutta High Court recognised the electro homoeopathy on May 7, 1999. High Court of Jabalpur recognised the electro homoeopathy practice on March 19, 1999. Madras High Court on June 9 1998 had given the Judgment regarding using the word Doctor before the name that, “Those who are practicing electro homoeopathy system of medicine has right to ‘USE’ the word “DOCTOR” before the name, by representing the symbol of “EH” (electro homoeopathic).



Gluten free diet for celiac disease patients

Some of the Healthiest Gluten-Free Foods Include:
Fruits and vegetables: 
Fruits and vegetables are the cornerstone of any healthy diet and are naturally gluten-free. They provide valuable essential nutrients, fiber and antioxidants to raise immune function.
Lean proteins: 
These provide protein, omega-3 fats and minerals that fight malnutrition and inflammation. Sources include cage-free eggs, fish (wild-caught), pasture-raised poultry, grass-fed beef, organ meats, and other protein foods and omega-3 foods.
Healthy fats: 
Sources include ghee or butter, avocado, virgin coconut, grapeseed, virgin olive, flaxseed, avocado, hemp and pumpkin oils.
Nuts and seeds: 
Good sources of healthy fats, fiber, omega-3 fats and minerals, almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, hemp, chia seeds, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower are all good options.
Dairy (organic and raw is best): 
Good source of electrolytes like calcium and potassium, healthy fats and protein, sources include goat milk or yogurt, other fermented yogurts, goat or sheep cheese, and raw milk from A2 cows.
Legumes, beans and gluten-free whole grains:
 These include all beans, wild or brown rice, gluten-free oats, buckwheat, quinoa, teff and amaranth. It’s a good idea to properly prepare beans and grains (especially types that contain gluten) by soaking, sprouting and fermenting them. Sprouting them helps improve nutrient bioavailability, reduces the presence of antinutrients that can cause digestive issues and makes proteins more digestible. (3)
Gluten-free flours: 
These include baking flours such as brown rice flour, potato or corn meal, quinoa flour, almond flour, coconut flour, chickpea flour, tapioca flour/starch, cassava and other gluten-free blends. Always purchase products certified as gluten-free to be safe.
Bone broth: Great source of collagen, glucosamine and amino acids that help repair the GI tract.
Gluten-free alcohol: Sources include most (but not all) wines or hard liquors.
Other gluten-free condiments, spices and herbs: 
This includes real sea salt, cocoa, apple cider vinegar, fresh herbs and spices (labeled gluten-free), raw honey and organic stevia